summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

it was a dark and rainy day...

...and Della realized that autumn wasn't just all pretty leaves and pumpkins.   Camille was the one who pointed out yesterday, as we headed down the driveway in the cold windy rain, that fall was showing her true colors.  

We needed air in the tires.  I AM a drama queen, which means a warning light on the dashboard is cause for panic!  I drove to the pool with it on, then back home...I mentioned it to Paul, hoping he'd say No problem, I'll take care of it.  But he didn't, and he's so busy. So, I sucked it up and headed to the gas station with Miss Cam.  You have to pay $2.50 for air now, so I scanned the card, lefty-loose-ied the tire caps, and Cam filled the tires while I gave her the blow by blow with the numbers...we're at 25, Camille, almost done!  It was only 41 degrees with a driving wind and rain, we got soaked.  But, when we were done, phew, we were happy when we drove away with that dashboard void of panic issues!  (I TOLD you I was a drama queen!)

We dropped off the library books that have been in my backseat for a week.  (speaking of that, I need to bring some things in from my car...there's a car seat in there, it's been playing musical cars, it needs to just be put away in the house...there's a Little Tikes bowling set in a big cardboard box from the thrift store, for activity club, there's a huge box of cupcake stands from Suzanne's wedding, two boxes of seltzer, a blanket and pillow from when Sonja took the girls to the drive-in in the summer, and now, as of yesterday, 25 pumpkins for activity club, which I will unload this evening.)

I am not a hoarder, but my car says different.

Camille and I moseyed on down to Target yesterday, wandered around and spent $19.  She found two tops on the clearance rack, with an extra 20% off.  I got her some protein shakes, and we got a thing of heavy cream, and that's it.  We stopped at the bank to get cash for the pumpkins, then picked them out in the cold drizzle.  We joked about getting sick from being out in the elements.  

She made a deep dish pizza in the iron frying pan, I heated up some leftover roasted pork and Brussel sprouts, adding two chopped apples on top, with some brown sugar mixed with cajun seasoning, may I mention it was delicious?  (Paul had venison chili, and Jon and Rosie celebrated Canadian thanksgiving with Margaret and Adrian and their kids)

Lo and behold, poor Miss Cam came home from music practice all white and trembly...and yes, she's sick.  It's been going around so slowly, I never got it, Paul was sick before the wedding, I thought we were in the clear, but no, it's still in the air.   I think I fought it off, or did I?

In any case, I can't stop living just in case I might get sick tomorrow, so today I am going out and about with Kathryn, and helping her with an appointment.  

Mattress review:  we bought a mattress on Amazon, it didn't come, didn't come, didn't even ship, finally cancelled the order.  Then Prime Days arrived, so we got a decent deal on a Casper mattress.  Paul unboxed it, set it on the bed frame, and I was woefully unimpressed, it was so flat.  The first night I tossed and turned, and didn't love it.  We had taken two memory foam toppers off the old bed, I wanted them back...Paul didn't, he likes a firm bed.  So, I just used one of them and folded it in half.  Now my side of the bed is a good four inches higher than his side, but it's oh so comfy now!  I did still feel the pea though.

On Sunday, we had a small scale chili festival here in our house.  

Emily brought:  pumpkin soup

Mariel brought:  pumpkin chili

Ashley brought:  "normal" chili, and corn bread

Kathryn brought:  bread she had just baked that morning

Evelyn brought:  white chicken chili

Paul made:  venison and hot sausage chili

I made:  coconut lime chicken soup, and a big pan of jasmine rice, and two pans of brownies

There were also barbecued corn chips for the chilis, and lots of seltzers to drink.  It was a super casual day, with football on, and hide and seek, and games of memory with the kids, lots of noise, Jamie fell asleep in Evelyn's arms, it was a wonderful day.  

