summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, September 9, 2013

goodbye monday. see ya next week.

After shopping with Mali and Kathryn and Jonathan, I had a huge headache. Target, Price Chopper, the library...I just wanted to come home and crawl into bed with a book. I seriously considered it. But who would put away the groceries and husk the corn and make the dinner so six of the kids could get out the door for soccer practice at 5:30? Since I like to get sidetracked, I decided to try shooting a few of Sam's airsoft guns with him. Uh-huh, I hit the target, a large stock pot propped up on a bucket in the back yard. Too much fun, I tell you!

Then I husked the corn with Jon and Mirielle. I put two chickens in the crock pot. Did I mention that our oven is sick? Paul has a friend who fixes appliances, he usually walks through the problems on the phone and helps him order the replacement parts. A repairman? Um, no, not us, not usually. The oven makes everything black when it's not even done. So the crock-pot it is, for now.

The chickens will be for tomorrow, we had peppered turkey wraps and corn on the cob for dinner. The soccer kids had an ear of corn quick before they left, and are eating part II right now.

Paul is at a church meeting.

The little girls are all tucked into bed. They did their homework and read stories to me, had snacks, and brushed their teeth. They are so sweet and funny. Charlotte Claire so matter-of-factly told me that her friend was back in school. I asked where she had been, and Char said, "She was sick, plus she had lice."

This coming weekend is our church soccer tournament. Emily and I are planning/shopping for the grill. I already bought some of the candy, but still have to get Gatorade and soda and water and lots and lots of burgers and hot dogs and chicken and chips and stuff for salads. We will be prepping/baking on Friday night, then working all day Saturday, hopefully getting to watch the kids play their games, too. Kathryn and Evelyn and Suzanne and Sonja and Jonathan play this year, with Sam helping to coach.

Emily is coming over tomorrow so we can plan and perhaps do some of the shopping.

My headache is gone now, thankfully. Life is much more challenging when the head is pounding.

1 comment:

Tereza said...

I just love you! Serious your life reminds me of mine and for some reason thats so entertaining!! Maybe cause makes me feel less like I'm the only one? except I'm not as talented with writing about the details !!