summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, July 26, 2024

um, yes, I did...

 I went to another bakery today.  There is one near the airport, and I had to bring Emily and Mariel to the I went to the bakery.  I'm Sentimental Suzy over here, tearing up because it was just yesterday that I bought fancy cookies for Miss Char and Miss Cam.  This was also the bakery my sister and I would go to, when our mom had already passed away and our dad was battling leukemia.  We would get him a chocolate pie, or a lemon meringue.  (He had sores in his mouth, and couldn't eat very many things.)

So today, I bought one half moon cookie, and sent it to work with Sonja, and two cannolis, one chocolate and one vanilla.  I cut those both in half, and ate two I said to Betty, I had to slap myself silly to not go back and eat Sonja's halves.

While I was out, all by my lonesome, I went to Joann Fabrics.  I bought two dress patterns for $2.99 each, will I actually make dresses?  Not with the fabric in that store, it was SO expensive!  If a dress in my size takes three yards, well, I'm not paying fifteen bucks a yard!  Especially when the dress might very well come out very silly looking.  I did enjoy meandering around, but everywhere I go, all by myself, I hear echos of the girls admiring things, wondering about McDonalds, belting out songs, dancing around the cart...the phases they went through:  making bracelets, painting wood things, crocheting, painting, drawing, collecting scrap book paper to decorate dollhouses...there was a mom there with four small children, lively kids, happy, asking for things and suggesting things, touching things, stressing her out.  I wanted to tell her grab on to this day, and enjoy the heck right out of it.  But, I didn't.  I'm just a grandma lady, walking alone, with a slew of memories.

I called the pizza place from the parking lot, and ordered two slices of cheese pizza and some chicken wings.  Then, I went into a grocery store for some cherries (yum!), pepperoni, and shh, two steaks because they were $5.99 a pound.  I picked up my pizza, and home....ahh, home.  Sonja had some pizza, I had half a slice, she took the rest to work.  Oscar came over after work, and had a few wings with me.  

Now it's just the animals and me.  Sonja is at work, and Paul is coming home tomorrow night.  So to the airport again, but good thing the bakery is closed at that time of night ha.

Now it's morning again, my computer is acting up big time.  The new battery has arrived, but I am not about to attempt to install it myself.  I can change batteries on toys, but a Mac Book is a little different, I might wreck it.  

I have to leave for the pool in ten minutes, and I'm still not dressed and ready.  After the pool, I'm going to do a little bit of cleaning and straightening, then pick up my sister.  We're going to take our Aunt Barb out to lunch.  She's our father's sister, there were 12 kids in their family, now there are two sisters left, and one lives in Ohio.  Barb is in her eighties now, and doesn't drive unless she has to, and gets very lonely.  Her husband passed away like 30 years ago, and they had no children.  She's been on my mind a lot, and we haven't visited her in a few months, so today we are.  

Sonja's home from her night shift and I'm going to talk to have a good day!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

the countdown...

 ...the wedding is in just three weeks.  Yesterday I went with Miss Sonja K. to have her second fitting, the work is done, her wedding dress is beautiful.  It has a long train that hooks up underneath, for after the ceremony.  We opted to have the seamstress to steam it for us too, so when she picks it up, it'll be all ready.  

We meandered through Target when we were through, got a half off Starbucks coffee, then went to Walmart.  She had gotten a nice lamp from the thrift store, and we had to find just the right lampshade.  We dawdled in there a bit, because we were meeting a lady in the parking lot for an easel, which is needed to hold a welcome sign, as in Welcome to the wedding of Sonja and Oscar...very lovely, and extremely reasonable.  

One little detour to a bakery, then home...ahh, home.  I was going to Ben and Ashley's for dinner, so I brought half-moon cookies.  Oh, that bakery, the Harrison Bakery, heavenly.  The lemon danish looked so good, I got one for my sister, then added a lemon headlight too.

Ben and Ashley's house, too much fun.  Declan is two years old now, and he has an arm on him.  He loves to throw the ball and is delighted when you catch it and toss it back.  He can talk, and he can play games...if I call him Daddy, then point to his dad and say that's Declan, that's hilarious to him.  They went all out, and grilled steak, made baked potatoes, and a nice was amazing.  I tried to help clean up after dinner, but the girls didn't let me.  They get stars for doing jobs, and they are racking them up towards a prize.

When I got home, I was locking up doors, and discovered that one little Miss Suri had peed and pooped in the hallway.  ugh.  She is old, but jeepers.  It's not fun.  The rest of the night was much less eventful.  

