summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, November 12, 2015

and a happy start to the morning....

The usual, swept the floors, fed and watered the dogs, and pet them a bit of course. I did some laundry, and made a pot of coffee. Then Camille told me she felt like she was going to throw up, right as Evelyn texted me from school, asking to be picked up. She's not sick, she just doesn't want to be in school today. If I was a smart mom, I would text her back that OF COURSE I AM NOT GOING TO PICK YOU UP. But I am not a smart mom, I am a mom who realizes that she has ELEVEN daughters, and is glad to give some attention to a 16 year old girl who needs it. These kids of mine are just passing through. Nine of them are 18 and over now. The time spent with these teenagers is precious and fleeting.

So of course I answered, "What time do you want me to pick you up?".

We haven't started school yet. The girls are playing Barbies. The just don't get bored, and I have a respect for playing, and find it hard to make them stop, to hit the books. They are 8 and 9, and in a few years the dolls will be all lonely in their bins, as these last two kids of mine grow up.

It's gloomy and windy today...the dismal forebodings kind of autumn day...those beautiful leaves have all crumpled up and blown away, leaving the trees so stark.

It's a day for baking, for hunkering down and staying in. Jon is sitting on the couch reading a book with Mr. Kitty purring on his lap, and the dogs are snoring on the other couch. My mug of pumpkin spice coffee is almost gone, and that niggling thought that we need to start school won't leave me alone, although believe me, I'm trying to ignore it.

It's that time of year for me to start really thinking about fixing things up in here, so I have been nagging Paul to figure out what's wrong with our oven. He tried to fix it last night, and made a huge-o mess, black sooty stuff all over the floor. He has already replaced a part, ect. This stove of ours is a nice one, it has a convection oven and extra burners on the top, and I like it...but. But it needs to be fixed or replaced, although it's not what I would like to spend a chunk of money on. I can't paint the kitchen if it's just going to get all sooty from the oven. And I also want to undertake the painting of the kitchen cabinets. One of my daughters said last night that there is "nothing to do", and I was all over that. Just wait, I told her, we are going to have plenty to do, because we are going to do some painting projects and home improvements. They actually seem okay with it. I need to do it while I still have willing helpers living here at home:)

Okay, the niggling is getting louder, ha, we need to get going on our math. (We are concentrating on just math for a few days, to get down some concepts...I am trying to make math less scary:))

Here's your favorite blogger this fine morning...can't seem to get out of this chair....!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Your weather seems to mirror ours (in MI) very closely so I can totally relate :)

It stinks when you have one (huge) obstacle in your way of getting going on a project. It's definitely something that needs to be addressed, but it's all about timing (and in a big family. You want to get things done when motivation is high and outside commitments are at a low. Holidays are coming up which means even more baking/cooking than normal and lots more company so you sure won't want to be in the middle of any kind of kitchen project then. It's always so nice to freshen up paint and make things look new again...good luck!