This is from a few years ago. Tonight, our Trick or Treating will be different, as Jonathan is going with Joseph and some other boys, then to Margaret and Adrian's for a boys' party, the older girls are having a youth gathering/party, so I am left with only the two youngest, but we are also taking Anya. Mali is coming too, with little Lydia. It's chilly out, so we will have to really bundle up.
The weekend went by too fast, once again. Sunday I worked at the high school band competition, in a food stand, with Paul and Evelyn and Suzanne...Abigail worked an earlier shift. This is Suze with me...
Let me tell you about donuts...there were trays and trays of them there, at the food stand, that weren't going to be sold because apparently the cash registers hadn't been programmed for them, so they were to be thrown away. Dozens of them, racks of fresh beautiful donuts, to be thrown away. If that's not sinful, what is, I ask? We were told we could eat them on our breaks, and even take a few home with us on the down-low, shh, we aren't allowed to leave the Dome with any food. But most of them went...into the garbage. Some nights, our leftovers go to the local Rescue Mission shelter, but not this past Sunday. So into the can they went. I did take a few home for the kids, but I did not eat any. The white frosted with sprinkles, the chocolate glazed, they called me, they screamed my name, but I stood firm. I just can't.
Anyway. It's very chilly here, and windy, and we've had lots of rain. Gloomy and cold, perfect for Halloween. I hope the rain lets up for tonight.
Anne is due here in just a few minutes, I have to put the dogs' dishes up, and do a second check for small things, you know, things one small girl would put in her mouth, like a penny or a small lego or a doll shoe, or even a piece of kitty chow. I sweep and mop each morning before she comes, because she still crawls, although she is taking steps now!
Benjamin is coming over with Anya today to finish up our furnace. It'll be nice to see him, and Anya. Lydia was here for quite a while yesterday. When she was getting ready to leave with Mali, she kept asking where the moon was, and I told her it was bye-bye behind the clouds and rain, and she said, "Like the dun!". Her mama translated. Like the sun. Yes, Lyd, like the sun. Cuteness overload.
Yesterday started out pleasantly...it was windy and rainy, and I was no way going on my walk, since I had worked a long shift at the band competition on Sunday. The little girls were with Margaret, so it was just Jonathan and me. We decided to go to the store, since were were out of bread and fresh fruits and veggies. We stopped in at the thrift store first, and contemplated buying a wood rocking chair, I was itching to repaint it, but the seat was cracked, so we said Nah. We got some new glasses, as they disappear around here. Then the dollar store, which didn't have anything fantastic, but the girls wanted face paint for tonight. Then, the grocery store. There was a deal where if you bought five participating items, you got five dollars off your bill, and there were coupons in the paper for most of the things, plus special dollar double coupons. Jon was most patient while I chose shampoos and conditioners and razors, for almost free.
We got home and put things away, then Margaret brought Lydia over...Mali works nights as a nurse, 12 hour shifts, and doesn't get much sleep when Lydia wakes up as soon as she gets home from work in the morning. Daddy is in college now, so Mali gets only a tiny bit of sleep when Lyd naps, which is not enough at all. So Marge went and picked her up, and when the three high school girls got off the bus, they were delighted to find Miss Lydia here. :)