This fine morning, I went to water aerobics.  I talked to Suzanne on the phone, she's getting married in October, so plans are underway.  I am making cupcakes for both weddings, so I need to try out the recipes first.  

I'm leaving here in just a bit to go to Margaret and Adrian's house, then bringing Suri to get her stitches taken out.  (She got into the garbage when I was outside at the pool today...stinker.).  She's so good and sweet and friendly and bad.  

It's quiet here.  Sonja is working tonight, so she's sleeping.  The crickets are cricketing, the breeze is blowing, a few birds singing, but that's about it.  I don't watch t.v., I've never actually turned ours on to watch anything by myself.  I only watch if the girls or Paul turn something on.  I do read the news online, but that's about it.  I do not like background noise of tv, at all.  I cannot stand it.  I only want it on if I am watching it.  

And, now it is another day!  I got to see Wulf, Tennyson, Blythe, Achilles, Rhys, and Jamie yesterday at Margaret's house!  Emily went with me, and we got there right as Darius and Adrian came in the door with their sister Rosie, from taking the kids bowling.  They were so happy to see us, there's nothing like a Tennyson hug!  Then Rhys, oh she's so sweet, sitting on my lap.  Margaret had finished work for the day, and made some dinner.  When the kids finished eating, I suggested a trip to the playground across the street.  Em and I brought Wulf, Tenny, Achilles, and Rhys.

We stayed until one of the boys informed us that he had to poop, and it was obvious he had waited until the last minute, so we scrambled out of there, and made it home in time.  It's a great way to leave the playground without all the fuss and drama of kids wanting to stay longer, btw.  

Blythe is pulling herself up and getting in to as many things as possible these days.  There's one little end table they have, and nothing is allowed on it, she just keeps it cleaned off.  She rummaged around in my purse, and pulled out all the doggie poop bags I stuffed in there, because we brought Suri with us.

Suri went to the vet after our visit to Margaret's house...good thing Emily decided to go with us, poor dog cannot get even her front paws into the car, she needs a total boost.  I got her into the car before picking up Emily, but Em helped her the other times.  The vet visit was quick, but Suri was rather nervous, panting and getting all worked up.  She was a good girl though, and the stitches came out, everything healed up nicely, and we were on our way back out to boost her into the car. 

This fine day I will be bringing Emily and Mariel to the airport, as they are going out to Washington State for a vacation, climbing and hiking in the Cascades.  

Tomorrow night I pick Paul up from the airport, finally, two weeks is a long time for your husband to be in Budapest!  

Today is an absolutely beautiful summer day.  It's breezy and partly sunny, not humid at all.  The curtains are billowing in the breeze, and the air is fresh and delicious.  Our dryer stopped working right after Paul left, so there's a rack in the kitchen with clothes draped on it, dry and ready to put away.  Never mind that I swept yesterday, it has to be done again today.  There are still toys about from the grandkids' visit the other day, and the dishes are all washed but the dry ones need to be put away.  

There is puttering around to do, and I'm getting up from the comfy chair to do it.  My coffee is almost gone, and the second cup will be after I do some things around here.  I have one Miss Kettler, Old Kitty, on the arm of my chair, Sunny at my feet, and Suri a few feet away.  They've all been outside and been fed, and are lazier than the day is long.  

The finite-ness of summer just baffles me.  When I was a kid, summer was one half of the year, winter the other half.  I don't know when I realized that summer is only a few months, here in the northeast.  September is a beautiful month, but the nights get cold and swimming in the pool is very limited, just the first few weeks if you're lucky.  July is passing by in a big hurry, then August has a wedding smack in the middle...but oh I hope it takes it time going by!

Ah well.  I have things to do, so off I go...have a really nice day.  And shh, President Harris?  I hope not.

Monday, July 22, 2024

it's not the same... tell stories without pictures.  My computer is being a butthead, not sure if it's the battery issue or something else, but I cannot load pictures.  

Three of my girls were in Paris for the day, on their way to Norway, and oh the pictures are so lovely!  They made it safely from the airport to the city, even with closed roads and sidewalks, navigated over 16,000 steps, then took the train back to the airport.  

Jonathan left here yesterday with a car load, drove to JFK to take off to Norway, the girls left from Boston, and went via Paris.  Evelyn drove them there, so nicely!

Sonja went to work for a 12 hour shift last evening, and I was here all alone with the doggies and kitties.  It was a strange feeling, but it was fiiiine.  (I've only read two books in bed, ha...)

