We drove the small Nissan, which is more cozy than the minivan, and a really far cry from that 15 passenger van I drove for years. Our first stop, after dropping off some library books, was Tim Horten's. I had a few coupons, so I got a coffee, a large hot chocolate for them to share, and ten Timbits for like four dollars. :) And no, I did not have any of them.
We shopped in three stores. Camille brought her little notebook and pen, and kept track of each and every item I put in the cart. Math class! She would do the math out loud, so Jon and Char helped too.
They have been outside this morning, first thing. Most of our snow melted, but it is still cold out, and snowing again.
Charlotte Claire is lying on the couch under a down comforter, writing a paper about yesterday. Camille finished two reports, ten pages of her curriculum book, and is working on math. Jon is writing, too.
It is chilly in here, we are looking into getting a fake fireplace/heater with flames kind of thing to keep it warmer in here. I don't really mind the beauty of winter, but I hate cold hands and cold feet. I walked this morning, and the road was slippery. blah.
Paul leaves for France again tomorrow. Sunday, another basketball game to work at. But I am not complaining. There is way too much to be thankful for!!!
Well...Cam needs my attention.
Well, it's Spring here, but still feels like Winter. I am so ready for warm weather and sunshine. I miss Target! Jealous! BTW--you look younger every time I see a picture. Your hard work has definitely paid off. This is my new blog. Still have the other one that is mostly private, but I have started this one hoping to build something that might help other foster parents. --Bonnie from NZ
I came across this article. I know you love eating cookie dough once in a while. I immediately thought of you! https://gma.yahoo.com/eating-raw-cookie-dough-led-one-moms-death-231048179--abc-news-topstories.html
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