summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

my favorite things...  I love a good coffee.  This year for Christmas, I gave out several bags of fresh, whole bean locally roasted coffee for Christmas.  When I picked it all up from the little roastery, the car smelled heavenly.  I drove around with those bags in the car for a good week, it was cold out, and it was a good place to store it.   My friend Annetta gave me a nice bag of coffee for Christmas, and shh, I'm enjoying it by grinding just a bit at a time in the small grinder, didn't dump it all in the bigger community grinder, because Paul doesn't so much notice the variances in coffee.  :). (I have a good excuse for hogging it, ha)

Anyway.  The coffee I usually order from Amazon has gone up in price, so I decided to just order some from the local guy, it's not that much more, and it's so much better.  I have to drive up there today to pick it up...

For Christmas, I also got some soap from Kathryn that smells just wonderful. I love love love a nice bar of goat's milk soap, with only a few ingredients.  Emily and Mariel got us a basket of amazing things for Christmas:  homemade caramel, homemade vanilla, some spices and seasonings, and Trader Joe's peanut butter cups, which are hands down the best.  Mariel says they should be illegal.  

Sonja got me some clogs for Christmas, they're Birkenstock knock-offs, and every bit as nice.  She said the real ones were back ordered and out of stock, but I'm glad she didn't spend that much, they're overpriced.  These are really nice, and I hope they stay as comfy as they seem to be.  My feet are very picky.  

Paul got me a few books, one "A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide To The 21st Century" (Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein, they do the Darkhorse podcast...), and an Andrew Klavan novel.    He made tables for Emily, Kathryn, and Evelyn.  He buys the wood slab from the Mennonite farm down the road, then sands it to silky smoothness, coats with an oil based poly, sands it some more, and so on, until it's a beautiful table.  He orders legs from Amazon, and voila, a nice little table.  Evelyn's is a dark walnut, so nice.  

We got Miss Camille a new iPhone for Christmas, her old phone was not doing well.   Her older siblings were surprised, it was a big gift.  I also got her some AirPods, spoiled girl ha.  She got a few sweaters and things like that too.  Miss Char got slippers and sweaters, nice perfume, and a sweatshirt, but also the airline ticket to come home for Christmas!   Jonathan got some clothes too, and a burr coffee grinder.  

Anyway.  I am enjoying my coffee, and this fine morning I'll be heading out to pick up some from the local guy.  Then we're maybe baking/making something for later, we're going to a nice New Year's bash with a bouncy house for the little kids, snacks, games, ect.  

Yesterday, Kathryn and I went to Walmart.  She brought just Rhys, who fell asleep in her car seat.  So we talked and got coffees (an iced Americano from Starbucks, mmm).  The Christmas stuff was 75% off, so I got some Hershey Kisses, and sour patch kids, and some cookies for tonight.  I got a three dollar shirt, and some toaster pastries for the girls.  So basically not much, it was nice just to get out and about.  

I had gone to the pool in the morning too, then this morning I woke up thinking it was a pool day, and I had to hurry, then I remembered it wasn't, ahhh.  Paul went out hunting, and it's quiet here.  I would be sitting here even if he was home working, but I do feel a bit guilty when he's here and I'm being lazy, not sure if there's a reason for it.  But in any case, when he's not here, I can laze more relaxingly.  ha.  

My year has been an eventful one:  no new grandchildren, but two more are coming in 2025, Kathryn and Darius are expecting a baby brother for Achilles, Rhys, and Jamison in March.  Sam and Grace are expecting a new baby sibling for Grant, Ruth, and Maeve.  

Sonja got married in August, and Suzanne in October.  Jonathan is engaged to be married in October of 25, and Evelyn will be married in May of 25.  

New Year's Resolutions:

The phrase All the more!  is going through my head.  We can be prodded, ever so gently, to be kinder, to apologize, to give others more benefit of the doubt, whatever it may be.  But we can be so stingy!  Why not just be quicker to be good, and be nicer!  Don't ignore that little voice of the spirit, be obedient, and ask for more help, God surely answers!  Oh, I don't want to get older and be stuck in my ways and so demanding that other people are this way or that way!  So All the more!  will give me those little pushes to not be spiritually lazy.  

