summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, February 2, 2025

taking a day off....ha.

....a day off.  That means I won't be painting anything today, but I won't be sitting in my comfy chair with my feet up, either, not for too long anyway.  This fine morning, I got up and took a nice hot shower, then looked out the back window while the espresso machine heated up, and there was a fox!  I only got a shadow of his back in my picture, can you see him? 

You can see the slope of his back and his tail right in the middle of the picture, he had just crossed the path.  No wonder Sunny goes outside and barks like crazy sometimes.  

I'm bringing Paul to the airport in a few minutes, he's going to Houston for the week.  Then the store super quickly for some things for this afternoon's birthday bash, for Kathryn's husband Darius, then to church, then home and lots of kids and grandkids over!  I wish I could say I de-shambled, I sort of did, but there is much to be done.  I left in the middle of things yesterday to go to dinner with Evelyn and Nate, which was lovely.  

 The restaurant is at the edge of Skaneateles Lake, and the ice is frozen on the edges...there were skaters and an ice fisherman.  This lovely house was in my view, wow.  We had a good dinner, Nashville Hot chicken sandwich for me, but I cheated and got the sauce on the side.  Partly because I didn't want it dripped all over my sweater, right?  Anyway, it was a good time, and wedding plans are in the air!  (May!)

So yesterday, putting things back in the kitchen I decided to get rid of a shoe shelf we had there for years and decades, and move things around.  Projects beget projects.  The ceiling fan project, Paul removed the globes and cleaned the whole fixture.  I spray painted the metal brackets, and painted the blades with the same paint as the cabinets.  They're all dry and put back together, waiting to be hung back up, not sure he's going to get to it before we leave for the airport.  I might have to climb up on a chair.  

This is love, if you ever wonder what love is.  He hung up the curtains for me.  I had gotten the first pair up, but sshhh, they were upside down.  (See that naked ceiling fan light, waiting for it's newly painted paddles to be installed?).   That cube thing next to Paul was moved over to where the old shoe shelf was, now it's more open there.  I want to get rid of one table so we have more room, but we do need it when people come over.  

Anyway.   Life goes by so fast, the weekend just got here and now it's almost over.  I'm so thankful for my Sundays though, I really am.  That the older kids want to come here and hang out, and fill my house with fun and noise and discussions and encouragements...what a blessing.  The grandkids go wild, they love hanging out together.  I hate to be the nagging grandma, but I do find myself saying indoor voices!  No jumping on the couch!  Eat that cookie at the table!  Don't slam the door!  Well, things I said to my own children not so very long ago.  They are all such good kids though, and they're growing up so fast.   The four one year olds will be just three, as Jamie is turning two next month.  The other three won't turn two until August.  Grant was here the other day, and he made an American flag out of cardboard, and left it here accidentally.  It got lost between wall hangings we took down, to paint.  He was looking for it, Sam called me, I hadn't seen it..found it last night!  Wulf likes to make things when he's here too.  Last week he asked me for scissors, and said None of those safety scissors, maybe some kitchen scissors...he's always making something.  

Well, time to get moving...have a really nice day!  And I'll show you the ceiling fan when it gets put back together...


Linda said...

Safe travels to Paul, my friend. Have a beautiful day.

Anonymous said...

Hello Della!

I must be blind as I don’t see anything that looks like a fox πŸ™„ I have even put it on my iPad so it’s big!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰

Everything is coming together really nicely I think. You are right when you say one project starts another one. But it will all be lovely when it’s done. My goodness that a huge house you saw from the restaurant. I wonder what it’s like inside.

It is -22C here today and with the windchill-30C πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά Winter decided to rush in with a blast. We haven’t really had horrible winter weather this year but we do now and for the next week! 😱😱

My goodness another 2 weddings. How lovely 😊 Something to look forward to for sure…..and plan.

Enjoy all the family today.

Marilyn from Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

Terri D said...

I have two grandchildren and they are adults. I do sort of envy you all the noise and commotion!! I was part of that noise and commotion growing up but haven't had it since. You are right... time goes by so fast. Enjoy it!! xo