Yesterday was a day of catching up.  Plans of a lake trip and wineries fell through, so I puttered around and did some cleaning.  Sonja had worked three 12s, so she slept a good part of the day, but when she woke up she joined me in the pool.  I grilled burgers, sausages, and warmed up the ribs for dinner, then she and Oscar went up to the lake.  I don't mind being alone, but it's strange.

This fine day, I have to go to the dump.  Paul is always the one who does this, but obviously he's not here, but in Hungary.  Sonja is willing to help me, so that's good.  

I'll spare you the gory details, but the highlight of my weekend was that Suri romped around in the woods next to our property, and found a snack....I didn't know she was eating some poor unfortunate dead animal, until she got the house.  I can't even begin, so I won't, but there were things moving.  It was possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever ever seen.  I promptly gave her some dewormer with some food, which the piggy girl gobbled right up, then she repeated her performance a few more times randomly.  Sam was here for one of them, and helped me clean it up.  Thankfully this one was on the deck, we were able to give it a good rinse after cleaning it up.  

Dogs are a lot of work, even when they're good dogs.  I do feel safe with them here though.  They keep the  bad delivery people on their toes.  

Sorry if you were eating brekky.

My new battery should be coming soon, maybe Oscar will install it for me, maybe my pictures will load, maybe it's a totally different issue.  Your guess is probably better than mine.

So yes, life is changing here at home, with Char gone...Jon and Cam will be home in a week.  Camille filed the request for an age override for the New York State equivalency test, and will hopefully be able to take that soon.  It'll be the first year with no one getting on the bus, and no one homeschooling.  

The other day, I made a low carb lemon pound cake.  It sounded so good.  Reality?  meh.  I used almond flour and coconut flour, and four eggs, and some monk fruit/alluose to sweeten it.  It had sour cream in it, and real lemon juice and zest.  I made a glaze for it with zest and fresh squeezed juice.  meh.  So last evening, I cut some up into cubes, and ate it with a Too Good yogurt (no artificial sweeteners, no added sugar), and some sugar free whipped cream (no added sugar, just cream).  It was very good that way.  

The ribs from the smoker:  mmm mmm good.  Seasoned with steak seasoning overnight, then 200 degrees for two hours, added brown sugar and apple cider vinegar, wrapped in I also added this spicy maple syrup to, oh it was good.  250 for two more hours, then unwrap and smoke for another hour with some bbq sauce.  I used Stubbs mixed with some sweet Memphis, lots of pepper.  

Anyway, the pool hours are earlier this month because of a swim program for kids, so I have to get moving.  Have a really good day!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

the drama queen...

Yesterday, I went out and about all by myself.  First to the library, then the thrift store, where I found a $3 dress that I didn't feel like trying on, and a nice wok. (The dress looks TERRIBLE on me!)  Then to a grocery store for a pound of bacon, two small packages of 85% burger for buy one get one free, and one dozen bakery donuts.  I filled the gas tank because I had twenty cents off per gallon, then went to Aldi.  I got eggs, lemon juice, sour cream, and a watermelon.  I was walking through Aldi, perusing and deciding, I don't need all the snacks and junk because the kids are going to Norway on Saturday for nine days, Charlotte Claire going to Germany from there.  It hit me like a punch in the gut, that's she's really leaving for a year, and how much things are changing around here.  Sonja will be married next month, leaving a gaping hole in our little family life.  Adult children are amazing, but it's just not the same once they move out.  So I cried me a little river inside, walking down the Fun Aisle at Aldi.  

The cashier was speedy fast, so speedy fast that he chucked my watermelon right into that cart, and when I went to bag things up, it was cracked right open.  When I went back over and showed it to him, no apology, just throw it in that trash can and go get a new one.  So I did, thinking it was good I bagged the groceries inside the store and at least didn't have to come all the way back in.  I chose a new watermelon, then headed for the exit, which is only through where the registers are....I think the people who were heading to get in line thought I was going fast and trying to cut them, then that I left the store without paying for my stuff...but then, who cares what they think?

Once I loaded my car, I checked my phone, and Evelyn had called...she wanted me to get bread crumbs, so back into Aldi I went.  I also grabbed some beautiful peachy colored roses, and a yellow mini rose plant, because they were so pretty.  

One more stop for sweet corn, then to Emily's to deliver the roses....I don't know why, just thought they needed some flowers.