Of course I'd like to lose like fifty pounds, and get into fantastic shape, have my knees replaced, and be able to walk for miles again.  I renew my vows to stay away from sugar, and eat lower carb, and get those steps in, and never miss a swim class.  

Around the house:  repaint the kitchen cabinets and the end tables, redo the entire main bathroom, organize closets and cupboards...Evelyn got me a Marie Kondo book for Christmas!  

Ah well, time to get moving!  Have a really nice day, and Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

home all day...

 ...this fine Saturday threatened to start too early, with the help of one Orange Guy, who mewed like crazy at five a.m.  It's still dark on a December morning, and a Saturday to boot, no sir, not getting up yet.  I let him out, then back under those warm covers.  Sleep, where are you?  Please, come back...

Just when I about gave up and started thinking about coffee, I drifted back be awakened this time by, that's a podcast.  Paul!  Seriously?  yup.

Anyway.  I was awake.  Paul gathered up the trash and recyclables and went to the dump, refilled our coffee water jugs at the town, and burnt the cardboard.  I vacuumed and puttered.  Before long, Sam and Grace arrived with Grant, Ruth, and Maeve.  The kids were coughing a bit, Ruth seemed really off...they were definitely coming down with something.  (The sad thing is I invited all the grandkids over, Molly didn't bring hers because Ophelia had a fever, Marge didn't come because Blythe had been warm last night, and Kathryn didn't come because hers were feverish last night...).  By the end of the evening, Ruth was burning up.  Grant said his throat hurt, but Maeve seemed energetic and chipper.  

Anya and Elise came over, we got out dollhouse stuff.  They also went out on the deck with Grant and played and shoveled snow for fun.  We had snacks:  oranges and blueberries, cheese and crackers and pepperoni.  Later, we made pizzas, they each got to make their own.  Poor Ruth, it was evident by then that she wasn't feeling well.  

I'm thinking we were all together on Christmas Eve, so Anya and Elise would have been already exposed.  Ben and Ashley and little Declan came over a bit later, and had some pizza with us. Evelyn was here too, so we solved some of the world's problems.  

Everyone went home, and it got quiet in here.  There are still some toys strewn around, but I'm too tired to care ha.  

Making pizzas with the kids:  I gave them each a fourth of a pizza dough, and some flour.  They took turns with the rolling pin.  Then the sauce and cheese, some had pepperoni, olives, bacon.  Two little girls ate more olives than they put on their pizza, they're like their grandma.  I also made a cauliflower crust pizza, and some chicken breast I had marinated overnight in pickle juice, it's very good browned up in the iron frying pan in avocado oil.  Evelyn brought popcorn chicken, so it was a nice little feast, with some mini cucumber slices.  

Well, I'm the only one up, and I'm ready for bed.  You'd think it was midnight, not merely 10:30, gosh I'm old.  Tomorrow, I think the other grandkids might come over, sick or not, just to get out of the house...:)

Have a good night!

Friday, December 27, 2024

all is calm, all is bright..

 ...the aftermath of Christmas...the needles falling from the tree, the cookie containers getting lighter, the chocolates picked over.  The Christmas coffee is the best, Margaret got me whole bean coffee from a local roaster, gingerbread.  It's just a hint of gingerbread, you get the fresh, deep coffee flavor with just a whip of the spices, so absolutely delicious.  

This fine morning, I woke up far too early, as Paul got up to go hunting.  I hemmed and hawed and tossed and turned, then decided to just get up.  Puttering around the house in the dark, turning on all the Christmas lights and seeing the sun rise is not too shabby.  The dogs went out, came back in, had some kibble, the kitties got fed, and shh, a wee bit of cream when I made my coffee.  They are all here in the living room with me, cuddled up and napping.

Christmas morning, Oscar and Sonja, Evelyn, Camille, Charlotte Claire, Jon and Rosi
I am a bad photographer, Paul made Evelyn a beautiful walnut table, and I didn't get it in the pic.  She was so pleased. ( He also made one for Emily, and one for Kathryn.)
Surprise, a new phone!
A nice auntie with cousins Blythe and Jamie
Elise with her cousins Jamie, Blythe, Ruth
With my new mug, Liberal Tears. :)
And, yesterday we went out and about, Char, Cam, Sonja, and Kathryn...

