First of all, we have not heard from Samuel. Did he take his PT test? Did he pass? Why didn't he call? He said he would. But obviously he hasn't been able to use his phone. So we wait. One of these days he will call and say he can leave for his leave, and we will enjoy having Sam back home for a week, and we'll forget about all this waiting and wondering.
So, my vacuum cleaner woes are over! My dear mother-in-law bought me a Dyson Animal D40 for my birthday!!! The purple ball one! I love love love it! Of course I vacuumed all afternoon.:)
Today is my last day of being 48. How can the years be sliding by so quickly? I was just getting used to the forties, and they are almost over! I actually think of myself more like 35-ish. When I think of a 49 year old lady, I think OLD. Over the hill. I don't feel old or over the hill.

This evening, I found myself home alone with the princesses. They have cleaned their room, with the help of Margaret, so their interest in playing in there has been renewed, my kids love to mess up clean rooms. They have been playing Barbies by the hour in there the last few days. Anyway, I was here with just them, and decided to take them to town to return a Redbox movie, and get a treat. We parked at the town building, and walked down the sidewalk, admiring yards and gardens, houses, and porches. We ended up going to Dunkin'Donuts, and running into my brother Bob and his wife Mary. The princesses were very patient while we chatted and caught up.

Charlotte Claire got a mix-in, which is a huge cup of vanilla ice cream with mini M&M's in it, and Cam got a chocolate milkshake. I got a 79 cent cone and shared it with them, plus a coffee. We returned our movie, and got a princess movie for them, which they are watching right now, in fascination.
I am missing Paul something terrible now. I miss him, but at the same time, I am so glad that I miss him so much. And he misses me too, which is also very nice.
Ah well, I am distracted by this princess movie, and shall put this away and watch it with my own little princesses, who are growing up too fast....
I just love your blog!! It is so real and just fun. I think you are a fun Mom and I know your kids adore you!
Tomorrow, my baby turns 49!! and I cannot believe how the years have flown by!
As I age, I wish I could go back and have another one half hour to rock him, kiss his cheeks off, and snuggle that little baby boy who brought such delight into my life.
What a joy to raise kids to adulthood. I'm sure your Mom adored you and all of the grandies you provided her--I know she was called home way too early in our eyes...but I know her influence remains in your heart every day.
Have a wonderful birthday...and really 49 isn't so bad from where I sit at 82!!
Blessings in all you do.
Well thank you, and wow I hope I am still reading blogs at 82!
What a coincidence that your son and I were both on the same day in the same year!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 49 isn't so bad! I am 53--54 in 2 mos, and it's not so bad, I guess. LOL
I am anxious to hear about Sam too, only b/c I know God is really gonna bless him and help him knock those push-ups out in nothing flat!
God bless you today!!!
Thank you, Kathy. This whole thing with Sam is quite interesting. He called the other night, told me the test would be Tuesday, and that he would let us know. No word at all. Speculation abounds, but it all comes back to this: God already knows, and whatever happens is for his and our very best. I am still waiting for that phone call though:)
Happy Birthday! I agree that you are such a fun mom and they will remember that.They will also remember that you loved them with all your being. And that is priceless - being loved by a mom unconditionally is simply a true gift! Enjoy your Dyson :-)
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