summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, September 23, 2024

change of seasons...

 Here in central New York, we have had glorious weather, a few weeks without rain.  Sunshine, warm days, summertime days, really.  We covered our pool though, and put away the goggles and water toys, brought in the umbrella from the pool deck.  

Now this fine morning, the weather has found it's way back to more typical temperatures, a bit cooler and...rain...there is NOTHING like a rainy morning.  The little boys are actually still sleeping, and it's after eight.  They've been here four nights, and are going home this afternoon.  (Their parents and little sister went to a wedding in Canada).  

This morning, I'll make them waffles again.  I made them the first morning, then used the bowls shaped waffle maker for the second morning...then yesterday we were in more of a hurry, so I made pancakes.  With sprinkles, of course.  I added an egg, dark brown sugar, and some vanilla to the mix, as they don't use syrup, mostly because I didn't have any.  They didn't ask for the Hershey's chocolate or strawberry syrup that they used on Friday and Saturday mornings...

Yesterday morning felt like the old days.  Wulf was already awake when I got up, Tennyson soon after.  I gave them showers, washed their hair, then made brekky.  They wanted to go outside, Ten wanted to ride his little bike, they wanted to shoot the BB gun, ect.  I had to prepare for people coming over, had five racks of ribs to season and get into the smoker.  I had fruit to cut up (2 cantaloupe, 2 pounds of strawberries, then some grapes, into a big container into the refrigerator for later).

Then, out the door by 10:15 for church.  We managed to bring the boys some snacks and a water bottle and their favorite new toys to play with.  I also brought the triple batch of chocolate chip cookies I had made on Saturday...

We were all having lunch together, so I thought I'd bless my friends:). Plus, I love to bake cookies.  The house smells like a bakery, I just love it.  I want to say I didn't eat any, because I didn't, on Saturday.  Or all day Sunday, until last evening, the boys were sitting with me on the arms of my chair watching Monsters Inc and Cookie Monster videos, when Ten asked for a cookie.  There was only one of the snickerdoodles we had made left, and of course they both wanted it, even though we still had a few dozen of the chocolate chip left.

So they had to split it and share it, and split and share a chocolate chip cookie.  They were sitting there on the arms of my chair, I smelled the cinnamon, then the chocolate chip cookie was broken in half, and Wulf didn't want his I ate it.  Then Tennyson took two bites of his half and said, "I actually don't want this..."  I told him to go throw it in the garbage, then I took it and yeah, it was good.  

Anyway, it's busy having little ones afoot.  But oh my goodness they're funny.  Wulf can read anything, and he's a walking encyclopedia of animal facts.  Tennyson is a hugger and a snuggler, and has so many questions about everything.  He knows what kind of cars everyone drives.  When he was small, he knew what water bottle and phone belonged to whom, he's always been observent.  

They keep me busy, but oh dear, in a good way.  The house looks less like a Grandma's house and more like a home, with the toys scattered and picture books out.  I said to Paul yesterday, "No wonder we felt crazy with all the kids!"  You do forget what it's really like.  

They are awake now, so off I go for morning showers and to make those waffles...

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