These little electrodes are attractive, eh? I'm glad it's not summertime, I look like a science experiment, but at least when I leave the house I can cover them up.
And leaving the house is what I do best. This fine winter morning, 13 degrees (-10.5c), with widespread snow in the forecast, I am taking kids to dentist appointments. Since it is winter and driving in snow isn't my favorite, we are staying in the small city until the afternoon gymnastics class. I am not at loss for what we should do, because I need new slippers. Evelyn is so kind to let me wear hers while she is at school, but I need some. (My old ones disappeared, and I do suspect Little Miss Sunshine. Camille found her Totoro slipper in the yard...several different times).
So Walmart for new slippers. And a few new towels. Where do THOSE go? With the odd socks, probably.
And: We are going to Florida! Now, to those of you who maybe live there, or go there every year come heck or high water, it's no biggie. But I never ever went there while growing up, it's only been the last few years that we have gone, and it is HUGE. I don't like driving, but I'll do it, but I do love seeing new places, and the adventure of road trips. I like packing, and we get to see Grandma!!! These last few years we have just gotten along so peachily, and I really enjoy our time together. Sonja is trying to decide whether to miss a week of Real School to go with us, it's her choice, after all, it's her who has to make up work or get low grades. I hope she decides to go though! She's almost fifteen, the youngest of the five-girls-in-a-row, who are now 20, 18, 17, 15, and 14...(Suzanne will turn 16, then Sonja will turn 15 a few months later))...and she is a teenager among teenagers at home...but when she is with the younger kids, she seems to lighten up and have a really good time...she gets to be the oldest, instead of ha, #13! Margaret and Adrian are going with us too, which will be fun. Adrian has never been to Florida.
So I have to write down everything I do while wearing this heart monitor. I should have jotted down the exact time I found out we were actually able to make the Florida trip, as I'm sure my heart started going faster.
And this morning, while I cleaned up dog pee by the door (Miss Sunny doesn't always make it until morning, but at least she has chosen a spot near the door...:( ), I decided to just write, "cleaning up..."

Sunny IS cute.

Miss Char thought she would be cute in her sweatshirt. She kept it on for a few hours, didn't care.

Blogging is an interesting endeavor. It's soothing to me, it relaxes me to sit and write. I rarely proofread, I just write, and hit the Publish button. I don't blog to be braggy, but honestly, I do see my blessings more clearly when I write.
My dogs for example, look adorbs in pictures. In real life, they are even cuter. Suri is a snuggly cuddler, she loves being pet and hugged. The kids can do anything they want, and she doesn't care at all. Duke is chill, old and laid back, but when you even look at him, he thumps his tail. It's like he's old...can't run and play anymore, and all that's left is goodness. (sometimes I think it would be better if he just got mean and cranky...). And Sunny...she's always looking for a chance to devour a platter of cookies. Yesterday, I made those oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with Jonathan (and did not eat even one bite!), and Sunny ...she didn't jump up, but if we had left cookies within easy reach and left the room, she would have. She got a block of cheese the other day. She has calmed down a lot though, and is a sweet dog.
Have I mentioned how much travelling Paul is going to be doing? India for two weeks, home for a week, then Ireland for two weeks? blah. The only good thing, besides the fact that he actually has a job, is the frequent flier miles he will accumulate. We are thinking maybe...just maybe, a trip out to Seattle to visit Ben and Ashley and little Anya...:), if he gets lots of reward miles.
Okay...yesterday the nice man came to fix the furnace. He said it's days are numbered, too many things need replacing, it's 25 years old, and we just plain need a new one before next winter, but hopefully it will last a while. Well. This morning I woke up to brrrr. Then Paul called me and confirmed...it's not working. That's why it's so cold in here, duh! It did click on and run yesterday after Mr. D. came but then stopped again. So Paul is trying to figure out what to do...if we have it replaced now, it will take days to get it all lined up and installed, ect, and it's cold out! So he's opting to try and get the one part that he suspects is the fault...and see what happens...never a dull moment, I tell you. With money, it's like you put the paycheck into a colander, and watch it seep out the holes. We have enough of what we need, which I am very thankful for, but it's always something...:)
And...I have sat here for the longest possible time before I have to hurry and wake the kids and get them out the door....Jon always wonders why I don't start getting ready earlier...there is just no answer, Jon. No answer.