summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, May 24, 2019

keeping busy here, this old gramma....

We had a library/go out for ice cream day. Lydia loves the library...the dollhouse, the toys, and of course the books. Grant liked the library too, but his daddy Sam liked it more.

Yesterday we went on another outing, Char and Cam had to go to the dentist for cleanings. Sam and Grant and Jonathan went along too, and walked around in the small city during our appointment. Then, we went to Ollie's discount store. I had a 15% the total purchase coupon, so I stocked up on snacks, and got a new frying pan and a new electric kettle. The old one was dandy until I opened the cupboard and a glass bottle of hot sauce jumped right out of the cupboard onto that nice glass kettle.

We make almost exclusively pour-over coffee these days, so a good and fast electric kettle is almost a necessity:)

It's been busy here with Samuel and little Grant staying with us. He is up first thing in the morning, and he likes to keep toys scattered all around. He reaches things and find things and gets things. He is Mr. Sunshine, and likes to rock with me and get some cuddles in the midst of his going going going. He likes the doggies and the kitties, and has survived the week with nary a scratch on him. The dogs are Labs, lazy tired Labs, and they don't care a hoot if someone is patting or pulling or hugging on them while they nap. If they do get bothered, they just get up and lie down in another place, and let out a loud sigh.

Anyway. Sam is leaving here later today, and the high school girls have the day off. So there are eight of us here today...but don't worry, we have things to do! The red van is acting up again so I have to call the garage...again...ugh.


Marilyn from Canada said...

Hi Della! Sounds to me like you are having a lovely, but busy time. What fun! Little Grant has the most beautiful eyes. Labs are just the best dogs.............yours are very used to children too and that makes them even better. Ours are very docile as well. Kids can do anything to them. You enjoy the day.

Marilyn from Canada

Carol said...

I love that they enjoy the library as my young grand does as well. I am thinking we need to make another trip there this week. We are heading out today on an adventure so I will share news here early week.