This fine morning, I'm headed to the pool, then we're going to see the new movie Wicked, even though I don't like the moral character of one of the actresses...stealing another woman's husband when they had a newborn baby...but as my kids pointed out, if you went by moral character in movie stars, you couldn't watch anything.  I thought it would be a fun outing to do while Miss Char is home.

In other news, this happened!  Evelyn Joy is engaged to Nate!  A spring wedding is in the works.  Details to follow...

And, have a really good day.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

we wish you a merry christmas!!!


the grandkids loved their presents...
Grandpa with Blythe

Kathryn with Rhys and Jamie

Jon with Junie and Orange Guy
Wulf asked for cornstarch and food coloring.  Heck, it was Christmas Eve, okay.  He said he needed to do an experiment.  Then he said,  Science is messy, Grandma.  

Duck Duck Goose with Aunt good to have her home.

Uncle Ben with Blythe...and Adrian, Blythe's daddy
Joseph, Ben, Sam, 3 of my boys...

Lots of fun and games and songs...right now we're going to open presents...
Cinnamon rolls, bacon, sausage, coffee, juice...maybe eggs later...anyway, have a really Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

smoking like an addict...

 Last night I got those ribs prepared, and smothered in a mixture of dark brown sugar, salt, pepper, cayenne, onion powder, a few different rib rubs tossed in.  This fine morning, I slipped out of my slippers and into Paul's boots, and out the back door to dig out the smoker.  Plugged it in, and yay, that front panel lit up, it was on!  I've never smoked in the winter before. 

I filled it with wood pellets, and set the temperature, after digging the snow off of it.  The lid was frozen shut for a bit, but then it melted open.  It came up to temp nicely, so when I checked on it after half hour, it was time to put those ribs on.  

Now I'm sitting here for my nice hot morning coffee by the light of the tree, while listening to Paul run the snowblower.  I'll go check the ribs in a bit and make sure it's still on and smoking and there are enough pellets, but it should be okay until noon, when I have to take those four racks out, slather with bbq sauce, and wrap in foil.  Two hours of that, then unwrap and smoke for an hour longer.  

There is a tremendous feeling of accomplishment in smoking something.  It's not so difficult, but it's so satisfying.  You take this raw meat, and turn it into something amazing.  I can see why people get so into it.  If I won the lottery, and had an outdoor kitchen with a sink with running water, and maybe a pizza oven, oh yeah.  But, I am thankful I have a smoker, remember when Jonny bought it for me for my birthday?  

I planned on taking some lovely pictures of the snow, but I didn't, and here I sit.  I felt like writing, so maybe some pictures later.  I am filled with happiness today.  My family will be here later, hundreds of people.  ha, not really, it just seems like it sometimes.  

The old Christmas Trepidation has set in, yesterday it was bad.  I didn't get enough for Benjamin, oh dear, what was I thinking?  Panic-y feelings of inadequacy.  I should have just gotten that thing for Kathryn, she's going to feel bad.  I just want to cry, because I do love all of them and their spouses and the kids, and somehow I equate showering them with nice thoughtful gifts with showing that love.  

This year, I issued a statement on the family chat about how much I love all of them.  Ha, on Christmas morning in years past, I used to tell them all:  perhaps your sibling got more gifts than you, doesn't mean anything, they'll share...if you got more than your sister, share.  You guys know how I am, things aren't always fair or even, but I love you all.  Oh, something to that effect.   I mean, how could everything always be the same and fair with sixteen kids!!!!

It won't be fair nor even this year either.  My brain just doesn't function that way.  

But the most important thing is that we get along just fine, and really enjoy being together.  There are sometimes snags in this getting along, but we are works in progress, and there is forgiving and forgetting, and blessings come when we pray for each other and support each other, so it's good.

Can I be honest here?  Life isn't always sunshine and roses, and we all have our trials, our aches and pains, our soul-wrenching situations with our older kids, things that aren't our business to write about.  But true happiness comes when I, minute by minute, thought by thought, give others the freedom to be themselves, and work on my own self.  God gives grace to the humble, and I've experienced it over and over again how everything shifts into place and things go well, when I am faithful in those hidden places.  