My oldest granddaughter, Anya, turned 11 yesterday, so I had a few birthday gifts for her on Sunday, and some for Elise, who turns seven this month.  They got pretty necklaces, and Elise got a reborn baby doll, Anya some nice marking pens, a notebook, and a little carrying case for them, along with one of those little mystery toys to open.  Elise also got a big package of Hatchimal babies.  

Ah well...Cam is on the couch with Orange Guy cuddled with her, Paul got back from donating blood and is working, and I am leaving soon to go with Kathryn.  Is everything A#1 perfect?  of course not!  But life is a gift, and we are thankful for it, right?  Aching knees and all!  Have a really good day!

Friday, October 11, 2024

it almost makes me cry...

 Something spurred a memory of bedtime routines with lots of kids.  Oh, I couldn't wait until they were all tucked in, phew.  Impatient while they brushed and flushed, putting on pajamas and night time pull ups and listening to their prayers...when they really wanted to drag things out, and wanted God to bless everyone in their class, by name, and everyone's dog and cat.  Tap tap tap with my foot.

Ahhh.  A little bit of quiet.  Since I had sixteen babies, usually when the bulk of the children were cozy in bed, I'd still have a baby to rock and feed and change, so it wasn't like I actually had free time.  I didn't even know what that WAS until Camille went to kindergarten.  

I would give all the money in the world to go back to one of those crazy evenings again.  

Today, I went to swim class, then drove up to Oswego, where I picked up a few things from a pallet store. A travel backpack($20), a couch cover ($6), and a little footstool ($15).  The backpack is really nice, the couch cover was totally worth six bucks, and is on the ugly red couch already, but the stool is missing the hardware to put it together.  dang.  I either take it back, or find the right screws.  I had wanted to do it myself, but I think I'll have to ask for help.  (I use a Little Tikes plastic chair for my foot stool now, I have a recliner but hate the way it reclines, makes my feet way too far up.). 

I then went to the Walmart up there, for some D-mannose, if you ever get a twinge of a UTI, take some, and it'll go away.  I wandered around the store all by myself, and found a few Christmas gifts, some eggs, and some cream.  Then I went to visit Wulf and Tenny for a few minutes, then home....ahh, home.

Paul was just leaving for some bow-hunting, and the Casper mattress box was on the deck, empty!  It was delivered today, he already took out our old Sleep Number bed and put the new mattress on our bed frame. I hate to be a pessimist, but it looks really flat still.  We had ordered a different mattress that Kathryn recommended, but it didn't come for two weeks, so we canceled the order.  Then Prime Days were happening, so we got a decent deal on this one.  We'll see.  I just wish it were higher, maybe we need box springs.  

The refrigerator needed cleaning out, so I did that.  We have to be so much more careful, there was too much waste.  I have to be more careful, have to cook in small amounts!  It HAS been a while since I purged the salad dressings and such though, we don't really eat them here anymore anyway, for the most part.  Now it will stay nice and neat and clean with no yucky leftovers, right?  

Camille is home from work, and Jon brought Rosie out to dinner, so we fended for ourselves for dinner.  I had bacon and eggs, she had leftover pasta turned into some nice creation with sautéed onions and garlic.  Paul came home after a nice afternoon in the woods, no deer.  Cam is at a girls' evening at Mariel's house, Jon is off with his friends, and we're here in the quiet.  The old kitty is purring on the arm of my chair, couldn't get any closer to me.  She's such a funny girl, she was never this friendly, but I think she misses the hubbub around here a bit too.  

Tomorrow some of the grandkids will be coming over, and we're doing things around the house...then Sunday after church, the fam is coming over for Chili Day.  What is this, you ask?  Not sure, but Mariel is bringing chili, and I am making some...what will the others bring?  We'll find out!

It seems like my Florida friends are okay from the storm?  Please let us know if you need anything!  Have a good evening, all.  :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

ahhh....a day.

 This misty moisty morning, when cloudy was the weather....(Mother Goose)...I had nowhere to go, nowhere to be.  But.  I had some animal problems. 

