Charlotte Claire is discovering how nice it is to read a book. In the beginning of this school year, she didn't care much for going to the library.

After the fabric store, I dropped them off at...McDonald's. They really wanted to go, just one dollar item each, please Mom. Fine. They ended up having quite a good time there, while I ran through Price-Chopper all by my lonesome. I picked up some more strawberries, green peppers, chicken, coffee, and yogurt...and two loaves of bread because the cheese was on sale. I realized that my kids love grilled cheese sandwiches, and just because I don't eat bread anymore doesn't mean they shouldn't have the option of their favorite lunch. Anyway.
We had taco salad for dinner, yay me, I didn't have any tortilla chips with mine. I had a good day yesterday...one square of dark chocolate, two squares of milk chocolate...from France...not optimal, but not too bad overall. Paul cooked up some fresh beets with dinner, and I had some...yummers.
I got up early this morning. I do this thing where I wake up in the wee hours of the morning and start thinking about important things. This morning it was around five a.m. I finally got up at 6:11. If let the dogs out, then wiped their muddy paws when they came back in. I fed them, swept the floors, washed up the stray dishes that accumulated since dinner last night, wiped down the counters, and talked with Evelyn and Sonja as they got ready for Real School. I put in some laundry, and talked to Paul as he got ready for work, and I had some bulletproof coffee (Paul's recipe). He has been eating super healthy, and doing intermittent fasting...he hasn't lost weight, but is leaner, and is feeling so good. He was hardly jet-lagged after this last trip, and I think it's because of his diet. He was showing me the notches on his belt..,"Sure, show the fat girl how big your belt is getting on you."
No fair.
But, there's nothing I can do but keep on, and not give up. Progress is so sloooooow. Once I decide I want something, I don't want to wait for it! Each little thing we do seems so inconsequential, but that is deceiving. It does matter, overall. Losing weight is the result of a massive series of small decisions, many of which are truly painful. It's sort of like our path of salvation...it doesn't happen overnight, but if we listen to that still small voice of God speaking to us about our own behavior, and are faithful, then we make progress and become more patient and more humble.
Kathryn is up now, so I will end my rantings and ramblings now. It is one of those cozy dark and rainy days here in central New York state, and I want to go get in bed with my stack of library books...but I have things to do and children to teach. I have to take Miss Margaret to the post office to mail in her paperwork for her work Visa, she is going to Norway for a year with Abigail. The little girls want to go to the pool. So..bye for now.
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