summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, October 25, 2024

autumn yummies...

 But first, here's my new friend: 

Isn't she a beauty?  
Did we need a new one?  Well, yes, actually we did.  The one we had is Jonathan's, I got it for him for Christmas.  Now, he's getting married, and his fiance is getting an apartment soon, so she should have it.  

I bought it from a warehouse store, new in the box, for $41!  Casabrews, Margaret has one and likes it enough.  

After the pool today, Camille and I had to go rescue Paul, the truck battery died and he was out in the middle of nowhere, deer hunting...he was all ready to go home, and nope.  So we drove out there to give him a jump, then he went and bought a new truck battery.  We drove to pick up our espresso machine, plus a bookcase, a birthday gift for Miss Cam (a Shark hairdryer, for $23!), and a few more things.  We ran into Hobby Lobby, and I mean, sprinted, ha, not really, but no dawdling.  I wanted new switchplate covers for a few light switches, and I don't actually mean NEW, I mean there are none on them.  Somehow after painting over a year ago, we didn't replace a few, as well as a few electrical outlet covers.  I wanted new ones and never got to it.  You know how sometimes everything that's done wrong or isn't done just jumps out at you and you wonder how you didn't take care of it?  

Anyway, I've been watching for the 50% off sale, so they were $2.99 :). 

Then to Dunkin for a coffee for Camille...I ordered one too, online to pick up.  I specified two pumps of pumpkin spice, which I should NOT be having anyway, but last time I got one pump it was almost good, so what the heck, right?  Well, the coffee tasted like a wondrous dessert, amazing, looked at the label:  4 pumps pumpkin.  I should have brought it back.  It was good, but I wasn't going to drink it...I had a few sips, mmm, but so much sugar.

We hemmed and hawed about what to do next, then decided that Sunday would be Lasagna Day, so we went to Aldi for ricotta cheese, and some mixed Italian cheese, noodles, and some zucchini for my zucchini lasagna.

This evening's dinner, oh dear... boneless pork chops marinated for a few hours in lime juice, rosemary, salt and pepper, brought to room temp, patted dry, browned up in olive oil, flipped, brown sugar spooned on top of,  heat lowered, pan other pan, sliced apples and onions browned up, simmered...a bit of salt and pepper, and brown sugar in that...after chops cooked through and rested, cut them up and served in the brown sugar sauce they were cooked in...with leftover heated up mashed potatoes...oh dear, so good!  

Ah well.  Have a good evening!


Terri D said...

I just bought porkchops and now want to try your recipe! Sounds delicious!! The coffee machine looks like one of those $500 machines! Wow! Happy weekend!!

Linda said...

I just love that new machine!!!! Wishing you a beautiful day my friend.

Kanadiangirl said...

I am so, so jealous of how you cook all the time without recipes! You have so many incredible talents!

Kristine From Kanada