summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, October 24, 2024

um, can we not?!

 This fine morning, I was out the door, after a quick shower, and chugging my black coffee down.  The leaves crunching in the driveway, my chilly feet still in the Birkenstocks, and a big black sweater to cuddle into.  I drove to the dr. office, found a good spot down the block I could just pull into without any of that pesky parallel parking, and without having to navigate the parking garage.  I was in there with time to spare.  

Xrays were done, then I talked to the "back doctor".  He asked me to walk on my toes, then on my heels, which I could do just fine, thank you water aerobics class!  The takeaway:  some arthritis in the spine, but no visible bulging disks, or any other issues, however:  an MRI is needed to see more of what's going on.  Well.  In order to do THAT, one must attend physical therapy for six weeks.  Me:  I already go to water aerobics three times a week!  Him:  You have to do this for the insurance to cover the MRI.  Me:  Okay, can I go just once a week?  Him:  No, twice is what I recommend.  Me:  I really don't want to do that.  Him:  Okay, I'll give you some exercises to do at home, but you HAVE to do them, and I'll sign off on that for the insurance...and I'll see you in six weeks.  Me:  (grinning ear to ear)

Then the hard part, actually doing the exercises.  It was ugly.  I got down on the floor onto the mat, on my knees, to do the first thing, and it hurt....I did a few piddly ones, then onto the stretches...I cannot stretch very much, but I tried.  Onto my back to lift my knees to my chin one by one, ha.  I did it a bit of the way, so as not to pull a muscle on the first day.  The planking, I can do.  The lying on the side and lifting my hip while one foot and a crossed arm supports me, ha.  Ha ha.  I did try though.  

I am actually excited about this, because I see how stiff and tight my muscles are...there are warm ups, then stretches, then strength exercises, and if it makes my back stronger, good.  My abs are awful, I just lean over to reach that little do-hicky that opens the gas thingy at the gas station, and I get a cramp.   So it can only get better, right?

Oh, and my hips are fine, just the bursitis, which is nice...I was afraid I would find out I had arthritis in them too, but not yet, ha.  

So it does look a little more positive, I may feel like I'm falling apart, but I have a few more miles in me.

Driving down the highway taking pictures...
The old schoolhouse...
Rhys killing me at matching game...I actually had just one more match than she had, 12 to 11.  She is a smart cookie.  

This is the prototype for the cake I am kiddingly going to make and enter into the scary dessert contest for our fall feast for the kids.  Shh, I know to some of you, it would be wonderful, not horrific, so we won't go down that road.  But I do think I am quite funny. :). No politics on the blog...well, maybe just a teeny bit.  But it's okay, I'll still like you if you vote for her.  

(Grandpa and Rhys raking, Rhys prattling on about her little rake...)

Old kitty, Kettler, Mama Cat...she's turned into a cuddle bug in her older age.  She loves me.  I rarely sit here without her on my lap.  

Ah well...I have a roast in the oven, have to go take it out...have a good evening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love fall, am all wowed by it every year, but the trees in Ohio this year are absolutely stunning. Must have been just the right weather for them to turn or something. Have a good weekend!!