So I left the house this fine rainy morning and went to the pool. I think I should be at least five pounds lighter just for the extreme mental effort it took to convince myself not to just sit in the quiet before the homeschoolers woke up, sit and relax. The pool was wonderful, and I am always glad when I battle those lazy thoughts and get out the door and go.
Even though I certainly didn't lose five pounds by going, it is healthy to move, keeps the blood pressure down, ect.
Have I mentioned that I miss Paul? yup. Really badly.
I haven't done this in a while....:
Emily Anne...she is doing well. She has her four year degree in nursing now, and is continuing to take classes toward being a Nurse Practitioner, while working full time at a big hospital on the med-surgery floor. She is such a blessing, she is so good to her siblings. She is working at the Dome tomorrow, then letting the little girls spend the night at her house.
Abigail Marie...her knee is slowly recovering from the surgery. She goes to physical therapy and works out and does her exercises religiously, she really wants full mobility without pain. She is also a good sister, she is Jonathan's best friend.
Benjamin Paul....he texts me quite a few times a week, I talk to him sometimes. He is still in the Army, still in Washington state, hoping to come home for Christmas even for a few days even though the tickets are almost a thousand dollars and he doesn't know his exact dates yet. I told my older kids not to get me anything for Christmas, instead pitch in and help Ben and Ashley come home. I miss them, but mostly, sorry Ben, but mostly...I want to meet my only grandchild, little tiny Anya Jade.
Mirielle Joy....she is working 12 hour night shifts as a registered nurse at a smaller hospital up north, and really enjoying it. She sleeps during the day, good thing she isn't a light sleeper:) She is planning to take Kathryn to Norway and Spain in April.
Joseph Michael....he is taking online art classes. He is SO talented. He is a good kid, too, always so respectful, and he does so much for the younger boys in the church.
Aaron Royce....Aaron works night shifts as an R.N.too, at the same hospital as Emily. I don't see him much, but when I do, it's so nice. He is a smart cookie, already taking classes towards his four year degree.
Mali Rose....she is in nursing school, plus working part time at a local hotel as a receptionist. She is working really hard, and doing quite well in her classes. She lives with Emily and Abigail, and I don't see her enough.
Samuel James....Sam is in his senior year of high school, graduating in January. He is already signed up to leave for basic training in the Army, probably before spring of next year. He is like a big teddy bear. A smart teddy bear, with a huge soft heart. He can be gruff, but he is so stinking sincere and sweet, it kills me to think of him as a soldier.
Margaret Cheryl....Miss Margaret is in 11th grade, and she gets excellent grades in school. She works hard, she eats extremely healthy, she works out every day. She goes to the youth meetings and fundraisers at church, and is really involved in the music. She is teaching herself Norwegian, and is aspiring to go to Norway next summer.
Kathryn tenth grade homeschooler. She is extremely diligent. She works hard, goes above and beyond, and takes good care of herself too. She works out every single day, and takes good care of herself. She gets frequent headaches, poor girl. I am very proud of her though, she had good reasons to want to homeschool, and she is really doing well. She keeps herself on the straight and narrow, not because I Said So, but because she wants to live a good and pure life.
Evelyn Joy....Evelyn...oh Evelyn. She is so brilliant! You wouldn't guess she is only 13, she reads stacks of books every week, and knows so much about everything. She is a force to be reckoned with when she wants something accomplished. She knows how to clean a house, and how to cook....
Suzanne Eleanor...Miss Suze...she is doing well too, getting good grades, working hard, staying up all night on weekends to watch, "Harry Potter".
Sonja Kathleen....Sonja K., or Ginger....she loves being on someone's phone or tablet. She is also doing well in school.
Jonathan Robert...Mr. Homeschool. He just ordered a keyboard case for his tablet from Amazon. He is so into electronics, and loves learning about all sorts of things, and is so very excited that Grandma is sending him this year's Hess truck.
Charlotte Claire....little miniature teenager, Miss Char. She still plays dollhouse and dolls and house and loves to color and write books for Mommy.
Camille Anaya....this little one enjoys the same things as Char does, but she is a bit more mommy-orientated. She loves to snuggle, even though she is getting big for my lap.
And...a picture of the five-girls-in-a-row.....Margaret 16, Kathryn 15, Evelyn 14, Suzanne 12, Sonja 11.

Catching Fire here too!
I really love the pictures of your family. I love that everyone is smiling together. I love reading updates of large families.
Loved loved loved Catching Fire!!!! It was excellent, we reveled in it! Cried and laughed, loved Effie and Finnick and of course Caesar! And we can't forget the adorable baker's son, and Gale....
Catching Fire: I want to go see it again. It was quite well done. I have a friend who won't let her daughter go see it because it is, "all about kids killing each other", which it isn't. It is about rebellion against oppression. It isn't realistic, but it is fulfilling to watch the fear turn to strength in the districts as they find the courage to rebel.
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