summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

making a list....checking it twice...

I still have blanks next to names on my Christmas list. My daughter is getting married one week from today. I need to make sure I have the ingredients for really good homemade cupcakes, I'm thinking some chocolate and some vanilla, with white buttercream frosting with those clear sparkly sprinkles, maybe some with silver bows.

The dress I wore to a few weddings was a bit tight the last time I tried it on, I am procrastinating trying it on, so not sure what I'm wearing yet.

I don't know what the the little girls will be wearing.

Tonight there's a wedding meeting at Ben and Ashley's house.

Today, Anne is coming over, Lydia is here, nestled in my arms watching, "Martha Speaks", all snuggled up in her blankie.

Yesterday, we went out and about a bit, got Jonathan's secret Santa present, and some groceries. Lydia fell asleep in the car seat on the way home, but still took a little nap in Sonja's bed. She is such a good girl. She helped me wrap some presents yesterday and put them under the tree.

Dinner: I cut up a whole package of chicken breasts (5 or 6 pounds), cooked in olive oil with salt and pepper, then added some orange ginger sauce...made some rice, stir fried broccoli with red, yellow, green peppers, and mmm, dinner. I only had a tablespoon of rice, but lots of veggies and chicken.

Does it baffle anyone that we actually have sixteen kids? Sometimes it still shocks me. I have a fear of overlooking someone, slighting someone, and it's amplified at Christmas. I need to check that list of mine, and make sure there's at least one or two things for each of them on's so weird, to love each of them with my whole entire heart, no matter how old they are, no matter what choices they make in life...sometimes they make these decisions that I don't agree with...and I feel almost helpless, like they're running toward a cliff they think will make them happy, yet I know it won't. Then I think of God, and how it must be for people freedom to choose, yet willing, wanting, us to choose the good, and I picture Jesus jumping up and down in heaven when we humble a mom, I want the best for my kids, but I cannot live their lives. I can only continue to seek peace in my own life, and continue to love my kids as they figure things out.

It's my inclination to be hard and stubborn and harsh when I disapprove of something. But Jesus was meek and lowly of heart, and has said, "Follow me."

So life is a real learning process, and I have great confidence that God won't leave me in the dust when I don't know how to handle issue, He gives wisdom to those who ask, and who diligently seek Him.

If you read this blog, and think that I have such a good life, it's true! I do! But not because everything goes my way!

Ah well, little Anne will be here soon, and the squabbles will begin. Anne and Lydia, ages 2 and 3, love each other, but often love the same toys at the same time, too. And Lyd gets jealous when Anne gets snuggles, which works in my favor, because it makes lyd more cuddly. I am learning not to expect to get anything done around the house when I have both little girls, and to be very creative in getting school's challenging, but then life isn't supposed to be easy, right?

1 comment:

Carol said...

I am sure your life is just as hectic and crazy as ours magnified a few times due to the kids. I think it is amazing that you do all that you do with the kids. I can barely breathe at times with my three and they are all grown.