This was taken yesterday...

snow snow go away,
not that we don't like to play,
but boots and mittens are getting old,
we're tired of all the wind and cold.
barefeet, green grass, warm sun,
fun fun fun fun
Here's a bit of sunshine though:

Cupcakes! My sister-in-law Kim turns 50, so her family threw her a surprise party! I made the cupcakes...lemon, vanilla, and chocolate. It was hard to keep it a secret from Kim, she stopped in here for coffee on the way to the Dome on Friday, and I had been baking all day...before she got here, I had to pack up those cupcakes and stack them in the little girls' room, so she wouldn't see them.
It was great fun. She had a few inklings, but was pretty surprised anyway. We had pizza and salad and fresh fruit, meatballs and rolls and tons of snacks.
I could sit here for a while, I washed dishes and swept and mopped the floors, fed the small ones some breakfast...but it's time to get moving....we are going to church, and believe me, getting 13 people out the door peacefully is...challenging.
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