summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, March 2, 2015

lazy sunday afternoon....

Camille woke up with a fever this morning. I made her hot tea with honey and milk and put it in a sippy cup so she could lie on the couch and watch cartoons with it. Charlotte Claire joined her, but wanted her tea in a regular mug. I scooped both of those girls up onto my lap and they sat with me in my chair for a while.

Jonathan was invited over to a friend's house this afternoon, and I had girls where who wanted to go out and about. We had no church today because there was a conference, which Joseph went to. Anyway, we dropped Jon off, then went to...Kohl's. I had shoes to return. I like browsing around looking for things. I found: sneakers for Jonathan, Reebok, regularly $60 for $17, beautiful dresses for the princesses for $6.50 each, an adorable coat to send to Anya, and a few things to put away for Kathryn's birthday, which she picked out herself.

Then to the grocery store...Sonja remembered that you can order fries and onion rings at the fish department, I had two onion rings on the way home, but no fries.

Home...I put chicken in the oven that had been marinating in the fridge, put on some rice to boil, and microwaved some green beans, and some mixed veggies. We also had a few loaves of fresh soft peasant bread from the store...I ate a tiny piece of the end slice with butter....oh heavenly yum. Bread is simply the best, but if it made one thin, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Tomorrow: basketball game. Tuesday: a little trip out of town with my sister-in-law Kim. Then Saturday, Paul leaves for France, and I head over to the Dome to work at the Monster Jam...

And blah blah blah, as my father used to say. It is now Mundane morning, and my life is so exciting! Even Camille knows how thrilling things have been around here lately. She was hopping around the kitchen this morning, listing off the amazing things that have happened lately:

1." First," she said, "we got a new garbage can!"

2. "You bought a new mop!"

3." We moved the microwave to a different counter!"

4. "Then we won a loaf of bread from Price Chopper! Can we go there today and get it?"

Ha, the loaf of bread. I also won a muffin. They're having a sweepstakes game, and I am collecting the stickers and putting them in the little booklet...of course I have only one or two that I still need in all the categories, which I seriously doubt I am going to come across. Well, last night I was sticking my newest stickers in, and the little girls joined me in my comfy chair. We speculated on where we would go on our free $10,000 vacation or what we would do if we won the $20,000 home makeover. I pointed out that I wouldn't mind winning the new car, but Cam would prefer the XBox One. I would probably win something boring like free gas for a year.

It was kind of mean of me to get them all excited, they really think we're going to win. I had my older girls feeling sorry for me last week, because I pretended I thought we were really going to win something, and I saw them looking at each other, conveying that, "Poor Mom" glance.

The other night, one of my girls gave me a hard time about something. I'll spare the details, but later that night, she texted me and apologized. She said she was thankful for Dad and I, and all we do for her. Is there joy that can compare to what I felt?

Jon, Char, and Cam have colds. Not terribly bad ones, but those little fevers seemed to be the onset. I don't have a fever, but my eyes hurt, and my head aches terribly. When I turn my head too fast, the room spins...which to some degree is normal for me, I have too much fluid in my ears. I think I may have the cold too, but it is all in my head, ha, not my imagination.

My very favorite cashier at P. Chopper is moving to a different store, tomorrow is her last day. Big deal, you might say. But this girl, she is a treasure. She is so simple and sincere, and very lovely in an unconventional way. She is a little bit slow, perhaps, but she has a huge heart. She told me that she's leaving because she has a brother with special needs, she needs to spend more time with him and help him more, and working closer to home will help. She said that she wants to leave this world better than she came into it, and wants to be an example in her life. She wants to get treasures in heaven, and not spend her time on herself. I believe with all my heart that I will see this girl again eternity.

Ah well, school time.

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