Kathryn and I, twins:)...she had just had her long hair cut...I think it's adorable, it frames her face...

This is Suzanne before her haircut, and sorry, I don't have an "after" one. But she looks adorable too.
What a day. We went to BJ's to get a new steam mop...something I didn't know I needed until my sister-in-law explained how much she likes hers. I had rewards money, so decided that yes, I needed a steam mop. I haven't opened it yet...I swept the floor this morning before I left to get bloodwork done, and it needs to be swept again before I mop...those bad doggies and their flying fur.
Then we went for haircuts...then to Marshall's because it was a rainy day and it wasn't time for my dr. appt. yet. Then to the McDonald's drive through because Kap and Suze were hungry. I didn't get anything.
Then to the Dr. I hate going to the dr. My weight was down fifty-three pounds since the time 4 years ago I decided to change my lifestyle. It was down four pounds since I was there two years ago for a sore throat. Anyhow. My blood pressure was 138/88, which freaked me out. All this healthy eating, and what???!! The N.P. wasn't as alarmed as I was, she said it fell below the parameters for high blood pressure. Well, I said, it is too high for me. She took it again with a different cuff, and it was 122/80. The bottom number still seems high for me, but oh well. The visit went well, she ordered bloodwork, scheduled a mammogram, and recommended a trip to the gyn. for a pap smear, which yay, seriously? I know, preventative health, but blah. Anyway. She had never heard of the ketogenic diet, and seemed to share my affection for healthy fats.
I won't lie, (wait, I HATE that phrase. Of course I won't lie!), but I was a bit disappointed with my dr. visit. My weight loss has been so so slow, but I thought at least my blood pressure would be nice and low...I guess I put too much stock in numbers, but when you try and try and do all you can to be healthy, you want to be healthy, dang it! There's nothing to do but keep on, though. My goal is to avoid the onset of type-II diabetes...
After the doctor, we headed over to the county clerk to get a passport for Suzanne Eleanor! wow, 14 years old, and a passport, lucky girl! She is going to Israel in September with Emily and Abigail and Mirielle and Margaret and Kathryn, and lots of their friends from church. Do you believe they didn't need me to go to help chaperone?:)
Then, to the grocery store for veggies and milk and cheese and chicken...
Home..I grilled the chicken outside, and served it with rice and mixed veggies. Cherries and pistachios for dessert.
This morning, I got up bright and early and headed to the small city for my blood work. I do not appreciate fasting blood work. I brought my coffee with coconut oil to drink afterward, and felt fine. I wandered through the grocery store all alone, to buy bananas and eggs and strawberries and plums and cauliflower and popsicles and dog biscuits.
Home...and here I am. I have a multitude of things to do, but here I am. The marble game came in the mail, and it looks like fun. The sun is shining though, and we need to get outside, after these past few rainy days...
What kind of person gets all excited about a new mop? I can't wait to try it.
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