Home....ahh, home.  It was a big afternoon, Margaret was coming with the kids, and Evelyn was coming to make "chicken sandwiches that are better than Chick-fil-A", she said.   I sliced up some chicken breast and put it in dill pickle juice to marinade, then did a quick house clean up with Miss Sonja, who tackled the refrigerator.  The best part of the day was taking Wulf and Tennyson out swimming.  :)

We were in the pool when I decided to call Kathryn and invite her over, I knew Darius had gone with Jonny to Pennsylvania to pick up some new tires.  The boys were very excited, and it helped get them out of the pool, ha, they were having so much fun.  

Adrian and Daruis have a sister, Rosie, who is staying with Margaret and Adrian, she has a tiny little doggie.  She's a shitzu named Juniper.  She didn't mind the chaos, or our dogs.  Sunny forgot she was here a few times and re-barked, but while wagging.  

I husked the corn, Char cut up the watermelon, Cam assisted Evelyn in breading all the chicken while Ev ran the air fryer, and I manned the stove to deep fry some.  I sliced tomatoes and layer out the lettuce, while the girls got out plates and toppings and sauces.  

By the time we were done with dinner, it was Break Down O'clock for some of the little ones, so we let them choose donuts (halves), and sent them home with them.  Wouldn't you know, Jon and Darius stopped at Krispy Kreme , Jon came home with two dozen?  ugh.  (I did not eat ANY. )

By the time everyone went home and we cleaned up, I was done, ready for bed.  Char and Cam were watching a show I haven't watched, Sonja went to see Oscar, so I said my goodnights...then Jon came home and I had to sit and talk to him about his day.  

So exciting, my life!  I stayed up reading, then was plagued by aching feet and legs, but I did sleep okay after a while.  Not having Paul here is strange indeed.  

This fine morning, I'm going to Walmart or Target with Kathryn, as she needs some snacks for Norway, and to get her oil changed.  I have laundry to do, but I know Jon put a load in this morning, so I'll have to move his over.  I won't complain though, glad to still have some kids here at home still ha...

Have a really good day...!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 This afternoon, I got a huge-0 surprise!  A gift!  I cannot post pictures right now, again, because my computer is acting up, my words will have to do the trick.

Jon backed his big old truck into the driveway after work this afternoon, and started unloading...a new pellet smoker/grill!  What?  I went out to ask what he was doing, where he got it, he hushed me and said to go back into the house...oh no, I was too excited!  Turns out he bought it for me!   (Hooray for marketplace!)

I just so happened to have a one and a half pound steak, all seasoned and coming to room temp, on the counter (and a pan of salt potatoes on the stove).  (It was only Jon, Char, Cam, and I, and Cam was eating the Costco chicken).   He plugged it in, fired it up, and we put the steak on...oh dear, it was good.  It's a whole new learning curve, it's a Pit Boss, a bit different than the Masterbuilt smoker (the one that died on us).   

I'm excited to experiment with it, and get to know it.   New appliances are always scary at first, ha.

We had adventures today.  Kathryn had to stop to get some paperwork filled out today, so I went along so she wouldn't have to bring the kids all in with her.  Then, we went to the playground with the splash pad.  The splash pad was wonderful, being 90 degrees and humid.  The playground:  ugh.  Way too hot and muggy, sunny and lovely, but ugh.  

We spent an hour there, then were headed to Aldi quick, but...somehow hit a curb while driving in the city, and the tire went flat.  It was too hot out to get out and take the kids for a walk or anything, so we waited in the car for Darius to get there, Darius and Jonathan.  Darius drove my car, we switched the car seats into it, and headed to Aldi, they changed to the spare.  

We drove through an immensely scary storm, the wind was blowing sideways and it was pouring out, thundering and lightning, then the tornado warning came in on our phones.  We made it home, brought the kids into the house, managing to get pretty soaked.  The storm blew on by, then she went home with the kids.  

Sonja was going to bring her dress in to be altered, so I went with her.  She's having it hemmed, and a few other touch ups.  We were out and about, so decided to go to Marshall's Home Goods...neither of us found anything that even slightly interested us...except for some monk fruit sweetener with alluose, for baking. (I have it in my head to make a keto-ish lemon poundcake...)

Home....ahh, home.  It's always nice to get home.  

I'm headed to bed, stayed up too late last night and swim class starts at 8:30 for the month of July.  Goodnight!!!

Monday, July 15, 2024

what in the heck?!

Without using swear words, it's hard to convey the shock about Mr. Trump suffering an assassination attempt.  There are did the sniper get there unnoticed?  When people in the crowd noticed him, did it actually take a while before he was stopped?  

