summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, January 27, 2014

staying up late into the night....

I know I shouldn't. If I was smart I would just head right to bed now. But apparently I am not that smart. Samuel has hooked up his tv, which is better than the family one which is getting old and is too dark in the dark parts, first world probs. He is all finished with school, and he wants to watch this movie called, "Warrior". Mirielle doesn't work tonight, but she has to stay up anyway and sleep tomorrow so she can work tomorrow night, so she is watching it too.

Sam is getting ready to ship out to basic training in a few weeks. He worked out twice today, and is eating healthy.

We ran out of propane again, but this time it was refilled in just a few hours, not the almost two days it took last time. I told the lady on the phone that there were still eleven kids living here, and we go through it fast. The dryer runs, the showers, the baking...then the hot water heater had to be re-lit, so I did it myself. I know, no biggie, but hey, if Paul were here, he would have done it.

I miss Paul.

I enjoyed out snow day. Evelyn helped me clean off the bookshelves, we had tea, and took a quick trip to the small store in town for some easy dinner that didn't have to be cooked or baked, since our propane was still out. The little girls, who do not get bored, played and played and played. They have already stated that they don't want to go to school tomorrow:)

This isn't my kind of movie, but guess what? I am too distracted to write all the good stuff that was swirling around in my head.... (Martha, you are more than welcome to venture into my snowy driveway anytime you want. I can't promise a clean house, but I will make you a nice cup of coffee:).


Martha said...

I was hoping for a cold weather day off school today. Instead I got a 2 hour delay with children who aren't mine and keep me home just long enough to miss both Ladies' Prayer and Bible study. *sigh*

One day I will plan to stop at your house. I can promise you my house won't be clean anytime soon, so I am used to a house that isn't. We drove straight up 34 on our way home Sunday night.

baristamom said...

We are having so many snow days, my kids will be doing year around school. It has been so cold here this winter, currently it is -6 and they are all home again. They have only been to school 8 days this month!!! I'm with you on the staying up too late, it's just too much fun. The older kids and I have been on a Prison Break marathon, and we have tea and snuggle on the couch. I can't imagine running out of propane! We have natural gas (no tank) because we live in town and I am thankful. My furnace runs non stop.

baristamom said...

I also understand how you feel about missing Paul. Ken has been working in W Virginia, (4 1/2 hrs away) since Sept 2012. He's gone all week long and home only on weekends, unless he goes to a victory work party. Then I'm a single mom for 2 weeks straight! I'm so encouraged by your blog, there's always the temptation to complain, but I have a choice to have good thoughts! Thank you for your example, love you!