I've not been sitting here this whole time, I went to check on the smoker, then got sidetracked and got the vacuum cleaner out, then realized I have to make the bed in Paul's office (remember I wanted that to be a guest room?  I partly got my wish, as Sonja's queen sized bed is still in there!), Rosi is spending the night tonight.  I finished that, then started down the stairs to the back door, and stopped in the foyer, thought maybe to put a string of lights up, as people will be coming in the front door today/tonight.  I put away some coats and some things and straightened things up, then proceeded to check on the smoker.  It's humming away, up at temp, smoking like it should, makes me exceedingly happy.  Extraordinarily so.  

What else needs to be done before everyone comes over?  Well, our giant outdoor cooler is complying, ha, the cold weather and snow, so I will put all the drinks out on the deck.  I know when I get up again, I'll find things to do, but perhaps I should sit here and make a list...procrastinate getting up?  Yup.  Maybe a second coffee while I sit here and make a list...

Where Paul is, Sunny is too.  He threw her a snowball...

Anyway, have a very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2024

i'm dreaming of a...

 ....white Christmas...and tomorrow morning I'll show you just how beautiful it is here in central New York state.  The treetops truly DO glisten.  It's been so cold, the latest snow just stayed on the branches, the pine trees look like part of a movie set.  

This was my side of the windshield yesterday, no, I was not the driver.
Emily took this one...isn't it so pretty?

Margaret turned 28 yesterday...Wulf, Grant, Rhys, Jamie in the pic...we had eleven of the grandkids over yesterday.
Mariel with Jamison, Margaret with Blythe
Gingerbread cookies

More cookies.  Charlotte Claire and Camille helped me frost them.  I had put a small roast in the oven, with a gravy packet (what?!), a few potatoes, and carrots, in the Dutch oven.  The house smelled good, and we frosted those cookies.  It's nice knowing your dinner will be done when you're done:)

This fine morning, I headed to the pool in the frigid temps.  If I knew the showers weren't working, I wouldn't have gone, ha, so I'm glad I didn't know.  Getting out of the pool and going into the cool locker room and NOT taking a really warm shower is not so fun.  But I lived, didn't I?

Home...but not for too long.  Kathryn picked me up, we had some things to pick up, then a quick Aldi trip.  I got a gallon of milk in the store and opened it and filled Jamie's bottle.  He wanted milk.  He's so cute, at the age where he notices everything, and is learning to talk.  He can say "grandma" now, too.  

Little Miss Maeve, Sam and Grace's little one, is coming out of her shyness, and likes me now.  It's so sweet.  I can scoop her up and she doesn't try to wriggle right back down and run to her mama or papa.

I have four racks of ribs all slathered with a dry rub seasoning for tomorrow, ready to go in the smoker.  The smoker is out on the back patio, covered in snow, hopefully the cover isn't frozen on to it.  The meatballs will go in the crockpot, two different kind, homemade ones with red sauce, then frozen store bought ones with barbecue sauce, Stubbs.  There is fudge, and there is a big bowl of Reese's trees and bells, and Kit Kat Santas.  There is Coke and Coke Zero, and seltzer, and there are plates and napkins stacked up on the extra table.  There are presents wrapped everywhere, and there is excitement in the air...sorry, couldn't resist.

Anyway.  My feet hurt and I've done enough today...cleaned out the refrigerator, vacuumed, puttered around...don't know where the day went.  It's been super nice having Charlotte Claire home though, just so pleasant.

We had some adventures driving in the snow on Saturday.  Oh dear.  I almost slid into a truck, but I didn't.  It was so cold out, and we got so much snow, the roads were just bad.  

Can you tell how disjointed this post is?  I'm sorry.  I have stories to tell but it's busy in here still, and I cannot concentrate for anything.  I filled the stockings!  My brain is pinging around, ha.  I think I'll try again another time, maybe tomorrow?  Have a really good night!

Friday, December 20, 2024

chugging along....

