summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, August 29, 2024

it's still summer!


Miss Sunny knows we're packing to go camping, she keeps a close eye on us coming and going out the door, afraid somehow she'll get left behind.  Even Suri, who can barely do the stairs, has been huffing up and down, following us as we pack the camper and truck.  We try to sneak, because it's sad.  (my son-in-law asked yesterday, on the family chat, who's going first, Suri or in GOING.  I said maybe we'll join paws and hobble over the rainbow bridge together...). In any case, I feel her pain.
The itty bitty camper that brings me so much joy, I am just in love with it.  The beds pop out in the front and back, making it seem roomier inside.  The best part is there's a bathroom!  No more heaving myself up off an air mattress in the morning and limping as fast as my little legs can carry me to the bathhouse.  Middle of the night?  not a huge-0 deal anymore!  It's the little things...also, just turning on the kettle in the morning and making that first cup of coffee, ahhh.  There's also a refrigerator that runs on propane, so no more messing with coolers and ice.  It's kind of like playing house, I just love it.  

I promised myself I wouldn't start having wandering camper eyes, the ones that see newer nicer ones and sigh...nope, I am happy with ours, and will do everything I can to take good care of it so it lasts us for years.  

The maple tree has an inkling that summer is on it's way out...dang.
Still smiling...super excited about going camping, even though no kids are coming with us.  They all have big weekend plans, a Labor day youth conference, but Molly and Josh might come to visit us, hope so.  

Ah well....Paul is antsy to get going, but we're not supposed to check in until three, and it's less than two hours away.  (aren't we lucky, the eastern shore of Lake Ontario so close?  The southern shore is only half hour!). He is gone to our water jugs with town water, much less iron-y than our well water, we use it for coffee so we don't ruin the kettle and espresso machine.  The dogs are fit to be tied, can't settle, know something's going on, Suri is doing her nervous panting thing.  I tell you, our camper is nice, but put two Labradors in it, and it gets small fast.  We won't have electricity this time, so no air conditioning running...hope it doesn't rain too much, so we can have it all open and unzipped...because wet dogs who swim in the lake, ugh.  But it's okay. :)

I didn't sleep too well last night, woke up like twenty times, but I was able to fall back to sleep.  Heartburn from the cauliflower crust pizza from Aldi, which is delicious btw.  I added more pepperoni and fresh basil, yum.  I also air fried some fresh chicken breast chunks, dipped them in sauce, mmm.  Camille made a homemade pizza, pepperoni with hot honey.  Anyway, I think the steroid shots may have made me restless.  My heart was certainly beating a bit harder in the evening, but it is fine now.  

My knees do feel a bit better today, and what a good time to get the injections, before camping!  I want to be able to go on walks and enjoy it!  If you can walk without pain, take a minute and thank the good Lord!  Thank Him even if you can't, though, because life itself is a gift.  We ALL have trials and tribulations, tests and difficult times!  It's easy to be thankful when things are going well, but when we understand that God only wants our best, and He sends things for our best, to test our faith, then we can have peace even when we don't understand it.  

Okay, enough blathering for now...I am not bringing the laptop with me, so no blogging until at least Sunday or Monday...but I'll be making cupcakes Sunday, because Monday is Tennyson's fourth birthday party here at our house, and I am very excited!  There will be no silence that day, ha!  Have a really nice weekend!


Anonymous said...

Have a nice weekend, Della! Hope the shots help!

Daniela said...

Have a blessed weekend! Have a nice vacation by the lake! Hugs from Romania!

Marilyn said...

Hello Della!

I hope you are having a marvellous weekend camping! We are having fun with our company. We went out to the mountains where we always see at least one bear, moose or some other mountain species and all we saw was a wild turkey and a coyote having a poop!!! THAT WAS IT!! We left the house at 6.30am for that!!! We did go to Lake Louise and Banff though, which are beautiful. Anyway!!

I can’t believe Tennyson is 4!!! Little Tenny!! My goodness. Happy Birthday to him. I hope his party is lots of fun.

Have a great day😊

Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