summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, June 26, 2022

in which she disappears, then returns...

 So Lake Ontario didn't disappoint, once again.  Paul and I took the two pups for a three night getaway.  Our site was right across the beach.  We were just steps away from white sand, and warm clear water.  This pic below shows Miss Suri, all tired out, lying like a good girl...she was tied up, as required in the campground.

My morning coffee with a view...
The sunset from our campfire...

Such nice water for swimming, cool and refreshing but quite warm.
Miss Ophelia, our granddaughter (Molly and Josh's two year old) came for a visit!
Molly Rose and Ophelia....
Suri and Sunny got so tired out from running and swimming to chase the stick.
Suri would roll in the sand...cinnamon donut dog.

They would get so tired, they were just ANGELS in the tent...we brought a nice shag rug for them to sleep on, it caught a lot of the we had a brush with us, to brush some of the sand off them...
Sunset from the campfire...
That sunset glow!
So relaxing.
Miss Sunny...
You know me, I LOVE the sun....

We got lots of exercise, between running in the water with the dogs, walking all the way to the bathhouse several times a day, and one of the days we went into Sacketts Harbor...
Just one pic of the old battlefield, War of 1812...
Paul with the pups on the harbor...
They weren't too bad, walking through the town....we stopped at a little coffee shop for iced coffees, and even bought home baked treats for the pups.  We avoided the scrumptious baked goods, oh they were tempting.
They settled in nicely.  Sunny would bark at passing dogs sometimes, but didn't care at all about the kids running around or anyone else either, just dogs.  Suri didn't care about anyone or any dogs, she just chilled, enjoyed the scenery.  They were lots of fun.
It was a good campsite, and it was actually hard to leave.  Usually after three nights of tent camping, one would be ready to go home.  But we had perfect weather, and the new tent worked out nicely.  It's big enough that we had room for our air mattresses and the pups had plenty of room.  After having leg cramps in the night last year (and the year before!), and not even having enough room to stand up and stretch, not to mention the lack of head room, couldn't stand fully up, thought I would trip and fall when trying to wrestle myself into my granny bathing this tent does make life easier (money  =   happiness, ha). 

That's the old cookstove, had it for years, and the new table top grill...

Anyway, we're home, and tonight we're babysitting for Wulf, Tennyson, and Grant while their parents go to a barbecue...bye for now!


Mari said...

What a beautiful place for a getaway. The battlefield looks interesting also.

Terri D said...

Ophelia is beautiful!! What a pretty place!! Enjoy those kiddos!! I know you do. Have a blessed week!

Billie Jo said...

Looks lovely! You are the happiest person! Glad you two could get away. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back online:) Glad you had a nice time away. The campsite looks lovely 😍

My Shasta Home said...

The camping space looks nice. Looks like you had fun. Thanks for stopping by my blog. God bless

Unknown said...

Hi Della �� It looks just beautiful by the lake, and the dogs thought so too! I’m sure they were in doggy heaven!! I have to say it really looks heavenly �� It looks like your new tent worked well too. Little Ophelia is such a dolly, isn’t she? So adorable. How is your wrist doing? I hope with resting it is getting better.


Marilyn from Canada ����