summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, April 3, 2014

and out the door she goes....

Leaving perfect order in her stead...ha. Actually, I swept and washed dishes and did laundry this fine morning. It doesn't look too bad in here. I have to get out of this comfy chair though, and make my lunch and brush my tangly hair into a ponytail, get on my ugly workpants and my all-time favorite sneakers, and the baseball game! It's opening day!

Our church runs one of the concession stands, so it's volunteer work for me. It's sunny, but chilly! It won't hit fifty today. brrr. And it's like being outside, working in that stand, it's all open air. This year we will sell chicken wings, as well as Buffalo tenders, fries, deep-fried macaroni and cheese. Sausage and peppers, beer, soda, candy, peanuts...

I am working today, tomorrow, and Saturday. Paul is working with me Saturday, so we can have some time together:)

This morning, I woke the little girls up ten minutes early. I told them they could either lie in bed for a bit, or come out and snuggle on the couch. Camille asked if she could snuggle with me, instead. I thought briefly of the things I was scurrying around to do this morning, then said, "Of course you can!" As I held her on my lap, and smelled her yummy hair, I realized that when a parent snuggles that youngest child, it isn't just that child that is being snuggled. It's the whole sucession of them. They grew up too fast, but this child...this child gets all the affection and rocking and cuddling that's still there in mommy's heart. I was telling the little girls this morning as I brushed their hair pretty, that just six years ago, my mornings were CRAZY. Let's see....Emily was 23, Abigail was 21, living home and commuting to college. Same with Ben, who was 19. Mirielle was 18, Joseph 16, Aaron 15, Mali Rose was 14, Sam was 12, Margaret was 11, Kathryn was 10, Evelyn was 8, Suzanne was 7, Sonja 5..Jonathan was 3, Charlotte Claire was one, and Camille was a little baby. I had to brush a lot of girls' hair, those school mornings! I remember the school kids taking turns holding Camille while I got them ready, and being quiet so Char wouldn't wake up.

Anyway. Time passes, things evolve, life marches on. I want to say to moms with small children and babies, "You have NO idea how fast this is going to go by..."

And now I have just a few minutes to get ready....

1 comment:

Endo_Life said...

Time normally drags by but the 7.5 months since my daughter was born has flown by. How do we slow time down?