summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, September 26, 2024

loving the rain...

 It's finally getting cozy here in central NY, and I love it.  Waking up with rain drumming the roof, the dark mornings, what's not to like?  I know I'll long for sunshine and warmth, but I do love the changing seasons.

Is life more than weather and what we had for dinner?  Certainly!  But, we did have a good dinner last evening!  Miss Camille found a recipe for potato and leek soup.  Admission:  neither of us really knew what a leek was.  I had an idea, but never bought them before.  She was the master chef, I peeled and chopped the potatoes.  She sautéed the garlic and leeks, added the potatoes, then the chicken broth, then used the immersion blender when it was all simmered up.  She added the spices too, and it was quite tasty.  We didn't love a soup with nothing in it though, so I cooked up a big package of peppered bacon to crumble into it, and added a few wonton strips.  

This blast from the past is from when we had only one grandchild, going on two...all of us up in the Adirondacks...
Yesterday was National Daughter Day, and since I do have eleven of them...this was nine of them during Covid, when I turned 55...Evelyn, Mariel, Abigail, Emily, Kathryn, me, Sonja, Charlotte Claire, Camille, Margaret...
Lydia's birthday a few years back, me, Em, Molly, Suzanne, Sonja, Evelyn, Mariel in the back, Camille, Abigail, Margaret, then Elise, Anya, Lydia in the front
Cam, Em, Sonja, me, Suze, Molly, Margaret, Evelyn, Kathryn with Rhys, Mariel, Lyd in the front
Sonja's wedding, 10 of the 11:  Kathryn, Evelyn, Molly Rose, Emily, Sonja, Evelyn, Margaret, Charlotte Claire, Camille, Suzanne

Sonja's wedding shower:  daughter-in-law Ashley, Suzanne, Kathryn, Camille, Char, me, Sonja, granddaughter Anya, Emily, Magaret, Evelyn, Molly, daughter-in-law Grace, Mariel...

Today is the day I'm going to bake the wedding cakes.  I'll freeze them, then frost them next week.  We have cupcakes to make too, then the day before the wedding we need to buy cheeses and meats and and and, and prepare charcuterie cups.  It's not a lot, but when I wake up during the night, I think and plan and start to worry, then have to work though it.   The wedding is on October 5, which seemed like so far in the future, then is started to sneak, uh oh!

I brought Camille shopping for shoes and a sweater to wear to the wedding.  She has a dress, but the shoes she wore to the last wedding gave her blisters.  I actually bought shoes for full price, but sometimes you have to do that.  

She's working today, and Jonathan is too.  Paul is working from home in his office, the dogs are snoring, and here I sit.  I am going to vacuum before I start baking, but first I have to make sure I have room in the freezer for the cakes.  See how I procrastinate?  My chair is simply too comfy.

Yesterday was the first time in a whole week that I made it to water aerobics.  The boys were here, Wulf and Tennyson, and I simply didn't make it there with them.  Let me just say, it felt fantastic to be back in that water.  Our backyard pool is all covered up now for the winter, that is just sad sad sad.  If I ever win the lottery, which I won't, because I never play it, I would get an indoor endless pool.  I would get in it every single day.  I would also pay someone to do all the general housework, like the windows and cleaning under the furniture.  

Housework these days is a teeny bit more rewarding than it used to be, back when I was picking up while they were throwing down.  One meal was eighteen plates, for a while there, not to mention the cups and glasses and pans and silverware.  The laundry alone could do a person in, especially with a washing machine that took all the live-long day to spin out, sometimes.  I remember tackling a bedroom, cleaning and organizing from top to bottom...the toddlers would come in and find all the fun things, and by the time I finished the room up, and came out to the living room:  disaster area!  The things they "discovered", like the talking Sully and the Fisher-Price mailbox and the Hotwheels garage...then I'd realize that I still had to make dinner, the family still has to eat.

No, you couldn't just take out childrens' batteries and set them on a shelf to behave and be still while you cleaned.  Those were the days of multi tasking and having eyes in the back of my head.  Toddlers still pooped, babies still needed nursing, and small children needed help being wiped and washing their hands.  There were fights to be broken up, and owies that needed comfort, life went on.  I'd clean and clean and read stories and change diapers and make meals, and the house still looked like a tornado some days, which were ALWAYS the days my mother-in-law would drop in with a mere five minutes notice.  The phrase "panic cleaning" doesn't even cover that intensity ha.  

Of course the whole entire house was never all clean at the same time.  

Change of plans, no baking today, Grace is coming over with the kids!  I can bake tomorrow...

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