This is what I look like before my coffee in the morning...

This stuff is good. No, I am not getting paid to say it. It is too pricey to drink every day, but today was a special day. Monday. Monday morning, after another night of not nearly enough sleep. Just opening the bag of this and taking a deep sniff is yum. mmm, yum.
We have had a flu thing going around here. It starts with a sore throat and a stomach ache, and your eyes ache...I know, isn't that a strange symptom? But it has been reported by quite a few of the kids, and I have experienced it too. I feel like I have been just fighting it off for days. Friday night I felt so awful I was certain I was not going to be able to drive Paul to the airport on Saturday. But on Saturday I was fine. Then Saturday night I felt so awful, I thought I was going to be in bed all day Sunday. Again, not true.
Now my chest sort of aches, like it does when I go on the treadmill for too long and start huffing. I feel like gravity is pulling me down with all it's might, and like gravity is winning. My temperature is only 96.5, which is normal for me. So today, I am taking it easy. I have swept floors and washed dishes and put in a load of towels, and matched some socks. I puttered around a little here and there, taught the kids about possessive plurals, and read the entire Sunday paper. I helped the girls get dressed to go outside, and landed back in my chair. Perhaps today if I listen to my body and take it easy, I will get better faster.
The dogs just came in all covered with snow. It is only 12 degrees out there (-11c). brrr.
Kathryn requested a trip to the library today to return books, but I assured her that I renewed online, so we don't really have to go today. She still has plenty of work to do with the books she has.
Cousin Danielle is with the little girls, she spent the night. They played school in their room before they went out to play. That counts, right?

They are just too cute. Miss Suri and her face! Duke is so tired.

They were outside with the girls for a while, so now they're tired.
Those little girls lasted quite a while out there. They sledded down the slide on sleds and made a little fort. Now they need some tea and cocoa, and a brownie. Today they learned one important thing: It's more fun to homeschool.
I look the same before my coffee. I set up the coffee in the pot the night before and then my girls turn it on in the morning for me. I really must do it that way or else I have a hard time making it in the morning...before I drink my coffee!
Are you ready for the snow? Will it hit you or are you outside of the blizzard area? I am jealous and wish we were getting snow this year...but we have none!
Have a great week!
I had an achy head and eyes yesterday, but I think I'm okay now. No tummy ache.
I hope you're feeling better soon.
We have gotten a few inches today, but it has been cold and the back roads aren't great, with ice and snow built up. When the wind blows the snow across the road and you're not sure exactly where the road it, driving is just not fun. Tomorrow the wind picks up, and the snow from Lake Ontario starts, not a lot, but still. We are outside the area where the blizzard will hit, they will get a few feet in some places. I hope Samuel doesn't get to much down in D.C.....the Old Guard guys have to be out in whatever comes.
I just read a news article that D.C. will be missed, only getting a little snow.:)
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