Sonja K. near Big Ben...

Suzanne, Emily, Sonja, and I...we had said goodbye to their sisters in Norway, and spend some hours exploring London...
We walked. And we walked. 8.98 miles, we walked.
And we sat and rested. Em had a handy dandy guide book with a good map in it. I wanted to make sure she knew where we were going, so we didn't backtrack or go in circles. After walking over five miles around Oslo just the day before, my knees were protesting as the rest of me rejoiced in seeing so many splendid sights.

Sonja and Emily...
This is the tea shop where we bought a cute little canister of tea for Kathryn.

We went to the palace and the Queen didn't so much as look out the window to say hello. The guards with their funny hats are hard to take seriously.
With Suzanne on the train...
And, that's all I can say for now, life keeps happening, and Evelyn is sick at school, so off I go to brush my tangly hair and go pick her up...Camille has the flu, so I'm not surprised...
It's so funny to see you in London! I wish I had been able to come and say hello to you all but it just wasn't possible for me to get there that day. The whole trip looks amazing, you are so adventurous with all your travelling. I wish I was as intrepid as you! Hope everyone soon recovers from the nasty flu bug. Thank you so much for all your regular posting, I'm an avid reader of all your posts. Take care love Blods xxx
I lived and worked in London for a year before I came to Canada. I loved it there.......so much to do. I'm so glad you had a nice little visit. Your feet must have been ready to fall off with all that walking! The whole trip sounds amazing and one you and your girls will treasure forever 🤗
Marilyn from Canada
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