So here I am, day after day, thinking more and more that this pregnancy is doomed. Then I get an encouraging comment, which makes me a bit hopeful again...and believe me, I have spent more than enough time googling things like "bleeding after seeing a heartbeat"...and there are many stories of babies thriving while mama bleeds. So.
In the mean time, here I am. It is sunny and gorgeous and is going to be 88 degrees out today. The princesses have had breakfast, and now are having cocoa, thanks to Suzanne. I have walked Rosie, and eaten my oats. How can I get through this day without going in that glorious swimming pool with these guys? blah. And my nephew has graduated, and my brother and sis-in-law are throwing him a party today...can I even go? I don't feel so great, morning sickness or dread of miscarriage sickness, I can't distinguish. And then there is the dread of the Possible Big Gush.
Last night I made a huge batch of stove-top popcorn with real butter on it. The older kids were at the youth meeting, so it was only Paul and I and the five youngest. They put in an old dvd of, "Jon and Kate"...which is sad to watch now, especially because they keep saying they, "are in this together". I personally think Kate was pretty rough on Jon, I can't imagine treating Paul like that. Their kids are pretty adorable though.
Paul is looking for the permit to the dump. We can only fit so much in the two big cans that get picked up weekly by the Garbage Man Who Hates Rosie, so when we clean rooms or get rid of old fans, we put the stuff under the deck, and take it to the dump. Well...where in the world can a dump permit have gone? (he is looking everywhere for it, and there is nothing more irritating than a husband who can't find something when the wife is having a good old time on the computer, and doesn't necessarily want to stop typing and help look...but the rumpling through the drawers is driving me crazy!)
Tomorrow is Evelyn Joy's twelth birthday! She is my eleventh child, (Evelyn-Eleven), and was named after a close friend who has now passed away, some 80 years older than our Evelyn. Evelyn is the middle girl in the Five Girls In a Row, the seventh girl in the family. She has extremely curly strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and is spunky through and through. She has been a teenager for a long time now. I don't know what we are doing for her birthday yet. She requested burgers on the grill, so we made some and froze them, and bought the buns. She also wanted ice cream pie, so I shall have to send someone to the store.
When Evelyn was born, oh that was a crazy summer. Emily was 14 years old, Abigail 12, Benjamin 10, Mirielle 9, Joseph 8, Aaron 6 1/2, Mali 5, Sam 4, Margaret 3, and Kathryn 17 months. The month before Evelyn's birth, Benjamin fell off the front of the party boat on the boys' camping trip. He fell off the front, (boys pushing and fooling around, he got pushed in), went under the boat, and hit the motor. The driver of the boat didn't believe the kids when they started screaming that the motor hit Ben, so a few of the boys just dove in and saved him. He was bleeding horribly, the blades had ripped him up...they were on the other side of a remote lake in the Adirondacks. Paul and a few other guys got him wrapped in a sheet, and motored him across the lake in a smaller boat, found a camp with a phone, called the ambulance, and started the seven mile trip down the lake to meet the ambulance at the main dock. Paul will not speak of that night, I do believe he was in shock. It was before cell phones, which do not work well in the Adirondacks anyway, but he called me from the hospital and told me that Ben was in surgery and he did not know if he was going to live. Blah. Torture, that night was absolute torture for me. I could not just drive to Saranac Lake Hospital, I had all the other kids here...(we had just finished packing everything for a family camping trip that was supposed to start the next day)(I was really going camping up in the mountains at 8 months pregnant with all those kids)(we had to cancel)Anyway, Benjamin did survive, he had 106 stitches, battled infection from the lake water...I drove up there to visit him twice while he was in the hospital, no easy feat: five hour drive one way. (I begged and pleaded with God so much that night, I and He heard my prayers. I actually felt His presence like a warm blanket, and I fell asleep, woken by the call from Paul that Ben was out of surgery...and that the blade had hit his hip, saving his life...if it had hit his tummy, or his spine, he would have been done for...)
By the time Evelyn was born, things had settled down. Ben had taken out a lot of his stitches on his own, (under the supervision of one of our good friends who is a pediatric surgeon), and that is when he decided he wanted to be a dr., or in the medical field.
Anyway...see what happens when I just ignore Paul and sit here and type? He gave up, couldn't find the permit. I will have to call the town and get another copy. blah.
He asked me if he was going to drive me crazy this week. I said no, I decided that though I was tempted to think that, I wouldn't let him drive me crazy. I just sat here and typed. He is so funny. He just left with Jon to fix Emily and Abigail's washing machine. I am thinking this week isn't going to be very vacation-y, with him wanting to fix everything (he is working on the roof this week, and perhaps a large plumbing project), and me being so housebound...blah. But hey, life is short. As Emily said the other night, everything is "finite". These days with the kids will go by, and never come back, and I shall enjoy them as much as I can. Just because I am suffering here doesn't mean they have to. Wow, I do feel sorry for myself!
Camille has the perfect 'Vanna White' stance! Hoping to see you and all your smiling kids today! :)
Hi I have been reading your blog for a long time, but never commented. You are an amazing family. My two girls are amazed that you have16 children. They would love lots of brothers and sisters. We have been praying for you and your little baby growing inside you. We hope that it all works out ok love Nikki , Chloe & Lolly xxx
Put on a couple of pair of underwear and a pad (or two) and wear black pants, and go have some fun! Don't let the fear overwelm you! I wouldn't want to go out either if I thought something like that was gonna happen, but I had a situation kinda similar to yours. I wasn't worrying about losing a baby, but after I was hit by the car, and damaged my hip, there were several holes in my hip we had to keep padded...using sanitary pads. (I was bleeding a LOT sometimes!)BUT sometimes the nurses didn't always pad very well when I would leave our Wound Care Center, and I would start leaking. I carried around those pads you can put down on a chair to sit on as a few chairs a little damp. But I also had to wear dark pants b/c sometimes it wouldn't take long before I was leaking through. Had to get home and my MOther or a friend would have to redo the bandages the way we knew would prevent leaks.
My point is...don't let the fear keep you at home. I know my situation isn't nearly the same, but in a way it is...worrying about BIG stains, etc. Do I even make sense?
Take extra undies & pants w/ you, if you can, so if you feel like you are "out of control", you can change. I'm sure you know all this already.
Also, don't let the devil win with fear! God is in control!
Good luck! I am praying for you, and have been praying for you!
Thinking of you and praying for God's will in the care and keeping of your baby~
I am curious to know if you had your progestron tested? They can do a simple blood test. That could be what is causing all of your bleeding. I would talk to your Doctor about having that done. If it is low you need to start on a supplement right away. You can even have it done at an ER if you need to.
That accident sounds absolutely horrifying. Thank God, your son was spared.
I know what you mean about the husband being home and driving the wife crazy.I love having him home, but there is something to be said about the everyday routine making things easier. I think you even mentioned in your last post something about not being able to be "off" when he is home. I think the same thing!
Still praying for you and your baby.
I just wanted to send you a huge hug. You, your family and your wee babe are in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you the very best and hope this time of worry passes on to become a very positive one.
Milla has that same exact bathing suit Camille has on!! A very generous friend whose daughter is about six months older than Milla gave it to us second-hand.
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