Mali...and Zac...their baby is due at the end of August...we had a baby shower today.

All eleven of my daughters were there!

Suzanne and Kathryn love each other.

I made SO many cupcakes! Lemon, with lemon buttercream frosting, chocolate with regular vanilla buttercream frosting, and vanilla with vanilla...the mixing and stirring and egg separating and lemon peel grating and alternating ingredients! I had a rough cupcake day on Friday...the small cake I was attempting to bake tipped over in the oven...I cleaned up the batter as best as I could, but not quick enough, it caught on fire. Calm cool and collected as always, I stood there yelling for Joseph, because Kathryn and Suzanne were out in the pool with the younger kids....Joe didn't hear me, and I didn't see the fire extinguisher, so I threw baking soda on it, and it went out. My adrenaline must really have been flowing, because afterwards I felt like jelly. And now I had no more baking soda to bake the lemon ones...but I didn't care...I was DONE.
Saturday morning Mirielle and I shopped for food...hot sausages and hot dogs and coneys (spicy white hot dogs), and chicken...she marinated it and cut it in cubes, put it on skewers, and grilled it....mmm. We bought watermelon and grapes and strawberries, and stuff for pasta salads, and tossed salad, and baked beans and salt potatoes...we bought candy and drinks for the kids, and lemons for iced water with lemon. Zac's mom bought the rest of the drinks.
Then home...to make the lemon cupcakes, and frost them all.
This morning, up bright and early to boil up the salt potatoes, and pack up everything and go to the park....it was a beautiful day, and Mali was very blessed. She got so many nice baby things!
I am tired tonight...it was busy and fun, but phew. Tomorrow I have to bring Jon to the dentist, and bring Duke to the vet...his ear is yucky. And, my boys are coming in on Friday morning! First Ben from Washington state, with Ashley and my grand daughter Anya, then Samuel from Washington D.C.! We are renting our camp next week! Yay for vacation! Abigail and Mirielle were here tonight helping me make menu plans and lists and appointing a few of the older ones to buy different things....fun!
Ah well...good night!
Is it bad if I smiled at the fire in your oven?
I had a fire in my oven once too (well, at least once...)
Beautiful girls........fabulous cakes! You were one busy momma for a couple of day, weren't you? After all that work it's good to know it was such a success :-)
Marilyn from Canada
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