summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, April 30, 2021

maybe I am the simple thing....

 So yesterday, this sunshine went to Target with me, when her classes were over for the day...

No selfies, it didn't happen.

We went on a quest to get a new volleyball net, don't ask what happened to the one I bought just last year, okay, I'll tell you:  it got left out all winter, a NY winter...could it have been saved in the early spring?  Probably, but one of the kids threw it away, before I could inspect it.  ugh.  

So I checked online, it was in stock, and I tried to order it for curbside pickup, because it was half price online only.  Well, my computer is misbehaving, continuously, and it kept skipping out of the page for ordering.

I solved the problem by going to Target, finding the set on the shelf, and ordering it from my phone in the store, saving $25 dollars (but by that logic, also spending $25).   Anyway.  We shopped around, wandered up and down the aisles, found a few things for Miss Charlotte Claire's birthday, bought some seltzer, some heavy cream, a few razors (teenage boys eat you out of house and home, girls go through razors like they're going out of style)...then I found this, on clearance:

It's frivolous, it's unnecessary, it's impractical, but ain't it adorable?  I admired it when I first saw it, and I guess they're in short supply.  I would NEVER pay $17 for it, and even more on eBay.  For some reason, on this end cap, this hodgepodge of clearance items, where I am drawn to those yellow stickers, there it was for $5.09.    Yes, I'll take it, all of the sudden, I NEED it, another coffee pour over, but glass!  Brass!  Wood!  Isn't it too cute?

Sonja put it in her room, to give me for Mother's Day.

Opheilia Madeline Rose is here for a few hours, her mommy and daddy are going car bye for now...and it's Jonathan's birthday today, so I'm making a nice dinner...big bbq on Sunday, so there will be cookies to bake, bbq meatballs to make, chicken, pasta salad...

Oh, and the point of my post?  I ordered that volleyball net from in the store, then totally and completely forgot to actually pick it up.  I blame my unfettered and unreasonable excitement in finding that adorable coffee pour-over.

So on this fine morning, after Miss Ophelia gets picked up, I'll be heading back to Target again...


Martha said...

I can't believe you forgot to pick it up - I was cracking up when I got to that part! I do love the coffee pour over and definitely would have grabbed it at that price. I am amazed at the size of your beautiful family! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit today. It's so nice to "meet" you. Have fantastic weekend. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Della 👋 Just sitting in my comfy chair reading about your outing etc. I do love that little coffee pour over things you got. How cute is that!! I hope you all have a lovely outdoor cook out for Jonathan’s birthday 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 You are such a busy lady.........don’t ever call yourself lazy! We are all entitled to sit and relax,.........I call it regroup..........😂I made muffins today and as I was putting them onto the muffin pan I suddenly had a thought..........I didn’t put baking powder in them. Soooooooooo I had to scoop them out...what a mess!!.........and add some and start over with a new pan. What a twit!!

Have a nice was 24C here today 🌞🌞🌞That’s 75F 🌞🌞🌞

Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦

Terri D said...

I had never heard of a pour-over until a week ago. Now I need to start looking for one. I have three coffee pots and a French Press. Why do I need a pour-over?! Why not?!! LOL Happy birthday to the birthday boy and good luck with the volleyball net! xo

16 blessings'mom said...

Martha, thank you, you also have a fantastic weekend.
Marilyn, I like the whole "regrouping" concept, brilliant! That's awful about the baking powder! I had a similar thing while baking yesterday, there was something I could simply not remember if I added or not...but I think it did, because the kids said the cookies were good.
Terri, only three?! :). I think you can get just the little plastic pour-over cone, Melita brand, at Walmart online for a few bucks, maybe in the store too. You don't need a fancy ceramic one or anything, we have three of the plastic ones. I bring it when I travel, you can always make coffee in a pinch. My MIL in Florida has a Keurig, (she does not drink coffee), I am Miss Picky Pants, and it always tastes stale, so I bring my pour over, heat water in a pan on the stove, ladle it over the pour over (she doesn't have a tea kettle), and she thinks I'm rather ridiculous. There's a Dunkin right down on the corner, so there is that, but a good cup of coffee, especially on vacation, well, it's of utmost importance.