 It just doesn't translate in the pictures, how beautiful it is in here.  There's a bare spot in the middle of the tree, the lights aren't on quite right, but Paul and Camille put them on when I wasn't here, and I didn't fix them.  The grandkids like to take ornaments off, too.  

Well, this isn't so beautiful, but it is's holiday multitasking.  We're having a Christmas celebration at church on Sunday, so I made mini vanilla cupcakes, which I'm planning to decorate with buttercream trees and sprinkles.  I also used my chocolate chip cookie dough for the bottom of mint brownies...just mixed up the brownie batter, the Aldi specialty mix, added a little sour cream, extra egg yolk (leftover from the white cupcakes, which took five egg whites), and some mint extract.  I poured it over the top of the cookie dough, pressed into a 9x13 pan, added crunched up oreos and candy canes that I crushed up in our old coffee grinder.  (Shh, I might have added some coffee beans to the mint dust after emptying it, and made a pour over, with just a touch of mint flavor...mmm!).  Anyway, the oreos on top with the candy cane dust, mushed into the brownie batter with the rubber spatula.  It's one of those As Seen On TV brownie pans, with the fancy cutter thing you put in so they all come out the same size.  I plan to put a squiggle of white butter cream on top of each one, a dusting of the candy cane powder, and an Andes mint.  

Then, I made a wee lil cake, because Sunday is Margaret's birthday.  Oh dang, I still have to wrap her present.  

Today was a productive day though.  I got back from the pool, and went straight down to vacuum Charlotte's room.  I used Camille's personal vacuum cleaner, which she keeps in her room for spiders.  I don't even like to type that word, but I'm not as scared as Cam...I was all ready to step into the shower the other night, and she called me from her room...emergency, a big spider.  I just get all brave and kill them, don't like it, but life is full of things you just have to do anyway.  Anyway.  I moved Char's little bedside table to vacuum under it, and apparently it only has three legs?  Was it sitting on the lidded mason jar and I pulled it from there, or did I break the leg off and just happen to grab that jar and it worked to prop it up again?  I don't know.  I DO know there was a mostly dead plant that fell all over the rug, and a whole gaggle of markers that I had already gathered up and placed on the table.  It was Lean Over City today, and my poor back.  But, I got it done and it's all ready, just in time, she's flying in tonight.

Then it was time to make the meatballs.  They turned out really good, don't ask me how I know.  :). They're in the freezer, all ready to go into the crockpot on Christmas Eve.

Then, the cupcakes and cake and brownie things.  Somewhere in the middle of all that, I pulled the couch out and cleaned under it.  Can't you just tell when you walk into a room and the couch is clean under?  It's such a nice feeling.  I put away some toys and put some colored lights up at the toy end of the living room.

A perfect day for baking, the snow gives the whole house that special wintery glow.
She's not perfect, but she's a nice tree.

Now the oven is beeping again, those brownies weren't quite done yet.  I have the gingerbread cookie dough and the sugar cookie cookie dough out, all ready to roll out a hundred something cut out cookies.  Then I want to make the buttercream, so I can frost the cake and cupcakes tomorrow, as I'm going out the church to help set up and do things while they have a music practice.  

Monday will be cookie frosting day, unless something else comes up, like a trip to Target, ha.  

Well....I put this down, and went into the kitchen, and that was hours ago.  I have rolled out all the sugar cookie dough, six big cookie sheets worth.  Now, I'm baking, so the timer will go off in five minutes, I'll switch the pans around so they each get a turn on the bottom rack.

I have the gingerbread to do too, and I really really want to get it done tonight, already decided to make the buttercream frosting in the morning...

Ah well.  It's all good.  Rolling out cookie dough is fun, but it's kind of sad to be doing it all alone.   Paul made dinner again, burgers, which we had with salads.  Asian salad mix with lots of crunchy cabbage.  I'm eating between the oven timer going off.  He was watching a documentary about Auschwitz, which puts things in perspective.   Oh poor me, making all these cookies all by myself.  

I do love this season, just with there was magically like one more week between now and Christmas, but I suppose I'd just busy it up anyways.  

Have a really good evening!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

it's not getting done!

