And I miss him. He is a very special kid. He has a huge heart, a whole litany of sarcastic remarks, and the ability to make even the smallest outing an adventure. He also has a very special bond with his siblings, particularly these two girls, Kathryn (Kap), and Suzanne (Karl).

Home. Ah, home. There's nothing like it. Of course being the mom and the chief cook and housecleaner, walking in the door is always a treat. I have to remember how thankful I am that I have older kids who can and will hold down the fort for me...they took such good care of the little ones! Mirielle brought them to the park to ride bikes, and for ice cream, and made them a special lunch at her house. She was here with them too, watched the first episode of Downton Abby with them, and tucked them in. Margaret and Evelyn and Sonja were also good to them, as I imagine Joseph was, although he probably let his sisters do most of it.
With all this in mind, I walked in the door last night...and tried really hard not to notice things...long story short: I just stayed up for an hour or so and cleaned up. I was wound up from driving, and from that large iced coffee from Starbucks, so I swept and mopped and shined things up, washed a load of towels, and thought about things. It wasn't too bad, and lest you think they were lazy when I was gone, not true. They just did things their own way for the weekend, and had lots of time outside with the kids.
Anyway, I climbed into my big comfy bed last night with two little bed hogs named Charlotte Claire and Camille. They promptly moved into my room as soon as Paul left for France on Saturday. We woke up this morning with too much to talk about. I showed them all my pictures on my phone, and they told me about their weekend. Then I gave them their presents. I usually bring them back the little shampoos and lotions and all the packets of tea and sugar from the hotel, but sometimes I get them little gifts too. We went to the toy store yesterday...Sam said it had been way too long since he had been to ToysR Us. We got Jonathan a really nice light saber, and a Nerf-style StarWars gun for Char, and a little dollhouse furniture set for Cam. (Shh, Sam bought two light sabers to bring back to barracks...they might be all grown up and in the Army, but those soldiers are still just big boys who like to play.)
Anyway. It is nice out today, so I have big plans. I have already slathered sunscreen on my sunburn. I can't believe I am 49 years old and haven't learned that being in the sun for several hours after a long winter...duh.
Oh happy, Aaron is here!!!! bye for now!
1 comment:
That's so nice you were able to visit your son Sam. My son's in the Navy, far away from home, so I understand how much you miss your sons that are away. Glad you enjoyed some time together.
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