Suze and Kap
Suze and Kap
blah, when I sit here typing and say that I have things to do, I am not kidding. This place is a mess.
Aaron and Mali's cake...which I spruced up for them...
Kathryn Grace...and please, feel free to be mortified by the counters behind her...
Suzanne Eleanor
Sonja Kathleen
Suzanne, Joseph, and Aaron
Mali, Aaron, and their cousin Audrey
Aaron bringing out the cake
Their cake was gone quickly!
My sister Cheryl's daughter, Audrey, doing improv...Aaron in the middle of the three guys...
The Senior Dinner surprised me. I was going because it was nice to go, it was the right thing, I wanted to support my two seniors. But I had a really nice time! Dinner: I had two meatballs, only a few pieces of the baked ziti, no bread and butter, and lots of salad. Then a piece of cake, which cancelled out all the good I did skimping on dinner, but Oh Yum.
The best part was the improv. Aaron is funny, Mali is hilarious. I laughed 'til I almost cried.
Today is cooler than yesterday, but sunny. I took Miss Rosie on our walk, rrr that dog likes to bug me. When I brought her in for her food and water, I went back out the door and walked the other way down the road for a bit, going up a hill that isn't quite so evil, and walking at MY pace, not Rosie's Stop And Sniff Pace...not sudden lurches forward because of important things to check out, like birds.
I am still very motivated to move forward with this DIET and exercise thing. Other than the cake, I have been very faithful to eat carefully. I am thinking I need to step up the exercise though. Yesterday I only fit in my morning walk, no afternoon weights or swimming.
Going in the grocery stores is still challenging. I mean, yes, I do like low-calorie yogurt and fresh spinach and watermelon, but there are hundreds of things that I just do not eat anymore, and I see them and want them. I of course say NO, and survive, and it does get a tiny bit easier, but still. I find I am not buying nearly as much junk for the kids anymore, either. Although yesterday in Aldi there were 12 packs of those yummy horrible frosted cookies marked down to 89 cents. 89 cents! I bought four packages. Now, there are two left out there on the counter, and I can just taste that awful sugary overload...yum...but I shall NOT. Not even one bite.
Maybe I will go cover them up with a towel.
Sometimes I look at thin people and think NO FAIR. Are THEY tortured by cake? Taunted by ice cream? Perhaps, and they have just said NO, thus they are thin. I don't know. But I think perhaps I am a little bit cursed by this love of yummy things. But everyone has their battles. No one goes through life without their share of trials.
My princesses are awake and want their royal cereal. And I NEED to do some cleaning and straightening today....and laundry...blah, one of the children decided it was time to remove the plastic mattress protector since this child, "Never wets anymore, Mom. Never.". Ha. Two days later, soaked.
"Maybe I will go cover them up with a towel."
:) Good idea.
I love junk food, too. I need to lose 30 pounds to be a good weight for my 5 ft 9 inch height. I doubt I will do so, as I tend to snack a lot at work. At home, I frequently realise it is 11 am and I did not eat breakfast yet, as I was busy.
At work I get bored on slow days and eat. I should just empty the contents of my junk food stash in the candy bowl on my bosses desk sunday before I go home. It would be gone by Monday afternoon. ;)
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