 Well, I can only blame myself, I set out to stay home and get things done, then Kathryn texts that she's going out and about, and off I go.  The kids were hilarious today.  They went to Lights On The Lake last evening, and there were lights depicting a scene from The Wizard of Oz.  Achilles had questions about flying monkeys, which led to me explaining the entire movie plot.  Questions beget more questions, he wants to watch that movie now.  He just turned five last week.  

Who on earth would buy a giant Mickey Mouse?  The kids liked it.

Jamie really liked it.  Kathryn found what she was looking for, I found a few last minute gifts.  She brought our bags out to the car, and Achilles with her, I carried Jamison over to Target while holding Rhys' hand.  I had to ask her to hold on to my coat, as Jamie is NOT a one-arm carry.  

Target was fun too, the kids were happy and it wasn't very crowded.  I didn't get too much, but I did notice I had this coupon:  
Hmmmm...I already had some chocolates, heavy cream, a few gifts in my cart, may as well make it eighty, right?   Kathryn went in line behind me and added an item, so it was well over $80.  The coupon didn't come off at the register, so I went over to the service desk.  The lady there said you have to read the terms and conditions, you must have something not included.  Seriously, I have to read the small print?  It just says $15 off $80, no where on there does it say certain items are not included.   Of course I was nice about it.  She took her merry sweet time going over the fine print, then, Ah ha, you cannot buy "dairy milk", and you have heavy cream, that's it!  She pushed the receipt towards me, and smiled bigly.  I smiled back and asked if the manager was in.  

He didn't give me any trouble, just a gift card for $15.  

I am not out to make trouble.  I am not out to cheat anyone.  But if the store has a promotion, for goodness sake, don't act like I'm trying to steal something.  

Out into the cold snowy day, and into the car.  I buckled Jamie, Kathryn buckled Achilles and Rhys...then I remembered that Paul wanted me to get a can of tomato paste.  Kathryn so nicely dropped me off right in front of the store to go get it.  Do you know how far it seems to go back and get that when you are in a hurry?  I can't buy just one thing, so I grabbed two, and a package of pepperoni too, that was right beside it.   :)

Home...ahh, home.  I got right to work, after putting my stuff away.  Wrapping presents.  I think I am all done, except for Margaret's birthday present.  

I did not get the meatballs made, nor did I get Miss Charlotte Claire's room vacuumed, but all of her bedding is washed and her bed mostly made.  Okay, some of the bedding is here in the living room on a chair.  I'll get to it.  I did make a five pound pan of fudge though!  I almost forgot about that.  

Tomorrow, pool....then all those other things...then Miss Char comes home, yay!!!!

I was telling Camille how complicated it used to be to wrap presents.  I would wrap for the older kids when they were in school, the younger kids after they were in bed, ect.  

Everything was harder back then, (except for leaning over, standing too long, walking long distances, but we won't talk about THAT, ha).  But, everything was a bit more fun, too.  I mean, I still point out the pretty Christmas lights to Camille, and shh, she's not jumping up and down like little kids do...that's why the grandkids are so much fun.  

Next year, I want to do a huge Secret Santa, with everyone except the grandkids in it.  I can just buy things for all of them, then one SS gift, plus for the kids who are home, and Paul.  That sounds super simple, because phew, I seriously wrapped a lot of stuff.  

The drink cups with straws for the grandkids, except for the three one-year-olds, Denzel, Blythe, and Maeve.  Jamie gets one because he's almost two, in March.  I wrote their names on them in Sharpie, they can drink out of them on Christmas Eve.

Anyway, I am sitting here with one purring Old Kitty on the arm of my chair, feet up and covered in a soft Christmas tree blanket, tree lights on, football on with the volume muted, just relaxing and enjoying it all.  Paul made beef stew in the crockpot today, so I didn't have to stop wrapping to made dinner.  (It was really good!) 

Have a nice night!  

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

you would think....

 ....that life would slow down when the kids grew up and started moving out.  I guess it really has, I mean, I was at a gathering at my niece's place today, and I just relaxed, had a delicious cup of coffee, and shh, a peanut butter cookie (Jonathan made them last night, mmm!).  I had gone to the pool, then home to make a batch of sugar cookie dough, then a batch of ginger bread cookie dough.  That alone took over an hour.  I vacuumed, did some laundry, and puttered a bit, then sat down for a few minutes before getting up to make up a cookie plate to bring to Becky's, one for the man who works at the dump, and one for our old friend Joe.  

