Paul and I with the three youngest...and Ben and Ashley and Anya, at Mt. Rainier.

Anya and me...

Anya and Char.

Anya with Paul...her grampa.

This is why it's nice to travel with small children. They know how to stop and smell the roses. Camille.

The princesses on the ferry from Bainbridge Island. It was a gorgeous day to be on the Puget Sound.

With Charlotte Claire...

With Paul...

Paul and Jon and Char and Cam as the ferry got back to Seattle...

At Mt. Rainier with Paul and the three kids.

Camille...a bird landed right in her hand!

We visited the coffee shop in town FOUR times. And not just for the coffee, they bake cookies and blueberry muffins every day...from scratch.

These two...Benjamin and dad...they haven't had enough time together through the years...it seems like Ben straightened out from the difficult teenager he was, then left for the Army...four years flew by, he settled in Seattle...and now the two of them get along like peas and carrots.

Anya loves her Aunties...Cam and Char.

The tree roots! The trees! huge.

I had a goal at the cabin in the woods...to drink my morning coffee in the hot tub each day. I must say, I was successful.

The mountain takes my breath away, and no photos do it justice. We hiked up a path one day, and it REALLY took my breath away, I had to say "uncle" and suggest we turn around. Because yeah, all the way up I ooohed and ahhed at the view while I sucked wind. ha. But it was beautiful.
Our plane boards in 20 minutes, we are in the airport in Seattle. Paul's flight left already, we are on our own. The kids are watching shows on Jon's tablet, leaving me a little bit of time to blog before we get moving. We don't get home until 10:30 tomorrow morning...and by then my older kids will be on their flight to Israel...they take off when we land.
And we have had a wonderful vacation. I miss my Ben already, and Ashley too. She has such a big soft heart, and was so good to us. Little Anya was warming more and more and more to us, by the time we left, she had totally stolen our hearts. Saying goodbye is more cruel than I can put into words. As thankful I am to have spend time with them, it hurts to leave. I am saving my money up to come back again...days and weeks and months are hard to apart from them, but years would be intolerable:)
We need to get up and walk around before our flight, which means turning off their show and gathering all the electronics and backpacks and luggage...blah. But it is still fun. They make it so much fun, with their delight in all the little details that regular people overlook.
And, off we go....