No matter if you lean towards Sleepy Joe, you have to admit, that picture of The Donald with his fist in the air was awe inspiring.  What a man, considering what he had just gone through. Of course it's tragic, and I'm praying for the families of the other victims, and for that matter, the family of the shooter, they must be heartbroken.  

I wonder if this event will be a turning point in the political divide, or the meanness will start right back up again.  On Facebook, one lady wrote already on Sunday morning:  "If only y'all cared as much about a classroom of third graders as much as an ear."  I'm assuming she meant conservatives or Republicans are the y'all.  Can you imagine?  Insinuating that anyone, on either side, would not care about a school shooting?  Seriously?  And to refer to an assassination attempt as "an ear."  harrumph.  I was so very tempted to write something back, but if you cannot say something nice, don't say anything at all, right?  I used to tell myself when dealing with my teenagers, do not engage, walk away.  But jeepers, at least wait a few days before starting in!

I don't like to get political on the blog.  But this country has suffered in the last four years...the whole pulling out of Afghanistan and leaving behind all those soldiers, all that equipment, a fiasco.  The border crisis, the vaccine mandates, the lying and covering up, the media censorship...(Karine tried to tell us a few weeks ago that Joe is fine, it's just camera tricks!  The laptop!)

The author of The Hillbilly Elegy is the pick for V.P., don't know much about him but that he was in Iraq as a Marine.  We'll see.  

A bit ago, someone asked me how I could support Trump, as a Christian.  Well, I believe that he truly cares about this country.  I don't think any politicians have sterling characters, except for maybe Ben Carson, he's a sweetheart.  But I think he's a much better pick for our country....although, I do like a lot of things about RFK Jr., especially on vaccines and mandates!  

That's it for politics.  This fine morning, I went to my swim class, then home....and to Costco with Sonja and Camille.  We got paper towels, coffee cream, chicken, a chicken (for $4.99, you have to get one!), some bagels, a bag of Hershey's chocolate nuggets, and some bread.  Then home...ahh, home....put things away, girls got lunch, and off we went to the back yard, and into the nice warm pool.   It's almost too warm, but so lovely.  

We were thinking to go off and do something else, but decided we all have things to do here.  I did laundry, vacuumed, straightened up and put things away, and now, back in the old comfy chair.  Paul called from Budapest today.  He said it's 95 there, but he's a mile from the Danube and has been able to walk down there a few times.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so it's good he left for a bit because I was getting sick of him.  Just kidding.  But it is nice to miss him.  And shh, I do love having the bed all to myself, reading into the night, not having to take off all the throw pillows.  

Ah well....have a good evening...!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Miss Sonja Kathleen...
Grace, Em, Sonja, Evelyn, Kathryn
Seneca Lake...

We did stop for a swim, deliciously refreshing.

Emily, Evelyn, Sonja, Grace (my sister's oldest grandchild), Kathryn, me

 We had the nicest of days!  We sipped (I totally only mini-sipped, just got the tastes, but oh how amazing those wines!  

I was a bit tired from getting up at 4 a.m. to bring Paul to the airport.  I did love watching the sun come up while driving down the Thruway, but oh dear, four is a bit early.  So, even though I had a double espresso in the car, I came home, and climbed back in my comfy bed.  Ahhh, so nice.  I even fall back to sleep after a bit.  

When I got home last evening, after driving to town to pick up two slices of pizza for Char and Cam, and some wings for all of us, we made a lasagna.  I browned up hot sausage and ground beef, we added crushed tomatoes and a jar of Wegmans basil pasta sauce.  Cam added the eggs and salt and pepper to the ricotta, we layered the noodles with that and grated mozzarella.  Char picked some fresh basil, we ripped that up and added it.  The top was sprinkled with parmesan and Romano, then some garlic, Italian seasoning, pepper...covered with a piece of parchment then wrapped in foil, and into the refrigerator overnight.  The no-cook noodle way is the best.  (I put extra water in the sauce, so it doesn't get dry.). (I also made a very small pan of no-cheese stuff for Emily, she can't tolerate dairy.).  

The girls wanted to watch some episodes of a show, and eat lasagna today.  It's 92 degrees out and very humid, but why not turn on the oven?  It's actually a pleasant 81 in here right now, not too bad.  

I'm enjoying my summer.  Bare feet, cold seltzers in my straw cup, watering the flowers and puttering around.  I'm ready for an afternoon coffee right now, and the girls just came in from out and off I go, have a really good day!