Now, the saga began last night, when I, freshly showered with a soft cotton nightgown on, got into my wonderful bed.  What?!  WHAT?!  WHY IS MY BED WET?!  I jumped out of bed so fast, I'm surprised I didn't pull a muscle.  My bed was wet.  I took a deep breath, and turned on the bedside lamp.  A big puddle of wet, starting on my nice just-a-few-months-old Target clearanced comforter.  

I smelled it.  I mean, wouldn't you?  Pee.  Yup, pee, no doubt about it.  I have some theories, I blame the cat.  Old Kitty.  She was closed in my room for a bit, because there were visiting grandchildren, namely a one year old Blythe who goes everywhere and gets into everything, as one year olds should.

So, you close all the hallway doors and let her go.  She's a cute little monkey.

I cannot fathom one of the dogs being the culprit.  (oh dear, lost my train of thought, Camille just brought me a cup of hot tea, ginger peach with a tad bit of local honey, perfect for a chilly evening!).  The dogs.  Suri cannot even get up on the bed, and I seriously doubt Sunny would pee there...but she might have if she was stuck in I think it was the cat.  

Anyway.  You'd think, being the mother of 16 hooligans, I'd be done trying to figure out who did things ha.  

So last night, I got out some clean sheets, and made a nest on the couch.  It wasn't terrible, I changed my nightgown, and read for a while...then this fine I found the same kitty locked in a spare room we keep an extra refrigerator in...someone was getting out or putting back the wedding cupcakes...and kitty got locked in there...there is not a kitty litter box in that room, so you can imagine the suprises she left me.

She was mighty happy to get out of the room, and purred for kitty chow, but ate it up too quickly, and yeah, she barfed three times across the floor on the way to the door...

Argh, they keep me hopping.  

These two were visiting here yesterday too, Wulf and Tennyson.  Wulf wasn't feeling so well, but we still managed to play a game of Labopoly.  I made them homemade waffles for dinner, with sprinkles.  

This fine morning, after washing three loads of bedding, vacuuming the floors, washing up the dishes, picking up some toys, I asked Miss Cam if she wanted to go to the library.  We stopped at the thrift store first, she got an Abercrombie and Fitch sweater, I got a few nice Kohl's and Macy's shirts, then off to Target we went. 
This was marked down to $49.49!  I have been wanting one for years, especially to clean the couch.  I was not planning to get it today, but how could I not?   We tried it out on the ottoman to see how it cleaned, it worked well but it's not dry yet.  

It was dark and rainy, so I turned into the diner...Camille ordered blueberry pancakes...think there was enough?
I got scrambled eggs, hash browns, and cinnamon raisin toast.  The toast was burnt, I should have asked her to remake it, but I started eating it, I mean, why waste it?  I didn't eat it all, but I could have, it was so good...but I try to avoid carb-y's fresh baked from a little place up in Oswego, and it's so good...I really should have pointed out how burnt it was though...

Home...ahh, home.  We opened our new little Green cleaner, and tried it out...washed the clothes from the thrift store, I made my bed, and dinner time...we had leftovers from Sunday, although Jon made some sausages with onions.  

It's quiet and cozy in here right now.  Jon and Rosie are going to bake cookies tonight, probably chocolate chip.  

Tomorrow is water aerobics class, and possible going out to brekky with the group, haven't decided yet.  There are a few things I need to go pick up from an auction site, a six dollar couch cover, and a $20 travel backpack.  

There is sickness going around, Paul was sick last week and better in time for the wedding, but still kind of dragging.  I feel like I've been fighting it off, just am tired, but that could be from sleeping on the couch last night, ha.  Have a good evening, and if you live in Florida, oh dear, be safe.  

Monday, October 7, 2024

wedding pictures!

In no particular order, Mariel and me...

