Here it is, our new pool deck! $1,600 worth of supplies, anyway. We went to Lowe's today to get the screws, and another shovel, because there are holes to dig for the posts, which we are supposed to be working on digging, and we will, soon, but what a thing to procrastinate, right?
I am so very excited about this project, and thankful to Adrian, my son-in-law, and Benjamin, and the rest of my kids who are going to help. I'm also thankful they pitched in and gave some of the money for the project, they are too good to me. It's going to make the pool area so nice, a nice gathering place. The deck won't be huge, but it'll fit us.
This morning, I puttered around and watered the garden, and the plants. I repotted a few, and pulled some weeds. I turned on the pool filter, and hosed off the sidewalk. I love summer mornings, barefoot, sun shining, birds singing. I drove Jonathan to work, did some dishes, and found myself here in my, not the comfy one, that's still outside. I do not like this new chair. It looks great, but ugh, it's NOT my chair. I reason that it'll help me stay out of it more, do more, perhaps.
Life is strange these days. Our governor wants to test everyone, and there are some people who were at a party where a few got sick, and they refused to answer the phone when the contact tracers called, so they are being threatened with fines, $2000 a day until they answer. harrumph. You can go protest, and no questions asked, but do ordinary things that ordinary people do, and you're a criminal. I know, these aren't ordinary days anymore, and one must be careful, IT is still out there. I don't question that IT is still a threat, and IT is still real, but this is such a fear culture, and also a finger pointing one! It's easy to sit in your chair, and from behind your screen, and blame and judge.
I don't have all of the answers of course, I just don't like government much, and when the governor is ruling in the State of Emergency, which grants him MORE power, and he revels in it, adding more states to the states one must quarantine after visiting, ruling that malls need new air filters before opening, when stores like Walmart and Target have been open all along...he said that Trump has to admit how wrong he was about things, when he HIMSELF, King Cuomo, totally messed up with our elderly, ruling that nursing homes had to take them from hospitals WITHOUT testing them, thus spreading it like wildfire, back in March. And when asked about this, he simply blamed it on Trump. oh dear.
Sorry, I'll stop with the doom and gloom. It's strange to me how some people like more laws, and don't mind rules. I'm not for total anarchy, but government, leave me alone.
It's time to finish the last of my dearly delicious coffee, and wake up the girls, and start digging holes...:)
So exciting about your pool deck!~ YEA!
I have to laugh. Because being in Mass we listen to your governor and our governor. They are sort of on the same wave length of this COVID crap. I laugh because today me and my husband bought a new car in NY! Yep, CarMax. Nice place but do you know that not one of their employees had their mask on the right way or on at all or the dangle earring look with it? Not one. Not even the manager! Her's was under her nose, down under her chin. The guys it was used fora beard rest. LOL Guess who had theirs on and correctly? Us Massachusetts people! So NY Gov better be careful about what he boasts about in his little lectures he gives daily. LOL I just had to chuckle about him.
Have a good Thursday!
Oh Rose, that is too funny. Congrats on the new car! New York is a beautiful state, we have waterfalls and Lake Ontario, we have the Adirondacks and the Catskills, and the Finger Lakes (wine country!), farms and apples, so much beauty. But the taxes and the laws and the government, blah. Our governor's own bratty brother broke quarantine, when he HAD the virus, to go look at some of his property. Someone called him out on it, and he got in a fight with the guy. He fought with a guy in a bar not too long ago about something, too. The King's brother, Chris Cuomo. He's something else. rrrr. I see lots of people with their masks like that. It's crazy.
Hi Della. You need a post hole digger........much easier than a shovel. Maybe a friend has one you can borrow! It will be so lovely. I don’t get involved in American politics so never comment because we have our own set of problems 🙄 nough said about that! Enjoy building the deck..........
Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦
How exciting about the new pool deck! And yes I so love summer mornings too...although its been rainy here lately...I wore a jacket yesterday 😏
Some of those Rules make no sense at all. Craziness. But what can ya do...
Marilyn, guess what? We tried to dig those holes, we really did. I was dripping with sweat, 91 degrees out with the sun shining. The ground is hard! I got almost a foot deep, Char almost the same, one hole each, then we started a third...and threw in the towel, because Sonja came bounding out back, saying that Dad said we should rent an auger. So, we went for a swim, then took a little ride to the Home Depot, and rented one. It put us back over a hundred bucks, but, hey, it got the job done quickly. Benjamin, Jonathan, and Adrian got those holes dug, the posts are now set in the cement. Tomorrow we're going out there and shoveling all the excess dirt back into the holes around the posts, and cleaning up the cement bags. Saturday, the deck gets built!!!! woohoo!
Tereza, summer mornings are lovely, rain or shine. And about the craziness, I know, what can you do?
Here in MI our lovely Governor Wittmer is closing some things back up again. My son will be a junior in HS this year and they've been going to football practice for a month now. Six feet apart, no contact yet. Dates that have been set for camp and 7v7 practices keep getting cancelled and just the other day she said fall sports and school activities will all be cancelled if we aren't in phase something or other by some arbitrary date that wasn't mentioned specifically. So frustrating. Yes IT is serious and people who are at risk should be very vigilant about staying out of harms way. I just don't think EVERYONE should be. The fines are just crazy!! I keep hearing a commercial on the radio about picking up the phone when they call and it creeps me out! Some of the things sound like some sci-fi movie we watched of the "future" like 20 years ago.
Hooray for the pool deck!! We had our pool for 18 years and always wanted to do that - we miss the pool just always made the summer real for us. Now, we are just trying to keep the house closed up and as cool as we can make it (with one single window unit and fans) and we aren't spending near enough time outdoors because it's so miserable. We used to practically live out there when the kids were young and we got so much done in the yard!
Lisa, your Wittmer is right up there with our self appointed king. ugh. The propaganda commercials are chilling! And so many people think it's all fine! For the greater good!
My son Jon is the only one here with a.c., he has a window unit in his room and runs it at night. He has always been the hot sweaty kid, now he works landscaping all day in the heat so I figure if he wants to sleep in a cool room, it's fine. The rest of us just die, ha. And use fans.
I don't like your governor or his brother...they have criticized our governor in Florida and bragged about what a great job they've done up there, but...NY had 10x as many deaths as FL, because of what you said about the nursing homes, so we don't think they did such a great job. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I hope people open their eyes.
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