summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, September 2, 2024

how on earth did that happen?!

Tennyson is four years old!  He's just so cute.
I am a bad picture taker, but here's baby Blythe, Sam, Ben, Emily, Margaret, then Anya and Elise on the bench, with Tennyson
Margaret made the birthday cookie

Tenny's big brother Wulf with their baby sister Blythe
Achilles and Wulf, cousins
The cupcakes and the was supposed to be a dirtbike track...Ten liked it though.
(The bigger ones are Mariel's caramel cupcakes with caramel buttercream, practice for Suzanne's wedding)
Blythe approved of the cuppy-cakes
Rhys pushing her little cousin Blythe
Oscar with Wulf, Elise and Anya and Ben talking to Blythe, being held by Margaret, her mama.
Adrian (Wulf, T, Blythe's dad, Margaret's husband), Mariel, Jon in the Hawaiin shirt holding the little doggie (Adrian and Darius's sister Rosi's dog, Juniper), Sonja holding Jamie

Blythe turned one year old and I got her a present!
Darius (Kathryn's husband) holding Blythe and his Jamison

The day was anticipated, planned for, it arrived, and disappeared, just like that.  I woke up this fine morning, vacuumed and mopped, folded some laundry, and went to Aldi.  I headed home and started the meatballs, and made buttercream for the cake and cupcakes.  

Magaret made a lasagna, Evelyn made one too.  I made gluten free meatballs and pasta for Mariel, and dairy free, for Emily.  I cut up peppers, celery, and carrots, and got out the hummus and French onion dip.  

One of the gifts I got for Tennyson was a cap gun, it was loud, much to their delight.  I think they burned through all the caps today, but it was a fun gift.  They ran around outside, and they got rides on Uncle Jonny's four wheeler.  Evelyn brought a helium tank and the balloons kept them busy too.  

Of the 16 kids, Emily, Benjamin, Mariel, Samuel, Margaret, Kathryn, Evelyn, Sonja, and Jon were here, and three of my son-in-laws, 8 of the grandchildren, and Rosi, Adrian and Darius's sister.  So 23 of us all together.  

The day sped by...I got some grandchildren hugs and some talking time with the older ones.  I had a tiny bit of lasagna, some meatballs, and I sampled the caramel cupcakes...and one small vanilla one with vanilla buttercream...mmm.  There's one caramel one and one vanilla one here for Camille, I sent all the other ones home with Kathryn and with Emily for her co-workers.  I can't/won't eat them, and hate to waste them.  :)

Anyway, it was a good day, and I'm super thankful for the injections I had in my knees, life is easier when the pain is more minimal, very thankful indeed.  Have a really good night!


Cindy said...

What a great party! That dirt bike track is really cute. You have such a fun bunch!

Marilyn said...

Good morning! What a great party 🎉 Tennyson is such a cutie pie and I love the cake! It looks great!

Sounds like camping was wonderful and your knee pains are better 👍🏻 All good!

Enjoy your day 😊

Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦

Billie Jo said...

What a wonderful family day, my friend! And, I am so glad you have some relief in your knees!!!!