summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

happy days...


The happiest of times are just the hum-drum days when we can spend time with each other.  Sonja needed to go to the store, Kathryn did too, so we met up.  Rhys, three years old, was busy taking pictures and videos with nice Aunt Sonja's phone...she got this one of Sonja and I, deciding to buy the one pound packages of 85%, organic ground beef.

We went to Target too, so I could pick up the shower gift I got for Suzanne.  Of course I got her a few more things, and already have a few things, just have to wrap it all and get a few gift bags.  In Target, there were three packages of chicken breast, dated the next day, marked down to 97 cents a pound.  Five pound packages for less than five dollars.  Yes, I did take all three.  Yes, I did give one to Sonja.  As soon as I got home, I sliced, chopped, marinated in lime juice and seasonings, and bagged it into ten baggies, two are in the refrigerator for tonights butter chicken or stir fry, the rest in the freezer.

This fine morning, I went to the pool, it was glorious...hadn't been since last Wednesday.  I am SO thankful I get to go, feels great.  Update on knees:  much better than before the injections, but not perfect.  I walked around Target, Aldi, and the thrift store yesterday with minimal pain, just some aching.  I still had a very hard time getting back into the car, have to sort of manually bend the knee, they seem to get stuck, which is a very painful and strange sensation.  

This weather!  It's chilly and crisp at night, then the days warm up with brilliant sunshine, high almost 80 today.  I've given up on the pool for the year, because it's so cold!  The night time temps make sure of that!  I got the autumn decorations out yesterday...washed a few fall blankets too.  It's strange to think these things will be out until I decorate for Christmas!  

Last evening, Camille made a pepperoni hot honey pizza, I put an Aldi cauliflower crust pizza in the oven, and Paul made venison chili.  I don't care much for venison, but I tried the chili and it was really good, so I had a little more.  It was very spicy though!  Camille and I watched a few seasons of Downton Abbey.  She was little when it was on PBS on Sunday nights, but she has seen the movies and a few episodes here and there.  So we decided to start from the beginning...

Our little red car had to be inspected, it passed, it's ready to pick up, so off we go...have a really good day!


Cindy said...

So many people are putting out their fall decor, I'm wondering if I should too. Summer has arrived here again and it's going to be pushing 90 later this week! I may hold off on the decor for a while longer. :) Glad you got such great deals on that meat!

Marilyn said...

Hi Della!

Do here I am at 2.10am and can’t sleep. Moving and Downton isn’t for the faint of heart. So I’m having a cup of sleepy tea and a cookie. We are watching Downton Abbey too! This is maybe the 4th time we’ve watched it! Such a GREAT show. Brilliant writing and acting. I just love it. I liked the first movie , but not so much the second one. 🤷‍♀️ Linda and her family left today amid a flood of tears from us all. Oh dear 😭😭 I missed them the minute they were gone. It’s funny …..when I’m with Aussies my accent pops back in. Well I should get back to bed. I’m glad your knees are a little bit better Della……..

Have a good day 😊

Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦

Linda said...

I am loving catching up with you and will try to stop by often to visit! Thank you for your comment on my blog! Wish we lived closer. I do admire you and your beautiful family!