summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, June 24, 2024

out came the sun, and dried up all the rain...

 ...but when you're in a camper, the rain isn't so bad.  

When we got to the campground on Saturday, the ground was soggy, with lots of standing water here and there.  Some of the campsites weren't even usable.  Ours wasn't too bad.  The campground was sparsely populated, which was kind of nice.
These two love the lake, fetching the stick.  Suri is much slower than in past years.

The water is so clear and nice.
You can see the rain coming in!  
Yesterday, it started out rainy but then:

Emily and Camille came up on Saturday and went for a nice swim.  We made a yummy dinner of grilled chicken and salads.  Then Jonathan came, and the rain started...what a cozy time in the camper!  I got a kick out of Em and Cam hanging out, my oldest and my youngest, they're further apart in age than Emily and I are.  But they get along just fine.  

They all had to get going on Sunday, then the sun came back out and we had some beach time. We grilled burgers and sausages, then tried to have a campfire, but it was so windy.   We went for a drive instead, with the pups.

Waking up and making that morning coffee in the cozy camper is my favorite.  Packing up and folding in the bunk ends seems so easy compared to emptying a tent then taking it down.  We did have a scare though, the back bunk was very wet!  Oh no!  Both corners soaked...we worried about leaking, Paul assuring me we can glue up the seams, fix things, and me feeling...almost devastated.  

We got home, opened the ends to dry things out, emptied the refrigerator, brought in our clothes and bedding and the food...put things away, started some laundry, tended to the pool, vacuumed out the camper...then talked to Camille.  She said they had the windows unzipped on their end bunk, then it rained, so rain might have come in.  Well, I certainly hope it did, because that is way better than a leak, and it makes sense.  

(You know, I looked at campers for YEARS before finally buying one.  I thought this was such a good camper for us, and I like it so much, the thought of it being leaky or problematic, ugh!)

Anyway.  Camping was really fun, just as nice or nicer than I had envisioned.

Camille is refinishing the vanity we brought at the thrift store.  We sanded and primed it, she sanded it some more and did a second coat of primer.  It's sitting there all ready to paint.  She asked me this afternoon if we can get paint soon.  I know the feeling, she wants to move on this project!  We were all ready to go, then I talked to Kathryn.  She was going out and about too, so we went along with her.  Lowes with little kids:  you can each pick ONE paint sample....and they're happy.  Camille chose Sherwin-Williams Marshmallow color in satin finish. 

Then to Walmart for some things Kathryn had to get...then for a nice afternoon iced Americano, then home....ahh, home.  I put chicken breast in the instant pot, for some simple fajitas for dinner.  

Tomorrow is warm and sunny.  I'm looking forward to puttering around in barefoot, and getting the guest room ready, Abigail is coming to visit soon!  Then in the afternoon, maybe a trip to the thrift store and to get a few things Char needs for her year in Germany.   

Ah well....Camille soaked the drawer pulls from her vanity in soapy vinegar water, (the vanity was made by Johnson Carper of Roanoke Virginia, and might have been worth something if it wasn't damaged, but oh's lovely, and the pulls look so pretty and vintage)

I'll post before and after pics soon!

Have a good evening!  


R's Rue said...

Such beautiful photos.

Marilyn said...

Good morning Della! It sounds like a lovely weekend despite the rain. Dogs don’t care as long as they are with you!

Congratulations to Char on her graduation! Seems impossible she’s at that point in her life already. I’m sure she was the prettiest girl graduating Della 😊 Also congratulations to Suzanne on her wedding plans. You’ll have 2 weddings to look forward to! Wow!! Does she still knit and crochet? I remember her making all sorts of hats and baby things. So cute ☺️

We’re off to look at small apartment sized stand up freezers for our new place. We are getting everything ready for when we move in in September. It will be exciting!

Have a lovely day! 😊

Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦

Terri D said...

I'm glad you had such a good time camping and love the camper as much as you thought you would! The spot you chose looks lovely. Can't wait to see the finished dresser project! Your girls are amazing!