...but alas, it doesn't work. The sun sets, and the body tires, and good night.
This fine day, after swim class, I stopped home to let two doggies out, then gave them one doggie biscuit, hung up my suit and towel, grabbed some shopping bags, and set out to the store. I got really important things like Christmas M&M's, the huge-0 plastic container. I bought potatoes, a big box of mozzarella sticks for Friday Pie Day, cream, Reese's Trees (the giant bag!), a roll of really pretty double sided wrapping paper, 300 sq ft, for ten dollars, a case of seltzer, a jug of apple cider, some small pie plates, and eggs. I drove to Starbucks for an blonde roast iced Americano with heavy cream, and I was a happy girl.
Home...ahh, home. I made a trip in with the essentials, then put them away. I also put the clean bedding on the guest bed for Abigail, and vacuumed the room. Then I decided to make a second trip to the car because my coffee was still over half full and was still out there. Well, wouldn't you know it, I got back in the house, harrumph, had forgotten the coffee. It'd down a whole flight of stairs to the driveway, so I just made a coffee. I'll have that one tomorrow ha.
It was almost two o'clock when I started the pumpkin pies. I also doctored up last night's chicken soup, added some diced potatoes, rosemary and salt and pepper, thickened it up, and rolled out that extra pie crust, and yay, chicken pot pie for dinner!
Camille made two lemon meringue pies completely from scratch. mmmm.
That meringue!This crust looks a little dry, but let's call it flakey! Look at those butter chunks!
The bowl of apples...
Gluten free blueberry on the top, two little dairy free blueberry on the bottom
Regular big fat blueberry
The two apple...I didn't take pictures of the two pumpkin. Cam had leftover graham cracker crust, so I'll be making a chocolate pudding pie tomorrow. Rosi is also making two pumpkin pies, Margaret two chocolate, one blueberry, one pumpkin and one pecan. Evelyn made chocolate pie with marshmallow meringue. Mariel: crustless individual chai spiced, chocolate pudding pie and a bourbon sweet potato. Kathryn is working on cheese cake, and I think Grace is making pecan pie. Some will be had after our Thanksgiving meal, some will be for Friday Pie Day. I hope we have enough, ha.
The muffins, I tasted part of one...so good. I thought they would be yummy for brekky tomorrow morning.
I baked them at 375 for about 22 minutes. After I put the streusel topping on, I swirled it into the batter a little bit.
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
You make me tired just reading this! I can see why your house smelled good.
Enjoy it all today. Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh my goodness!! Whew! Hope your day was full of fun and you are able to get some rest!! xo
Della are you caught up in all these feet of snow we are heating about! 😳😳 Oh I hope not!
Marilyn from Canada ❄️❄️
No, it's to the north of us...drive an hour, and you're in a snowstorm, two hours, it's just crazy. It's the way the wind blows across Lake Ontario that determines who gets the snow, they get a lot more than we do, but sometimes that wind shifts south and dumps on us...later this week, I think. I think Buffalo has gotten a bit from Lake Erie, too...
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