Today was wonderful!

So, I talked to the little girls, and got back in bed for a bit, but didn't go back to sleep. I just enjoyed being back in bed. I left the door open so the little girls could come in for a few hugs. I love that.
Today was catch up on laundry day. I also swept the floors, vacuumed the furniture, and did tons of dishes. I packed clothes for the kids for our church conference, so I can take them out to the camper tomorrow when I clean it.
I also took a break in the afternoon with some coffee and dark chocolate that Paul brought from France, and some almonds. I have eaten very decently today....then I went for a rainy walk.

The chicken and veggies are done, we are having a, "casual" dinner tonight, the kids are starting without me. I just felt like writing, and didn't have a chance to today. Sonja used my computer to watch a movie, ect.
Ten kids were here all day, no one went anywhere until the afternoon, when Margaret took a few of them to town to bring back a Redbox movie, and get the new Lego movie for the little kids. She also helped Jonathan clean up his room today and organize his toys. :)
Camille is working on a scrapbook, which Margaret is also helping with.
The living room is all filled with kids now, and Paul is home from work. So I can't think straight, less straight than usual. So off I will go to have some healthy dinner....and perhaps write something more coherent tomorrow.
(Oh, I heard from Sam today, he likes it there so far. He can see Arlington National Cemetery from his barracks.)
My kids used to sit behind me and correct my spelling. I probably had much less editing to do back then.
I loved the rainy day too. I should have put on my galoshes and gone puddle jumping, but I enjoyed the dark and dreary day from inside instead.
Isn't there a law salesmen can't come before noon? There should be! 8:30 is a little early! Good grief!
So glad you got to visit with Sam, and glad he is at his station now. Did he ever say much about the saga of the push-ups? Man!
I detest sales calls and door to door salesmen, if I want something I will seek it and buy it. Of course I don't personally dislike them, but leave me alone! I try to be nice, but I don't want to waste their time, do I? Sam's push-up saga, oh dear. When he got to the training place, he was instructed to do like 25 an hour, all day long. He finally aced them:) He called yesterday, apparently they are trained for four one week sessions, moving on after passing each session. (at his new duty station). The first week is all about the uniform.
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