When I got home, I decided to go out before the snow rolls in to get what we need for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Cam asked if we could get orange juice for Christmas morning.  Ha, we used to drink it all the time, but then realized it isn't actually that good for you, so now it's a treat.  Cinnamon rolls too, for Christmas morning.  For Christmas Eve, we might have smoked brisket (Darius), I'll smoke some ribs, and a big pot of homemade meatballs.  Also, some of this little hot dogs in the crescent rolls, and chips and dip, and cut out cookies, and fudge.  

For Christmas Day, I have a brown sugar cured spiral ham, some potatoes to either roast or bake or make mashies with, depending on who is here and who feels like doing what, ha.  There is unsweetened applesauce and a bag of apples to make some yummy baked applesauce, and some green beans, and rolls. 

Home again...I wrapped a few presents after switching laundry over, then we headed back out the door to visit our friend Joe.  He gave us a bottle of wine for Christmas, we gave him a plate of cookies.  Then to Becky's to get my coat that I left there today, then home...again.

Dinner time...I had bought some cubed steak, and a marked down sirloin, and had to cook them, no problem, yum.  I also had a big bowl of salad.  

Now the day has gone by, and the house is amazingly cozy.  All the soft white string lights, the tree too, and the little fake fireplace with it's hum and warmth and fake flames flickering, I do love this season.  

Tomorrow, I plan to stay home.  I can't bake those cookies yet as our freezer space has been taken over, venison, but I have presents to wrap.  And Miss Char's room to vacuum.  Maybe I'll bag up the stocking stuff so I can see what I have for whom.  (I am only doing three stockings this year, Jon, Char, and Cam)

So no, life isn't as busy as it used to be way back when there were babies and toddlers and small children, and big children, and teenagers too.  But I keep busy, alternating that with being super lazy, ha.  I know how to put my feet up.  :). 

This weekend is looking very busy too, but you know what?  I'm not going to think about that right now.  

Have a good evening!  

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

my favorite store...

 ...this fine morning, I rallied Miss Cam to accompany me on some adventures.  We first went to my favorite store, the Amazon warehouse place.  On Tuesdays, their bins feature four dollar items.  Most of the things are just brown Amazon boxes with no description, and you're not allowed to open the boxes unless you bring them to the main table, where a guy will tape them back up after you look in them.  Well, all the guys seem really busy, so we didn't do that, and being rule abiding girls, we didn't peek in any at the bins, but we found some bargains anyway.  (if the boxes are already open of course we peek!)  I got a new duvet cover, French linen, with a top sheet that snaps onto it.  It sells for:  $399.  Seriously.  I didn't know this when I threw it in the cart, just thought it seemed soft, ha.  Camille got a nice new hamper, I got a GI Joe, a coffee mug with a plug in heated base, and a set of two Malacasa baking dishes (the big one was missing, supposed to be three), but regulary $54, for four bucks, not bad, and I think they are adorable. 

We also found an adorable pink floral sleeping bag, and I gave it to Ruth.  

A quick stop at the grocery store, I just ran in and got some donuts (three in one box for Wulf, Ten, Blythe, four in the other box for Camille, Grant, Ruth, share with Grace:)), and a few other things.  Then to Little Casear's for a pepperoni pizza...this is the sad tree they had...

Then, to Margaret's house for a bit.  She works full time, from home, so she was a bit busy, but the kids loved seeing us.  I dropped off some cute things I had gotten from the thrift store, and the donuts, and after bit, we left and went to Sam and Grace's house to play with Grant and Ruth and Maeve.  We brought them the pizza, which disappeared quickly.  We played snakes and ladders, and they got out all the pillows and blankets and made a big pile to jump in. 
Grant and Ruth, Maeve was still napping.

Then, it was time to get going, we stopped for coffee, then drove to pick up a prescription, then home....ahh, home.  Miss Kathryn came over for a visit with Achilles, Rhys, and Jamie! 

Our tree has been played with by grandchildren, ha.
Kathryn and her little ones.

