Here's Sam on the end, first row.

He was in the parade in New York City on Tuesday. I wish I could have been there, but photos will have to do.
I have to leave in a little while to take Jonathan to his friends' house for a huge game of airsoft. He is spending the night there. It's a day off from real school, so they made these big plans. I had to get up extra early, because everybody with kids knows that a day off isn't a real day off unless you can't sleep in.
Tomorrow we are having special company! My niece and her husband have a six year old kindergartner named William, and three year old twins..well, one of the twins, the girl, Linnea, is going somewere with her Mama, and their daddy has to go out of town, so the boy twin, Sebastian, is coming here! With Will, to spend the day with us...and the night tomorrow!
I also have to take three kids for eye exams on Saturday, and tonight of course is the Billy Joel concert. I have to leave here today at three-ish. Sometimes I think the fun will just never end, but then I realize that yup, it will someday, so I may as well enjoy the ride.
Jon is still sleeping, I hate to wake him up...the bad puppies are in his room...no matter how he barricades that door, they find their way in to sleep with their friend Jonny. They are bed hogs, too. The floor, ha, never. Good, I just heard the alarm on his tablet go off.
That means that two doggies will need to go outside in like two minutes, and Duke is still on leash restrictions, so off I go, into the cold morning...winter just won't get off our backs this year in the northeast....:)
I'm so excited for your trip to FLORIDA with your dear hubby too!!! The last 2 springs in a row God has opened the doors for us to go to Arizona on the same type of work related trip -- AND then also to Mexico for a whole week! This year, we are in a new house with a new car so...no trips planned at all. I'm super thankful for our new everything (!!!) but still feel a yearning for those fun special times alone with my best friend & lover. Oh the close memories we make! So I can be excited and live through you, knowing how it feels. ☺️
Well, the Florida trip isn't happening. His work cancelled. We may possibly go with Mirielle and Aaron to visit Sam in a few weeks, in D.C.....but it is nice that we still enjoy our husbands so much...and they us:)
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