Winter, it's just not funny anymore! This fine morning, it was seven degrees when I got out of bed. -13.89c. That is pretty cold. My car windows were frozen, but I went to the pool. The roads were nice and clear, so there is that. The pool felt amazing, very thankful for water aerobics.
Home....ahh, home. Camille and I headed to the small city on Lake Ontario to go to the Amazon return store, to exchange an espresso machine and return a cupcake stand that came without the hardware. It was Dollar Bin day, but we didn't find anything fun and exciting. We did see some fun friends in there, Mr. Grant, Miss Ruth, and Miss Maeve with their mama Grace. It was so nice to see them! We did go in the grocery store for a few steaks for Valentine's Day, a gallon of milk, and some eggs for almost five dollars a dozen.
We stopped and visited Margaret for a few minutes, hugged those kids, then headed home again. We rearranged the tables and vacuumed, did some dishes and cleaned up the house, and then..not so much. Evelyn Joy came over for a visit and to leave Mr. Newton here, tried on her wedding dress for us, as she just picked it up from the tailoring guy. (It's beautiful!).
Some cut out cookies for our activity club Valentine's party, I made buttercream frosting, and brought a can of chocolate frosting, and lots of candies (dye free from Trader Joe's), so the kids could decorate them. They made cards and did crafts and had snacks and played games and ran wild.Mr. Newton...small guy with a big attitude. Sam said Newton has one of those circus mirrors at home that makes him look huge when he looks in it, so he thinks he's big. We are dog-sitting him right now and he will not stop trying to boss Sunny around, so on and on it goes, they just keep play fighting.
We had Wulf and Tennyson over night from Monday until Tuesday night. They went to bed like champs, and woke up all happy, wanting their waffles. They know I have a bowl waffle maker and a regular one that makes heart shaped waffles, so they wanted both. I always add brown sugar and vanilla to the waffles, makes them yummy. They eat them with whipped cream and strawberries, and no syrup.
I don't really mind winter, by the way. I don't like when it's all slippery out though, and I walk like an even older lady than usual. I don't mind being inside with the fake fireplace, but being chilly gets old. We keep the heat low, it's usually 65 in here. Propane is super expensive, and it's been so cold this winter, the bills are high, so we bundle. I wear my Bombas (sock-like slippers, I don't like clunky slippers with rigid soles), sweatpants, and usually a sweater. As soon as I start doing housework the sweater comes off. Hot tea in the evening is nice too. We're getting more snow this weekend. Imagine that.
Wedding season is upon our household again...two daughters getting married in May! Two wedding showers coming up, it's all so fun and exciting. Valerie, I haven't been able to find that dress you tried so hard to show me, dang. I have ordered two from Kohl's that I will try on and perhaps return. One of the ladies in the pool suggested I go to Macy's...trying on clothes is so disheartening, we see ourselves so critically. I don't care if I look wonderful or not, I just want to be comfortable...and not look horrid. I don't want to lean over and fall out of my dress either. It has to be modest.
Ah have a good night and stay warm!
JJ's has some incredibly beautiful dresses! Hope you find something!
Kristine the Kanadiangirl
I agree with you! We are having another winter storm right now and everything is closed, roads are bad! I'm ready for Spring!
But Spring will be here soon and so will those weddings. I feel your pain on finding dresses for them. Just wondering if you considered looking online. I like BloomChic They usually have a lot of dresses. They are reasonable priced and if they don't work you can send them back. I got a dress from them when we were Master and Mistress at our nieces wedding.
I have a French bulldog too! They are very opinionated funny little guys. I love mine tremendously and hope you enjoy your guest. Mine also loves to play with the big dogs and has no idea he’s small.
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