We had a nice dinner, steak fried in the iron skillet, rice for the kids, and some Asian salad.  Jonathan made peanut butter cookies for his friend Sebastian's birthday, and left some here, but I didn't have any.  Oh ho the house smelled so good...I decided to bake some more chocolate chip from the dough I have in the refrigerator.   

After Kathryn left with three tired children, me sending Rhys with a Fancy Nancy Christmas book that Sonja loved when she was little, and a little stuffed snowman with Achilles, I decided to frost some cookies.  There are only a few left of the ones I baked last week and froze.  So...I need to make more, again!  

One more big batch of regular sugar cut outs, and one more batch of gingerbread cut outs.  And the fudge, if I get to it.  I still have so many things to wrap...I'd like to say I'll do it tomorrow, but tomorrow is looking a bit full...pool, then to a friend's house for a lunch gathering...maybe when I get home, I'll get some things done.  Miss Charlotte Claire is coming home from Germany on Friday, her room isn't quite ready for her yet.  

Anyway, it has been a busy, grandchildren filled day, I saw nine of them today!  phew!  I need to go pack up the cookies I frosted, so Suri doesn't have a feast tonight, and get myself to bed.  Our pool time is an hour earlier because the elementary school kids are using the pool at our usual time, and we don't really want to share the locker room.  

Ah well.  I'm glad I had some downtime this evening, I WAS going to go ahead and make those cookie doughs, but nah, just couldn't.  I told Camille that ten years ago, I would have.   

Life is good though, I am a very thankful girl.  Have a good night.

Monday, December 16, 2024

dark december mornings...

 ...the days will be getting longer soon, and shh, I rather like the darkness.  The sun is just rising now, and I've been up for a few hours.  (The cat.  He likes to go outside during the night.  When it's 3:30, I can usually go back to sleep, sometimes there is tossing and turning involved.  But this fine morning it was 5:30, and why even bother?). 

My water aerobics class is an hour earlier for the next month, because the elementary kids are using the pool, we like to get out of the locker room by the time they get in.  So I have to get moving earlier anyway.

This dog knows she isn't allowed on the couch.  She jumped up there and looked at me.  Paul thought it was funny.   
Orange Guy was on my chair with me, Old Kitty jumped up and tried to get closer.  She is his mother, and he is very disrespectful.  He is the king of the back of the couch, in the background, the couch the dog IS allowed on, and if his mother is there, he just hisses and swats at her, growls a little, and she jumps down.  She is so sweet, Ms. Purrer.   (He is a hunter though, a keeper, he always has a mouse out in the driveway, I hope he's keeping them out of my camper)
The cake that Camille made for cousin Linnea's birthday party, three layers of chocolate with buttercream.
Our church Christmas party for the kids, Camille helped me at the cookie frosting table...she has Jamie, then Maeve with Grace, and Rhys.  
The kids loved it.
Ruth and Rhys with presents
Me with Maeve at Achilles' birthday party.
With Jamie and Maeve...Maeve was tired, I think I could have rocked her to sleep, but when Jamie heard me singing to her, he had a No Fair face on, and wanted UP.  
Achilles, such a sweet boy.
Auntie Evelyn holding Blythe, and Uncle Sam holding Jamie
It's always a little sad for the other kids when the birthday child opens gifts, but it's good for them, right?
A triple batch of chocolate chip cookies with M& didn't quite fit in the new mixer, dang it.  

Ah well, it's going to be a busy week.  I have two different things to pick up from Marketplace today, then tomorrow I'm babysitting for Sam and Grace's kids.  There are presents to wrap, presents to buy, cookies to make and bake, and frost, and and and.  But.  I will not stress.  If I could do Christmas back when I had sixteen kids in the house, along with three December birthdays, I'll be fine.  I'm just a little older and creakier, ha.  (and let's not forget a bit more forgetful, but then I was always good at hiding a present and forgetting where I hid it, or forgetting something for my own Secret Santa after helping seven other people with theirs...)

There are stockings to stuff and a Christmas Eve buffet to plan, along with a Christmas dinner...I have to get cracking, don't I?   I actually have to hurry up and get out the door, pool time!  Have a good day!