Messy hair don't care. Ha, I've always wanted to say that, but hey, I'm old, and I look like an idiot saying these trendy things.

The handsome young guy on the right is my son Samuel.

Little Miss Sunshine...she has had a bath almost every day this past week. Running through the creek is her favorite.

Trying to get these three to sit still for a picture...

Sunny smiled for this one, but Suri closed her eyes...and Duke, oh's what he did yesterday: he went outside with the kids, and Suri and Sunny...they romped through the creek...but where the creek is deep and muddy, he got stuck. The kids couldn't get him out, so Paul, who was working from home, had to go rescue him. Poor Duke was standing in cold water shoulder deep, and was scared. He was so shaken up, and then he had to have a bath. After a huge drink of water, that dog slept the afternoon away. Suri and Sunny also had to have baths. It's like having little kids. (The kids had to shower too, but they can now do that on their own.)
Anyway. Here's something I like to do: find pitchers or vases at the thrift store and paint them with chalk paint.

The one on the left was navy blue, the big pitcher was 80's blue, and the little one was bright green. I didn't paint the one on the right, I like it as is.
So yesterday after the dentist, Jon and I went to the store for vitamin D, salad stuff, and the makings for lasagna. We also stopped at the dollar store and got some snacks, then BigLots for dog treats and a new toy for Sunny. We got a coffee from my favorite little coffee shack (Jon got an iced coffee), then stopped at the bank, and ahh, home.
Jonathan worked on his mid-year test, which he aced. The little girls showed me the work they did while I was gone, and I let them go outside to play. Jon and I took an after dinner walk last evening, and it was lovely. This warm weather is a treat in February.
So this fine morning, we have plans: The girls have to do their tests, and we are making that lasagna. Then, gymnastics. Mali is coming over with little Lydia, I have missed them. They went to Colorado for vacation, and I haven't seen them in a few weeks. Emily is coming over too.
There is no end to things to do around here, but I am thankful for the times I can sit here and write, and get my thoughts straight.
As for Duke...obviously I don't feel 100% ready to put him down, or I would have done it already. I look at him and I want him to live forever. He's a sweetheart. But he does struggle. He wouldn't get up and eat his dinner again last night, we tried to get him to eat from the couch and he wasn't interested. He does this more and more. He can still get on the couch but it takes him forever. Last night he got off the couch to go outside, and he fell. He was struggling to find his feet, and he just collapsed. He limps and struggles and it's painful for my heart. He is also getting snappy. He is the kindest soul, and has no agression, but Margaret and Adrian got a new puppy...a very calm and sweet puppy, but Duke wants nothing to do with her. I do respect that, he's old, and this is his house. But he was pretty snappy and growly about it, and ugh, with small children around, it's scary to see this side of him. I don't think he would actually attack, I think he's just protecting himself and giving a warning, but what if Lydia fell on him? We just have to keep an eye on him and make sure she keeps her distance. The other Labs are extremely easy going as far as kids go. We maul them and hug them and bug them and they are just unfazed.
Anyway. He does wake us up at night too, and that in itself isn't the end of the world. It feels like it when it's warm enough for them to get muddy and I am standing there at three a.m. wiping 12 paws, because if Duke barks to go out, the other two are all over it too.
What I worry about with Duke is him falling down the stairs. This house has stairs, there's no way around it. He struggles so much, and his doggy arthritis meds don't seem to help much.
So one of these days. It's not like, "Oh I'm tired of Duke and all of his barking, I think I'll get rid of him." It's more like I don't like seeing him suffer, and if I can put him down before he falls and breaks something or before he has to hurt too much, I will. But to be honest, the barking during the night is wearing on me. And not just me, the teenagers who have to get up and go to school in the morning.
Jonathan told me yesterday to just pray about it and I would find the right answer. I just about dissolved in tears, my 12 year old son has some true wisdom.
And...time to get moving. :)