Mirror selfie with Evelyn Joy
My sons, Aaron and Joseph...they grew up best friends, only 18 months apart...
My girls, Mariel and Camille, cupcake bakers and frosters!
Ten of the kids:  Benjamin, Jon, Aaron, Molly Rose, (Paul and I), Mariel, Sonja, Suzanne the bride, her groom Zech, Camille, Kathryn, Evelyn
Cutting the cake...

Jonathan, Aaron, Joseph
Joseph, Benjamin, Jon, Aaron (Sam didn't make it, he was sick), Molly, Mariel, Sonja, Suze, Zech, Camille, Kathryn, Evelyn (Emily, Abigail, Margaret, Charlotte Claire, and Samuel weren't there)
Paul and Suzanne and their dance...
First dance for Suze and Zech
Zech's mom Angela, mother of the groom and I...we love each other very much!
Aaron, Riley, Evelyn
Paul and I with Molly Rose

Cam, Kathryn, Sonja, and Oscar
Joseph, Jonathan, Adrian, Benjamin, Mariel, Paul

Aww, big brother Benjamin hugs his little sister

Vanilla, salted caramel, chai, and chocolate with espresso frosting

First look...
They so sweetly went to the hospital in their bridal finery to visit Zech's grandmother, before the ceremony.
Evelyn helps Suzanne with her shoes...
Riley and I, and that cake!  

 I think I posted these just a few videos: 

Just some Billy Joel from Oscar...

Ah, home again, it's done.  They're off on their honeymoon.  I went back to the pool this morning, but I brought some cupcakes with me.  I set them out at the reception desk with some plates and napkins, all were taken.  :).  

Some grandchildren are coming in a few hours, I need to vacuum.  I have been picking up and puttering, dusted and shined up the coffee table, did some laundry.  I am mostly unpacked, have some more things to put away.  I don't know what I'm making for dinner, but honestly...I'd almost rather go back to the days when all the kids were home and I KNEW how many were eating each night!  Last evening, I made chicken and gravy, then roasted acorn squash (cut in half, added just a spoonful of dark brown sugar, lots of salt and pepper), russet potatoes with olive oil and rosemary, and brussel sprouts with the same...the brown sugar spilled out onto them too, oh dear it was amazing.  But...I was the ONLY one who ate the dinner.  Sam and Grace were going to eat here, then not going to, ended up leaving right before it was done...Camille wasn't hungry because she had gotten a milkshake with Sonja and Oscar, Jon came in with Rosie and a pizza...Paul wasn't I ate by myself, and said, I am done making dinner!

Now I have no idea what to make tonight...Wulf, Tennyson, and Blythe will probably be here, and Rosie, Jon, Camille, Paul and I better figure it out.  

Ah well...have a nice cozy autumn's chilly and gorgeous here!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

just a sneak peak of the cake!


We're still at our Airbnb, let's hope we can get it to the venue without any drama.  Riley helped so much, can you believe this place has a metal cake frosting smoother?  I was planning to use my ridged one, but this one was just more right, we like the simple look.  It was great fun, but also scary as heck.  Evelyn was making bouquets, then we filled vases for all the tables.  We wrapped the silverware in napkins and tied it off with pretty twine.  We went to the venue and put tablecloths on, got the backdrop/arches there and set up, got the cupcake stands and cake stand all set up...

This fine morning, Paul and I will be going over to Zech's Aunt's place to take some pictures with Suzanne getting ready.  (Zech's dear grandma is in the hospital, so they are so kindly getting ready early and going there to visit her in their wedding finest.)

My dress is still at the dry cleaners, Aaron and Riley were taking their suits there and took my dress for a has pleats and I was afraid to do it...

My hair is clean but a mess.  Evelyn is the maid of honor, and after Suze and Zech go up to the hospital, we'll come back here and get ourselves ready.  The ceremony will be outside in a gazebo along the Genesee River...shh, I hope I can stand that long!  

Today is a beautiful autumn day, sun shining...can't complain...let's just hope the cake makes it there in once piece!  Have a wonderful day!