summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, February 10, 2014

ahh, monday.....

I was going to write, "Monday morning", but alas, it is no longer morning. I slept the morning away, but before you get too jealous, let me fill you in: I was so sick last night. Ugh, blah, and dang, I was sick. I think I must have picked up something working at the Dome...I mean, thousands of people, handling money and serving food, I don't know. I was extremely tired all day yesterday, having just worked at the Dome on Friday....and I felt just not well. When we got home, I was DONE. I put my feetsies up, watched, "Downton Abbey", and that was it. phew. After I got into bed, I started having wicked stomach pain, and now I will be polite and spare you the details, but it wasn't pretty, nor was it fun.

It lasted most of the night, then when it was time to get the little ones up for school, I wimped out and asked Paul to ask Kathryn to send them for me. Thankfully she did so, and with a good attitude too.

My stomach hurts really badly. I feel washed out, tired, and just plain the total definition of the word BLAH.

But I don't want to complain. I mean, I am really really trying to fit in daily exercise, but today, ha. No thanks. I thought of the controversial poster of the young mom with three little ones, looking fitter than a fiddle, flashing those amazing abs of hers and asking, "What's Your Excuse?" Well. I have lots of them.

Anyway. I need to go pay the taxes today, and go to the store. Yeah, the store. We are out of bread, out of butter, no apples in sight, no bananas or yogurt. I don't FEEL like going, but I am going to try.

What I FEEL like doing is going back to bed. The one good thing is that I have absolutely no appetite, and if you put a box of donuts in front of me I wouldn't even desire to take a deep whiff of them.

I would like to bottle THAT up for one of those ravenous days.

Anyway. Samuel is leaving next week. The days are going by, and he is getting....antsy. He is excited, yet apprehensive. I am just feeling ripped off. Yeah, he's a big boy and it's his life, but he is just so much a part of my days. He is hilarious and has the biggest heart. He is like this huge little kid in a big man's body. I always thought of Sam as too good for this world, not a mean bone in his body. And the Army of all places! Oh dear. His boot camp, or Basic Training, will be in Fort Benning, Georgia. Infantry training, no joke. I know, thousands up on thousands of other young soldiers have survived boot camp, but guess what? I bet thousands upon thousands of moms have been secretly wondering if they trained their boys up well enough, if they would be able to handle it all without crying, if their boys would get through it. If they had done their Mother Job well enough to prepare their son for the harsh reality that is the Army. (oh, and lest I forget, daughters too, I forget that girls grow up and join the Army too...just not at Fort Benning basic, Sam says, because they are infantry only). Anyway.

I am not looking forward to the Goodbye.

Sam is out shoveling the driveway right now, with Jonathan (gym class?).

I do not know if I am going to make it to the store. I am not feeling it.


Pamela Wade said...

I'm so sorry you've got that nasty bug! I had it a couple of weeks ago and lost 10 pounds in 2 days! Yeah, I swore I would never eat again, but I did, and I gained the 10 pounds back in a few days. Hope you're feeling well soon. ~~Pam

Martha said...

I have lots of excuses too. If you want to meet for lunch we can discuss them. When you're feeling better, of course. :)

Anonymous said...

I can imagine how it is hurting your heart, sending one of your "babies" off. I have 2 sons of my own. They are little yet so I don't have that worry just yet. But a mother's love never changes. I am so proud of your son for joining up and fighting for our country. I am VERY proud of you, Paul and the rest of your family for supporting him (and Ben!). Families of the military are such an important part of the backbone that lets the soldiers do their jobs. Thank you. Good Luck Sam!


Anonymous said...

No excuses from me! Just a conscious decision to be with my children and an unwillingness to leave them in daycare while I work out and a decision to breastfeed and eat enough to make sure I have have plenty to fill their roly-poly tummies. No judgement on that women, of course, just an acknowledgment that she and I are different.
