summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Kathryn Grace with me, at her surgical consult for her wisdom on each side, procedure in a few weeks. Her sisters are going to wait on her and make her smoothies.

We take up half the waiting room sometimes...Suzanne and Miss Char, Camille, and Sonja...(Evelyn and Jonathan stayed home)

And shh, I get a hundred points: an older couple there, looking around at all of them, whispering, then the man said, "Wow, no boys, huh?" I just said, "Oh, there are a few of them too.", and they both said how lovely the girls are, and that we are very blessed.

And I didn't embarrass the living daylights out of them and say anything like, "Well, this isn't the half of them."

So that's worth like a hundred points.

We did a little bit of back-to-school shopping, notebooks and pens and paper. Back in the day, we had to fill NINE backpacks, but now only two are going to Real School. I ordered a few text books for the homeschoolers, and am planning their curriculum, which I have to get over to the school asap.

So life is never dull.

Paul and I went to dinner last night at Ben and Ashley's new house, with Paul's mom. Their house isn't all finished up yet, but it's homey and welcoming and warm and spacious, and it does my heart good to see their little family all settling in, and so close to us, too! It's one of those things I had always hoped for, and can't believe it came true. Benjamin grilled pork tenderloin and sweet potato strips, Ashley made a salad and this amazing cilantro dressing to put over the pork...(Ashley masterminded and prepared the whole dinner, I presume, but Ben grilled:)). They served pie for dessert, bought from a little Mennonite store, I had a piece of the raspberry with vanilla ice cream...oh yummers.

This fine rainy summer morning, I have to take Sonja to the big mall in the big city to get a new phone battery for my old phone. I'm not sure who is going yet, I am being lazy sitting here with my coffee.

Lydia is here, and she has a pretty dress on, she likes to twirl around in it. :)


Kara said...

While she's under, get all of the Wisdom teeth removed. I did all three (I never had a 4th) done at once and it was over and done with. My husband thought he'd recover faster by doing one side and then the other. He regretted this.

T.L. said...

those little moments are so precious, the delicious lunch with family who lives nearby, twirling dress etc. I love reading it through your eyes.

terre said...

totally agree with kara. get them all 4 done at once. its worth it to get it all over with. if i had it done separately, i would not have gone back for part two!
