summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, December 28, 2014

here i am, still alive and well....

Sometimes life interferes with blogging. Which is fine, I would rather be too busy to write than to just plain not having anything to say. I ALWAYS have something to say. The kids have been on school vacation, we had three Christmas celebrations, and Paul has been off work on vacation. Today we worked at the college basketball game together, then went to the grocery store with Camille and Jonathan. We bought ten pounds of chicken wings, which I made tonight, mostly Buffalo hot ones, but some barbecued ones for the younger kids. We also had carrots, celery, and a bag of chips.

I didn't go on my walk to day because of working at the Dome, which is hours on my feet, plus the nice walk to and from the parking garage, up that big scary hill.

The kids are staying up later and later, and sleeping in longer. Sonja has been gone to a friend's house since yesterday, she is home now and is Chatty Cathy herself. I am listening to her, I really am.

The princesses are in their room, all tucked in but still going strong.

Have I mentioned how nice it is to have Paul home all these days? Really really nice.

Okay, fun: at church, the over 30 year olds have to put on a feast for the under 30 year olds. There are 26 of us over 30, and around 70 under 30 years old. The feast is in less than a month, and we have to practice songs, skits, and prepare the menu, and plan the decorations. I can't say much on here, because we are going to surprise them with the theme, ect. It is so very fun...I am in charge of food, and have big plans.

Never mind, Sonja is talking and I can't type and listen, and so...bye for now.

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