summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, May 12, 2019

happy Mother's Day!!!

I am so very thankful for my kids, that I get to be a mama. Yesterday, it was Miss Charlotte Claire's birthday, a little teenager she is now, but I still went out and about with Abigail Marie...Ab is my second oldest, and I never get to spend enough time with her! We went to Ollie's, where we both found the rugs we were looking for! We went to Kohl's, where she found Birkenstocks for less than $20! I got a few things for the grandkids (I love shopping in the baby sections!). Then to Aldi for some chicken wings for dinner. And one pizza dough.

Home...put those chicken wings in the oven, rolled out the pizza dough, and watched The Green Book with Suzanne and Evelyn. Suze and Sonja had taken Char, Cam, and Dani to the park, and for ice cream, for Char's birthday...

Wings, some Buffalo hot, some barbecue, a few garlic large butter and garlic pizza...and yum, what a dinner!

Then, we went bowling! Paul and I and six of our daughters, plus Danielle. (Mirielle, Evelyn, Suzanne, Sonja K., Char, and Camille).

Then, home for ice cream cake! Happy thirteenth, Charlotte Claire!!!

Now, it's Mother's Day, and Paul is making brisket. He grilled it, all wrapped in foil, for a few hours, now it's in the oven, and it smells heavenly in here. Evelyn and I are taking a little trip out and about to get some flowers and plants, and potting soil. Some of the older kids will be coming over this after noon, so happy me!

Do I need to even say how thankful I am for my kids? I love each of them with all of my heart. As I explained recently to Will, Sebastian, and Linnea, whose mama is having another baby, a mama's heart is very special, it is designed to love each child just as much as the others, and adding another does not in any way take away from the love for the other ones, but I also added, mama loves you just as much as the baby, but even more if you be good,'re welcome, Susan:)

The older kids are waking up and there is coffee brewing and it's a rainy cozy day...

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