Saturday, November 24, 2007
days with lots of kids home
We had Thanksgiving dinner on Friday night this year. Emily had to work on Thursday. So we had a brunch on Turkey day, with all 16 kids, and Paul and I. We had homemade waffles, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, fruit, oj, and coffee(even for kids) was fun. Then, chicken wings and pizza for dinner. Some of us went to my brother's house for pie. Then, after getting to bed at midnight, and up at 2:30 with Camille, Abigail came in at 4:00am to get me up for shopping. We had to shuffle some cars in the driveway (A 15 passenger van, the truck, Em's car, Ab's car, and Ben's car), and it had snowed. Ab backed the van out, and hit Em's car, everything was icy, the windows frosty. She didn't cause any damage, except to my throat as I stood there yelling at her how close she was coming...anyways, off we went to get some bargains. Camille was well fed and well bundled, and I stayed out of the busy part of Wal-Mart, and sent the girls to get the stuff we wanted..then to staples, then to big-lots, and then the mall...we got a big dent in the shopping. I had a nap yesterday, but still feel like a zombie. With a two-week old baby, I haven't had more than 2 1/2 hours at a stretch since I had her. And life goes on. And I need to balance that out by saying how thankful I am: for Camille: she is so sweet-she falls asleep like a champ, sometimes while laying on her back on my lap...she is so calm. I would love her even if she was a fuss, but I am thankful for her good nature. I am thankful for the kids, and the fellowship we have together. The older ones are so much fun, and the younger are quite entertaining too. And for Paul, he's great. He still loves me, too, so that's something! And for the two kittens. We left some pie on the counter last night, and when I got up with Camille, I heard them out there feasting....Well, off to do some laundry.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
a day at home
I can't believe it, I actually stayed home all day!! Daddy took Mariel to the dr. for her checkup, and I stayed home and took a nap. He stopped at the store, then came home and made some delicious meatballs, sauce, and linguine for dinner...Then he took all the little kids to the library after dinner. Charlotte Claire is here though. She is just wired. She'll come along and just bite Camille's foot...She just squeals and screams..but the words are coming along. She cannot understand why she can't get in the baby's swing makes her so mad.
Well, Molly just came home from volleyball, and is holding Camille, and I have to take her...Laundry is just continuous when 17 people live in one house. Now, baby clothes aren't too great in volume, but they do accumulate, and have to be stain treated. Ben is the only one not home, and he does his laundry here on weekends. Daddy is washing clothes continuously, and asking where things if I know. The little girls school clothes ususally have to go into the hamper. Especially the tights. Life doesn't stop just because a new baby comes. And kindergarten Sonja has homework!!! I feel like telling her teacher a few things. I just can't keep up with all the folders, and things that need signing....well, Charlotte just banged the baby one, so I'm done here.
Well, Molly just came home from volleyball, and is holding Camille, and I have to take her...Laundry is just continuous when 17 people live in one house. Now, baby clothes aren't too great in volume, but they do accumulate, and have to be stain treated. Ben is the only one not home, and he does his laundry here on weekends. Daddy is washing clothes continuously, and asking where things if I know. The little girls school clothes ususally have to go into the hamper. Especially the tights. Life doesn't stop just because a new baby comes. And kindergarten Sonja has homework!!! I feel like telling her teacher a few things. I just can't keep up with all the folders, and things that need signing....well, Charlotte just banged the baby one, so I'm done here.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
day 4 of Camille's life
Yeah, she was born on Wednesday, I came home on Thursday, went to Wal-Mart on Friday, Dr. appt. for Camille on Saturday, and to the hospital lab for bloodwork because she looked jaundiced....home again...back to the hospital lab by 8 am Sunday, biliruben levels a bit lower, home again. Off again tomorrow morning for one more check...what about rest and recovery I ask?? God knows what He's doing though. I have had special fellowship with my 9 and ten year old daughters, as they have gone with me...
Camille is very sweet, and has these calm moments where she just looks and looks. Then she has these starving times, when she just eats and eats over and over....insatiable...then she'll sleep for a while. Nights haven't been too bad because I take her to bed with me.
Today was my little Benjamin's birthday. 11/11/88....I miss the sweet little rascal he was. He can still be sweet, but I'm never sure what he's up to. He brought Nate from Ottowa with his girlfriend, home to dinner (surprise), and it was nice. Nate is a good boy....
Well, Aaron has Camille, so I should sign off and take her....
Camille is very sweet, and has these calm moments where she just looks and looks. Then she has these starving times, when she just eats and eats over and over....insatiable...then she'll sleep for a while. Nights haven't been too bad because I take her to bed with me.
Today was my little Benjamin's birthday. 11/11/88....I miss the sweet little rascal he was. He can still be sweet, but I'm never sure what he's up to. He brought Nate from Ottowa with his girlfriend, home to dinner (surprise), and it was nice. Nate is a good boy....
Well, Aaron has Camille, so I should sign off and take her....
Thursday, November 8, 2007
beautiful birth day
Well, it was a girl. Camille Anaya, 7lbs, 4 ozs , 20 inches long. The other kids came to visit her when she was only 6 hours old. See Suzanne holding her? 

Here we have Charlotte Claire on the swing, and Jon playing with a really cool van. Anyway, God's blessings were over the birth. My water broke at home, the night before my "induction"....I ended up having some pitocin, and went from 3 centimeters to delivery in just over 3 hours...It was a rough 3 hours, but I'm not complaining. She was born with just a few pushes. I am so thankful for her, she is beautiful and healthy. The kids love her like crazy. Charlotte Claire was just amazed at her. I came home from the hospital today, when Camille was 24 hours old. When Charlotte Claire woke up from her nap, she was just shocked to see baby again.....
Here we have Charlotte Claire on the swing, and Jon playing with a really cool van. Anyway, God's blessings were over the birth. My water broke at home, the night before my "induction"....I ended up having some pitocin, and went from 3 centimeters to delivery in just over 3 hours...It was a rough 3 hours, but I'm not complaining. She was born with just a few pushes. I am so thankful for her, she is beautiful and healthy. The kids love her like crazy. Charlotte Claire was just amazed at her. I came home from the hospital today, when Camille was 24 hours old. When Charlotte Claire woke up from her nap, she was just shocked to see baby again.....
Monday, November 5, 2007
my due date
Yeah, I was due today. It's almost 11pm., so I guess I am overdue. My sonogram date is the tenth, 5 days away. I visited the dr. and the midwife today, and the baby is head down and ready to go. I'm going in on Wednesday to be induced. I have really mixed feelings about it...I would much rather go on my own. But with Jonathan, number 14, I was in labor for days, and exhausted, and exactly on my due date stuck at 7 centimeters...A little pitocin, and he was born in one hour...So, with number 15, we decided to induce 5 days early. I really had only 6 hours of rough labor. I wasn't nearly as tired as with Jon. So, here we go again. I long for some of those easier first labors. I am praying that I go into labor before Wednesday, on my own. The contractions are so much milder. But, in any case, I am having a baby!! A sweet little newborn! We don't know girl or boy, and are not sure about names, but baby has a nice clean carseat to ride home in, and both kinds of outfits packed in the diaper bag...I've honestly been inadvertantly focusing on physical discomfort, I forget what this is all about! I can't wait to meet the baby!!! I just hope life slows down, and I get to enjoy "it".....
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