I went for my walk...

And oh no! The leaves are falling down! Turning beautiful colors, and falling down! No, not yet, we aren't done with lazy summer days! We used to have a childrens' book called, "Silly Sydney", where poor Sydney tried to prolong summer by gluing the leaves back to the trees. I totally get that.
We have to leave in a few hours to go work at the baseball game. But let me just say this: today has been lovely. Sunshine, pool...okay, and dishes and sweeping and vacuuming. I washed the couch covers and vacuumed the couches, too. But never mind THOSE things...let's talk about the pool. It's clear and cool but not cold, just refreshing and amazing. Jonathan mowed the lawn with the push mower, and said he was hotter and tired than he ever was in his life, and I believed him, it is 88 degrees (31.1 C) out. Anyhoo, he jumped in the pool too.
I am going back in for another swim before I get dressed in real go-to-the-baseball-game clothes...we have to wear long pants or long-ish cargo-type shorts, which are so flattering. And closed toed shoes or sneakers...and when we get there, a horrid button down golf/bowling style shirt, with elbow length sleeves, over our clothes. Phew. Hotness.
I want summer to slow right down and stay a while. I always go into denial when it comes to an end, but this week is going to be so hot, how can you blame me? High eighties to the low nineties through Thursday!
Tuesday is the first day of school around these parts, and three of my kids will be getting on the bus....Evelyn and Suzanne in high school, and Sonja in 8th grade.
We are still homeschooling Kathryn for her senior year, Jonathan for 6th grade, Char for 4th, and Camille for 3rd.
We have plans for the first day of school: we are going to the library. And, out for ice cream. The kids are doing projects on subjects that interest them, so we have to get books. Jonathan is doing Alaska, then we're going there on a field trip, just kidding. Charlotte Claire is doing Egypt, and Camille on Harriet Tubman. They chose them, and we will be going to the Harriet Tubman house for a field trip. We are also hoping to fit in apple picking, the fish hatchery, and the Erie Canal museum. We are signing up for gymnastics classes through a private gym in the small city. I love homeschooling:)
And...time is ticking, almost time to leave for the game, and I need another dip in the pool....
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