Library days are so different now than they were way back when. Yesterday, for example, after dollhouse scoping, I helped Cam find some books. Suze helped Char, and Jon ventured out on his own and found a small stack of Spiderwick Chronicles. After making sure that Jon would keep an eye on the little girls, I wandered over to the other side and found some books of my own. I helped Suzanne find some science books, then went back and sat with the angelic children, who sat quietly reading their books, while Kap and Suze found some more books. I took a moment to acknowledge the peacefulness, and remembered how it used to be...
Back when one stroller wasn't quite enough...I mean, who goes in it, the toddler or the baby? If one has to carry the baby, because babies like to cry in libraries, and the toddler wants OUT of the stroller, something that should be avoided in a library unless one has ten hands, as they seem to like pushing the books backwards off the shelves, then there is carrying a baby and following an inquisitive one. Then there are the other kids...the three year old will most certainly have to use the bathroom, and for some reason, this is never quick. As they sit there on the nice different toilet, swinging their fat little legs, staring all around this lovely bathroom, Mama is holding a baby and hoping the other kids are really being good and watching that inquisitive one.
The fun didn't end when we got home with the books. No, it was keeping track of the books that was fun. That hasn't changed. Right now we are on our last renewal of, "Clarice Bean Spells Trouble".
Anyway. Life is relatively uneventful these days.
We went to Target. Jonathan found a Star Wars shirt for three dollars. Cam and Char found work-out pants, or "comfy" pants, as they call them. For a few bucks each. I got Easter Grass, eeks. And some flea prevention drops, and other assorted essentials. We didn't leave the store without two large slushies for the kids to share, and a thing of popcorn. And a diet soda for Mom.
Price Chopper. I let them order a six dollar pepperoni pizza, then help me with the shopping until it was ready. Then, ahh, they went and ate while I looked at my coupons in peace.
We are down to one vehicle while Paul is at work, since the other one is still being repaired. (Can you say Head Gasket: Blown.? ca-ching.) Anyway, in order to do some shopping, I had to drop Margaret off at her babysitting/nanny job. We picked her up when we were done, and headed home...putting away the groceries and talking to Samuel on the phone: he asked for leave for June and it WAS APPROVED!!!! Yay!!! That means he can join us at the cabin on the lake in the Adirondacks!!!!! Yay!
Then I made dinner, broiled steak...oh yum. I was right behind the meat department lady who had the roll of reduced stickers:) Several small packages with $3 and $5 off, and we had steak. We also had red skinned potatoes, sweet potatoes, sliced cucumbers, and baby carrots.
Ah the fun exciting details of my life.
Today, who knows. The girls are all excited because I bought little clay pots to plant flowers in. They get to paint them first. They are excited about this weekend, because we are watching Aaron's black lab. They are excited about filling the baskets. They want to help me this year. wah. My youngest children, in on the basket filling. But it seems like fun to them, so why not?
I told Sam on the phone that I am filling him a basket for Aaron, Mirielle, Margaret, and Evelyn to bring to him. He didn't say, "Oh Mom, I don't need an Easter basket." No, he did not.
The kids need help with stuff, and I have things to do, but this has been great fun. It is sunny and cold out, 23 when I took the dogs out for the second time of the day. brrr. But the sun is shining, and spring IS coming. That snow in the yard will melt, and the mud will dry up, and we will be able to go out in our bare feet. One of these days.
My grown up daughters.........before they were married etc would come home for Easter and would hunt for Easter eggs..........the Easter Bunny always managed to hide some before they arrived :-) I happened to say that I thought the Easter Bunny might not come anymore and they gave me such pathetic looks :-) :-)
Marilyn from Canada
Marilyn, the Easter Bunny can't stop coming! I won't fill 16 baskets this year, but close. We have a family friend who will be here, he has to have one. And Mali is pregnant, she HAS to have one. Last year I filled one for my girls who live in the house in town to share. I just don't want to eat the candy myself, yikes. I wish I hated candy.
I laughed at your library of days gone by story. When my babies were little I had a pair of old white baby shoes with bells on the toes. I passed the from child to child just like the experts tell you not to do. :0) When the baby toddled about the children's library, which was wonderfully downstairs at the time, before they built the fancy new town hall, I could hear where in the children's library Baby was by listening for the jingle of little bells when he/she walked. How I miss the old library days when we walked from our house in town up the hill, around the corner, and down the street to the little library on the corner, my wagon full of little ones and others hopping long beside. (Being nostalgic is so fun.)
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