summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, July 21, 2023

swimming right through summertime....

 It was a chilly 69 degrees this morning when I headed to my water aerobics class.  On the hot sunny days, it's fine to just exercise in our backyard pool, but today was Bye-Bye-Pool day.  The Old People at the pool are fun, we play catch with a beachball as warm up, and when the ball lands in front of you and splashes you in the face, it's funny, and it feels good to be goofy and laugh at ourselves.  

I had to drive Miss Camille to her babysitting job this fine morning.  Driving through the beautiful hilly countryside in the morning, seeing how high the corn is getting, passing by a horse farm, then seeing a few deer peacefully grazing in a field, ahh.  I sipped my coffee and enjoyed it.  

Home...turned on the pool filter, wandered around the backyard  barefoot...picked another zucchini from the garden, and popped the first grape tomato of the season into my mouth, mmm.  Ha, there have probably been others, and the girls have been popping them ha.  

Camille needs to be picked up in a few hours, and we'll probably go to the store.  We need some fly tape to hang under the deck, where did all the flies come from all of the sudden?  The girls are planning to go to the drive-in tonight with a few of their friends, and want to get some snacks.  They are leaving for Norway on Sunday, but it won't be quiet or lonely here.  Kathryn might come stay with the kids, or at least visit a lot.  

Tomorrow, Margaret is coming over with Wulf and Tennyson, and Kathryn with Achilles, Rhys, and Jamison.  It's supposed to be sunny and eighty, so yay, a pool day!  

We're going camping next weekend, so I have to start thinking about packing.  It takes a while to gather it all up.  Back when we still towed our 35 foot camper, packing it was a dream.  You could just ask whatever kid was nearby to "go put this in the camper".  I used to hang up all their clothes in the big closet, day by day, all matching or at least co-ordinating.  Even when we were camping.  It was so much easier than tent camping.  Now of course, it's only a few of us.  Next week with the girls all gone to Europe, it'll only be Paul and I and the dogs.  Margaret and Adrian and their boys have the site next to us, so it'll be fun.  

Sam and Grace are having their baby, she's being induced the day after we get home from camping.  So we'll get home, and acquire two small children for a few days while they're in the hospital.  They aren't allowed to visit yet, which is absolutely lazy and ridiculous.  There is NO reason for such protocol to persist so long, with no threat from strange viruses.  

We had a houseful on Wednesday, a random weeknight pizza party, because our son-in-law Riley was in town.  

We all went for ice cream too!
Love Grampa talking to Tenny in the background!

We just had a beautiful summer rain pass over, watering the garden for us, now the sun is out again...I just LOVE summer!!!!!  

1 comment:

Terri D said...

A joy-filled post!! Safe travels for the kiddos!! Keep us posted!